After a month of experimentation and discussion, we can announce that the *OFFICIAL* IRC channel for Gamers On Linux is at:
Aremis has pitched in and will help supervise the channel, I'll be in there, and anyone else who wants to can drop by and have a bit of a chat with us. Beware of the time zones and don't get frustrated, thinking we are ignoring you: you might not get an answer right away until we have more participants lurking around. I'm in GMT +7, and Aremis is in GMT -6. If I'm sleeping, you'll see my name as 'thunderrd[away]', so you know I won't be back for some time. Aremis and I plan to be logged in 24/7, but of course, we aren't always available.
Like most things of this nature, popularity can develop slowly, so give it a try and see how you like it.
Just go in, ask away, and idle in the channel; hopefully if this thing gets rolling we can have some of our 'experts' around frequently. Make appointments with your mates if you want...