Is it time to self quarantine"

Hey guys, been a while since my last posting here. Hope everyone is doing well in these times. Norway shut down all schools, almost all public gathering places. People don't have to stay a home, but everyone is strongly advised to do so. Anyone who has been outside of Norway have to stay in home isolation for two weeks, and anyone who's had direct contact with someone coming from outside Norway must also do the same. People who temporarily lose work because of this still receive full pay.

Jobs that can be done from home have to let their employees work from here, and other work places are required to adhere to certain new rules. At my job we are not allowed to get within 1 meter of each other while working, and at the break rooms people have to keep 2 meters distance. These measures seem to work as our death rate is quite low and new infections seem to be rising slowly.

We are even monitoring our border to Sweden now, something we have not done since 1905 when we broke the union with them, so things are definitely a bit odd here. Hope everyone else is doing well, stay at home and wash your hands whenever you've been outside. And don't touch your face!

It seems like a lot of people don't worry because they figure they will survive the virus. The odds are definitely in most people's favor, but while you survive you might infect someone who will not survive. So keeping yourself as safe as you can is important not just for yourself, but for your community as well.
I spoke at length in the laptop hook up thread.
You ever have a guest that got up to leave at just the right time
But then changed their minds and lingered 4 more hours?

This is only a little like that."O}
If i repeated my questions asked in laptop thread, you would only have to repeat your answers here,

I thought your cartoonist delightful even if he did skip over the wonderful work viruses do in the world. But perhaps it's just as well. I had no idea that viruses were such dicks!
Hey guys, been a while since my last posting here. Hope everyone is doing well in these times. Norway shut down all schools, almost all public gathering places. People don't have to stay a home, but everyone is strongly advised to do so. Anyone who has been outside of Norway have to stay in home isolation for two weeks, and anyone who's had direct contact with someone coming from outside Norway must also do the same. People who temporarily lose work because of this still receive full pay.

Jobs that can be done from home have to let their employees work from here, and other work places are required to adhere to certain new rules. At my job we are not allowed to get within 1 meter of each other while working, and at the break rooms people have to keep 2 meters distance. These measures seem to work as our death rate is quite low and new infections seem to be rising slowly.

We are even monitoring our border to Sweden now, something we have not done since 1905 when we broke the union with them, so things are definitely a bit odd here. Hope everyone else is doing well, stay at home and wash your hands whenever you've been outside. And don't touch your face!

It seems like a lot of people don't worry because they figure they will survive the virus. The odds are definitely in most people's favor, but while you survive you might infect someone who will not survive. So keeping yourself as safe as you can is important not just for yourself, but for your community as well.
Glad Norway values her people so highly.

I'm amazed ! We have only asked that people stay home and do whatever they like.

but for to many this was too great an infringement. and so more will sicken, more will die. People can be such children.

Don't let up! tenacity is everything with this one.

What type of work are you doing these days?
Sill single? LOL
At my job we are not allowed to get within 1 meter of each other while working, and at the break rooms people have to keep 2 meters distance. These measures seem to work as our death rate is quite low and new infections seem to be rising slowly.

Bear in mind that virus particles travel up to 8 metres when someone sneezes, and possibly further inside buildings with fans/aircon. Normal breathing travels 2 metres.

It's not possible that a 1 metre distance is keeping you safe, it will be because of something else, e.g. nobody you work with is infected to begin with.
I should have said something! I'm sorry I let social norms and a false sense of politeness silence me.
Daerandin, Danrok is absolutely and unequivocally correct and I apologize to you for not warning you.

A sneeze travels at up to 90 miles an hour for 6 to 10 feet. Covid can live for 2 to three days on a cardboard surface, Almost as long on glass and cans.

Unless your employer checks temps as you arrive and tests high temps for the virus, you could be sitting in the middle of the next hot spot.

If virus in active any where near you please call in sick!

People are drooping like flies all over the world this very day.
People Who feel just great are shedding virus everywhere the go.

Your co-workers have 5 to 7 days to give you the virus before they feel any trace of illness..

This will not pass up any chance to kill you and/or the ones you are closest to. the ones you love.

This is not a matter for debate. Random opinions will kill many who did not need to die.Check the WHO and get the facts. You and your co-workers are in grave danger. Please stay home, it's just for a few weeks or months depending upon how many stay home.

This thing just walked through Italy's best equipped hospitals and left them in taters begging for mercy!

New York arguably one of the world's great cities is a ghost town. Rome's streets are deserted. Briton is on lock down.

No where in the world are we winning!

Most all of our efforts are to drag patients though this alive.

New York is losing around 800 people a day now.

Your boss wants to make money. I want to keep you alive and who are you going to listen to, me and the cries of the dying or your boss?

Be well my friend, stay home.

But from where will mercy come!?

From those good people who stayed home.
Just think we have no weapons to use in this battle!

We can only cut the enemies supply chain and hope he starves to death on the way to engage our immune systems.

Spare yourself and spare your neighbors but most of all help preserve the lives of our first responders who are falling at alarming rates.

I just don't know how to bring this home to you. I feel dreadful that my first response was so misleading, dangerously so. Your not OK in your present circumstance. Like most of us you have no idea how close Covid might be to you. And you are unlikely to before you catch it and spread it.

Please reconsider and stay at home, your life may well depend upon it.

As for you Danrok thank for giving me the chance to repair any harm I might have done. Always a good thing to have clear headed friends,

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As of today they have set-up a lab locally which can do testing with results available the same day, instead of having to use limited facilities in the UK.

They'll be testing hospital patients and workers first.
America now has roughly 4 times the numbers of the next hightest country.
Almost all of them avoidable. Trump sticks his fat ass in front of the mic and pathological lies about everything. Then he lets the CDC talk. and says things no one can understand. Like:

"I'm not a doctor but..." and then contradicts the doctors.

We have a half a dozen Governors who refused to issue stay at home orders despite having hundreds of Covid infections.

I'm counting on those states to keep us number one! And to bury a lot of stupid people.

Washington state is no longer in the top Ten. I thank God every day for Governor Inslee. A man for all seasons. The guy did everything right and at the right time.Washington sate has plateaued. It came at the cost of many health care providers who laid down their lives for their brothers and sisters.

I have not heard of a single instance in which they fail to show up. On the contrary Doctors and nurses chartered buses to get here and threw themselves into the fray. I have NEVER been so proud of Americans as I am today.

As a hermit I'm a model citizen! But getting Patti to stick to one trip into town every two weeks has been a bit tough. Trailers really don't have much storage and we keep running out. The poor girl is use to daily shopping after work.

Remain virulent. Remember America in your prayers. May God bless Jersey and all who live there on.
It's safe to assume that the Trump sincerely wants people to die. And we are so lucky that this Corona monster brings a very painful death.

This is glaringly visible and still we refuse to remove him from any political post. This tells me that we live in Crazy-land. And a very sad Crazy-land too.
The thing to remember about the statistics is that some countries are doing more testing so they will find more cases, and the death tolls only count people who die in hospitals.

It can look like some countries are doing better than they really are. Obviously North Korea doesn't really have zero cases!
Morning brought some rather scary reports from China and South Korea.
People who have been infected and recovered are reinfecting.

It is not know if they were re-infected or the virus is re-activating within them.

Either way this shoots the hell out of our hopes for a quick come back.

Basically we have two hopes. The virus would move though our populations at a slow enough rate that our hospitals could handle the sick and return them to us as productive citizens even keeping us afloat while the rest of us endure our time in Covid barrel.

The second is of course a cure or a vaccine.

Little is know about the reinfected. How many or how badly the reinfection hits them. Will the second infection be worse or far milder? Neither China or South Korea have been very fourth coming...They may not as yet know.

"Many the times I have fallen to my knees simply because I had no where else to go."
Abraham Lincoln (The father of human equality)
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Why yes, we must self-quarantine. Needing groceries throws a horse fly into the self quarantine ointment. I'm so fortunate that I can eat regularly and have a roof over my head too. Billions of people don't have these things that make life a lot more bearable.

Hyper Capitalism is hard at work killing off nurses and doctors. Many of them have had their pay cut as well. They can easily be fired for bringing in their own PPE. This is true madness. As an allegedly First World country we are taking the absolute worst care of our people that we can. And this is supposed to be the best we can do.

It is the best that we can do. This Covid-19 plague will kill more than twice as many Americans than we project. Because we are lied to. Left, right and center.
I don't see our failure as economically connected. This is trumfery in his ever shinning stupidity. I saw a New York columnist a woman in her 60's on Billl Marr. She has cover trumpery for 30 years.

Here's what she said of him.

"Trumphy is dumber than the stupidest person you know. She said it really is hard to grasp just how stupid he is."

She said she has been watching him making the wrong choice when a monkey would have made the right choice for so long that it's elevated her view of monkeys. thrumphy is just as greedy and far dumber than a monkey.

More recently I read that low IQ people do not realize they are stupid. As they cannot see that others are more intelligent. trumphry seems to prove this.
"Americanism is a force for good." One must be a complete fool to say this, much less believe it. IMHO, America is an evil, vicious monster. Kinda like the Preznit.
George America is little or no worse than any other country. There is good reason for this. All countries are inhabited by humans.

And humans have their flaws. We shit where we eat basically.

But we also have Gandhi and M.L K.
The way this works is that we each get to choose who and what we support with the movement of our lives.

It's all about positive and negative forces it does not matter how richly trummy deserves our hate.. Hate remains a negative force and cultivates evil among us.

While we are hating tummy M.L.K's words are lost to us. and trummy wins.

Reach only for that you wish to take home to the kids.
I'm an American who sees the great evil wrought upon the world by this country. Saying that all of us are simply human doesn't get this historical monstrosity off of the hook. America-a force for evil. See it or not.
OK we can try the hard way.LOL

M.L.K. is an American. Was a leader in a vast American movement Which sought to establish equality among all men.

Lincoln could have never achieve for us what he did in any other country on Earth. Men like counties come in good and evil.

But as I have said before Evil cannot exist with out the good to negate.

So Evil always starts with something good, then perverts it. Evil is always a negation.

If the negation is absolute then both good and evil are no more.

l creates nothing. I can only negate what the good has created.

I live as I choose a free man in a free country. I battle everyday those forces that would take the Good I know from me.

In no way do I see my life as evil. Flawed yes, but never evil. This Is my country as much as it is any other's. And from this country much that is good and undiminished by evil has come to me from my countrymen.

Yes there is evil in this world. But Evil can never claim a victory. If evil prevails it ceases to be as it owes it's duration to the good it seeks to negate.

I have done evil things in my life. That does not mean that I am evil.

Only that I made mistakes on my journey. but I can still rid myself of mistakes.

America and all countries can do the same. You can do the same.
As of today they have set-up a lab locally which can do testing with results available the same day, instead of having to use limited facilities in the UK.

They'll be testing hospital patients and workers first.
We are doing great...just ask the idiot in charge.

Now that we know the virus can return after we thought it was cured...

I looks like we will stay in lock down until we have a vaccine.
Trummmy well and truly screwed this country, it may be years before we get unscrewed.
We know how to stay safe, it's up ti us weather we use that knowledge.
"A free man in a free country." Maybe one must participate in a war to be able to see truth and fiction more clearly. Do you genuinely think that you live in a free country? If so I have to call ignorance when I see it.

Your opinion is noted, may it serve you well.