New to Linux


New Member
Sorry if i posted this in the wrong forum section i did use the search option and nothing showed up for me.Hi all I am new to linux.Here is my problem/question.

I have a dell dimension e521 desktop yeah i know haha smh poor guy but wait it gets better i have windows vista 32 bit on it yes i know i feel like one of those guys that just got the crapped kicked outta them by the hero badass in those action movies and im licking my wounds from it.

What distro would you guys recommend to me for this i have 3.2gigs of ram amd processor and radeon 5450 graphics card in there this will be used to play unreal tournament 3 and KOTOR 2 on pc and the elder scrolls games i think i maybe able to do oblivion not sure and i do want to play the older ones eventually SKYRIM WITH MODS (DROOLS).What do you all recommend for me PLEASE HELP ME OUT and Thank you
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The choice of distro is a very personal choice, but for a newcomer to Linux then I would recommend Linux Mint because it is quite easy to use, and the default Cinnamon desktop will seem familiar to a Windows user. Linux Mint and Ubuntu are almost identical, the biggest difference lies in the visual look, oh and Mint automatically installs some useful software like Java, Flash and codecs.

Both Linux Mint and Ubuntu have different "flavors" that come with a different dekstop environment, which just means it will look different. You can have a look at both websites for Ubuntu and Mint, there are screenshots available so you have a look at what looks interesting to you.

When it comes to playing games, there really is no difference. You can install PlayOnLinux on any Linux distro and play games. The only real difference is in your desktop environment, certain desktop environments are more lightweight as a result will make it easier to handle games.

I suggest you have a look, and pick one that seems interesting and download the ISO. The ISO can be burned to a DVD or you can use a USB stick. You should also know that you can boot your computer from the ISO and actually run a "test" install without actually installing anything on your computer. This is useful to test that your wifi, and other basic things work, and it also lets you do some basic exploration of the desktop environment. So you can basically take it for a test drive before installing.
I would recommend ubuntu flat out. Get used to that the UI's are different and learn your way around through exploration. You might get curious of other UI's eventually.
Mate/Mint. I would avoid Ubuntu, Canonical is pretty much the MS of Linux. Unless you don't care about what a company stands for and how they do things. Which is fine.
If you are okay with reading Wiki's and jumping right into things then I would actually recommend straight up Debian. You tend to learn more about Linux when not using a distro that just bloats it. Which is what Ubuntu AND Mint both do. I wouldn't install Gnome 3 though, it is pretty resource intensive. LXDE would probably be the least intensive.

You wont be playing Skyrim with mods on your rig. Not happening. Not even on Windows.
That is a bit extreme, considering Ubuntu has always been free and Microsoft tries to suck every penny for every piece of software.
I'm sticking with Mint from now on.
Mint has been great!
I was previously a Windows gamer and Mint has made the transition very easy and painless to game in Linux.
Like Daerandin wrote, Cinnamon Graphical User Interface is very similar to Windows. Mint even has Windows themes to make it appear like Windows.

Every single Guide I have create is with Mint
I have Ubuntu on two laptops but use Mint on 3 desktops (one is an all-in-one touchscreen)
Everything is going GREAT
Lots of gaming, networking, SketchUp, GIMP for graphics editing, Remmina for Remote Desktop and Chromium for web browsing.
Linux Mint Cinnamon is the way to go. It works a lot like windows and if you have an issue there are likely to be more answers. It is so easy even I can do it.
This thread is aboot a year old.
So...what distro would be recommended for a complete and utter Linux noob that is also basically "the village idiot"?
Well it kinda depends on where you are coming from.
  • Were you a Windows or Mac gamer?
  • Do you just want Linux to work or do you want intimate knowledge of it?
  • Are you primarily running native games or Windows games?
Coming from Win. Want Linux to work and thus may pique my interest into delving a bit more intimately :)
My gaming tends toward the explore/puzzle solve kinda longer much of an FSP fellow.
Then I highly recommend Linux Mint Cinnamon 64-bit
Cinnamon does a great job combining Windows keyboard shortcuts, right-click options and navigation. There are even themes to make it look like XP, Win7 or Win10

It is very stable and works great out-of-the-box.
And... if you want to install games or drivers, we have guides right here in our forum.
Nope, I have it on 5 computers at home. Runs GREAT!
Just make sure to install 32-bit libraries and video drivers.
I use Fedora (just upgraded to F25), but I'm not sure I'd recommend it to someone just getting started, mainly because it defaults to Gnome 3, which IMO is just horrid (but that's my opinion). However, I use F25 with Cinnamon, and as Boo says, Cinnamon is VERY nice.
As this seems your first effort and first efforts most often succeed when things are simple....
I'd definitely go with Mint 18 Cinnamon. There are certainly more knowledgeable people in this very thread.

That's why you should listen to me. I'm terrible at Linux. But I'm pretty good at using Mint. For most other destros I need all the help I can get!!

In Mint I feel like I'm accomplished just because I don't have do many of the things required by other destros.
Mint installs my drivers. For this alone they should live forever! ":O}

Mint is beautiful in it's simplicity, yet has everything "I" need.

You will probably struggle a bit with any new OS. But I "Feel" you will get the hang of things sooner in mint.

as I've said there are folks here far more into Linux than I will ever be able to catch up with.

"They" get to do whatever they want in Linux and still come out on top.

Mint alone puts me on top.

Besides if you go with Fedora You will have to talk to Gizmo when you need help.

I personally feel that I'm the only one who should really have to talk to Gizmo.":O}

In any case I'm happy your going to try Linux. Even happier that you've decided to do it here.

(You have decided to do it here right? ":O}

Go slow be patient. Never hesitate to ask question of those far more knowledgeable people than me, I learn something just about every time someone does.

There's a place in this world for knowledgeable people. If they would just stay there!! LOL

That's why you should listen to me. I'm terrible at Linux. But I'm pretty good at using Mint. For most other destros I need all the help I can get!!

Oh hell yes. Trust Daniel on this; I had him on Fedora for a while. What a bleedin' NIGHTMARE! (for me). One of the happiest days of my life was when Daniel found Mint. :)
But did I get flowers, a card even ?Anything! See what I mean about talking to Gizmo!? ":O}
Mate/Mint. I would avoid Ubuntu,.
First Welcome, only to happy to see you here! Hope to see you here soon again and often.
2. I've just gotta ask, your chosen name. Is it any easier to pronounce where your from than it is say on Earth? ":O}
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I sat for 5 minutes trying to work it out. I was just to shy to ask...So I set my insidious trap for the helpful an unwary. Thank you I now have all the understanding you posses on this matter and no body can take it from me....

Well. you could try asking nice, but don't grovel it's undignified! ":O}
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I sat for 5 minutes trying to work it out. I was just to shy to ask...So I set my insidious trap for the helpful an unwary. Thank you I now have all the understanding you posses on this matter and no body can take it from me....

Well. you could try asking nice, but don't grovel it's undignified! ":O}
