Are you still in 17.3? You do know that 18.2 was just released? not sure if you can just upgrade as I did from 18 and 18.1, to 18.2.
Others may see this differently but it is my belief that Mint keeps updating because they just keep getting better and they want you to get better as well.
Any time I run into a problem, like the Nvidia apt losing all my settings every time I rebooted. The first thing I try is updating my install from Mint.
Over time, update after update Mint has made all my problems...well They just go away. Leaving me with a whole big bunch of beautiful back grounds to try on.
I know your on the conservative side George. Nothing wrong with that. But you've let yourself become out dated.
If you have reservations they are a hold over from the past.
"My name's not Lisa my name is Jewelie"
I used that quote from the worst song I've ever heard to indicate just how very RETRO you've been!
This is not Windows, you don't have to defend yourself from new releases. Even better if a mistake is made you don't grow old waiting for MS to fix it...if they ever do.
Mint is created and maintained by celibate monks whose intense vision has narrowed to but one task! To keep George happy and well updated and protected.
If you don't believe me then you just killed a god damn fairly! LOL
"It's just so easy to fall in love"
(Buddy Holly RIP)
I used that quote just because Buddy made thick framed glasses a white shirt and narrow tie cool again.
Sing buddy's song and let it rip, update and see if that fixes your life...I'm beginning to think seeking enlightenment i a waste of your time. Just wait for the Mint update!
As far as I know and people who love me have told me this, I'm the only one who encounters other worldly problems that require priests and magicians in great number to solve. (Fortunately there are several in this forum.)
The way it works for the great unwashed is this...
You have a problem, but because have a life, you can be reasonably sure someone not encumbered by a life will have encountered that problem before you did.
There is no shame in this.
Then the lifeless ones complain to the monks at mint so that by the time you get to the problem they have put the fix up for grabs in Mint Update.
Good luck!
(I decline all responsibility for this posting..I ....I just can't seem to help myself....I'll try updating again....I'm the only thing that Update manager has yet to fix...and possibly one or two to others...maybe 3 or 4 but no more than 5!!