Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is a Massive Multiplayer Online Game (MMO) by Square Enix. As you might expect the world of FFXIV is filled incredibly amazing music that revolves around old themes, and classes such as Dragoons, Summoners, White Mages, Black Mages, Ninja, Botanist, etc.
I'll be breaking down this guide into several sections.
1. Overview
The WINE I'm providing has CSMT patches integrated. I also merged the patches that were made a year ago to solve the user interface flickering issue. Originally this guide was going to include PlayOnLinux instructions, but it became apparent that creating a shortcut in POL is an uphill battle, for some reason it didn't want to create a simple shortcut.
Winetricks is required to be installed before using this guide.
2. Getting it running
Due to taking down...