Is it time to self quarantine"

I've been working the whole time, but they've relaxed the lockdown here now.

We can go out for 4 hours a day for any reason.

They've just completed a field hospital with 180 beds but it is currently unused.
Sounds like your right where the rest of us "Should be."

We have people in the tens of thousands that believe that you can't catch covid unless you want to or your a democrat.

Me and covid are giving them 21 days to come to their senses.

On a far more serious note. Babies are being infected in a way previously not seen.Day before yesterday we had 20 reported,yesterday over 60.

Reason is no longer the local currency. We now now trade in childish temper tantrums. political lairs and Tummmys ridiculous fantasy of greatness.He just got caught firing our foremost virologist for not pushing the malaria drug that killed 20% of the vets they tried it on.

If some one finally does shoot him in the face,,I'd like to be on the jury/":O}
Please, don't tempt me.
I'm sure I could find my old 7mm Mag with 4x Leupold scope ;)

No, better we should be on the jury. Face it the toad isn't worth the time it would take to shoot him. But WE ALL want to see the plaintiff get a fair acquittal.Yes?

I feel personally he should get a Republican trial.Maybe in the Senate. That way no witness, documents or any matter relating to the the missing face can unfairly introduced to prejudiced the folks at home.

Maybe his second impeachment will go better, what with all the dead republicans.. who who knew sharing their love of freedom. just 21 days ago, waving flags American and Nazi,
reconciled at last, as a covid talisman might fall short of immunity?

Well at lest their not killing my mother and father. Seems like they might have treated their own families better.
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I hear those Asian hornets have turned up in Washington.

We have a bit of a problem with them here as well.
I hear those Asian hornets have turned up in Washington.

We have a bit of a problem with them here as well.

Have you ever seen a more aggressive looking machine like killer!? i can remember a few years back seeing them on film in Japan.

Seems their only saving grace s that they have relatively small numbers in their hive, sometimes as few as a dozen. But that's all it take to wipe out Honeybee hives one after another after another.

Let's face it that's what they do. The kill honeybees all day long wiping out every single bee as it tries to leave the hive.

Wouldn't it bee terrible if they decided they liked tummms hair?

Finally some good news on the Covid front, Tumors personal valet has covid.

It was hilarious! The man serves tumor breakfast lunch and dinner and puts twinkle toes to bed at night.

Tumor makes plain his pathology!

"I hardly know the man! Sure I've seen him around but no close contact He's just v the guy that blows on my tea when it's to hot...and lays out my jammies at night.. He may have brushed off my suit a few thousand times.

He a good guy though."

( tumor always says this when he is lying in his teeth. It is not out of any sincerity, but rather so the person we will check with will feel they owe it to tumor to be nice not to say anything bad about him or his TV ratings.

They usually do anyway. One such person wrote a book whose title shall live though the ages IMHO

Ready for it? Here goes!

"Everything tumor touches dies."

How could anyone be more succinct?
There it is TRUTH writ large for the world to see.

I know I asked you this before, sorry memory fails..

How large is your island and it 's population. The few pictures Ive seen put it dead in the middle of charming and relaxed life style, but things are only seldom as they seem.
Wonder how far Washington State is from Washington D.C. in Murder Hornet miles? Sorry to read that you have them on Jersey or whatever Channel Isle you live on danrok.

We beset honey bees on all sides with Human Murder, Inc. As if they need this added burden?
Sorry to be the bearer of such incredibly bad news.

Covid has begun to attack children.
Over 70 cases being reported in 6 states. Two have died.

If you have kids please keep them near to home. Covid doesn't offer us many do overs.

These are the ones no one can afford to lose.
Wonder if history will be able to explain The Trumon's mass murder of Americans? It's plain to see. And he likes the rise of right wing idiots clamoring for more freedom to die. This Covid-19 will become a huge story, a very sad tale of human ultra idiots gladly allowing their President to murder them like vermin.
Ya know that Orson Wells classic, "Rosebud"
In brief a multi billionaire is dying No will, so everyone hangs on his every word.
His last word is cryptic, no one can make heads nor tails of it. The mystery deeps until the finale shot in the movie.

Where a very small boy toboggans down snow covered hill. as the ride ends his body turns sideways on the sled to reveal the name of the sled,


Well think it's time to satirize.

We can just jump to the ending where a bloated obese tumor lies sweating
buckets In a fevered haze he keeps calling out to know where the polls are!

But no one dares to tell him.

After an incredibly long and most certainly gratuitously painful scene as tumore exhibits one horrifying covid-19 symptom upon anther lasting for nearly the entirety of my remake, the end is near summoning the last of his vitriol and suppressing any momentary concern he might have once held for others

Tumor rolls about trying t get his fat ass onto his side to avoid the spreading urine. He groans his last as a sickly smile just touches his bloviated face

as he speaks his last and so solves the riddle of his life.
Two words that encompass the entirety of his existence.

He speaks of his deepest longing and his greatest fear.

Wouldn't "Diarrhea Sandwich" serve better? Shucks, I know that we all love the Thing SOOO much. We pray that nothing harms our hero. Ever.
Child infections world wide are over 200.
This could be the beginning of a much to be feared mutation in Covid-19.
When one finds oneself it difficulties it is best to pause at first in view of the danger and wait for a way out to present itself.
Any premature action will only make matters worse.

I must respectfully disagree.

Or maybe more accurately, expand? (As ever, there's probably more to what you said than what you actually SAID. :) )

It's definitely wise to pause and assess the situation. It is foolish to take action without first understanding the situation as best as one can.

SOMETIMES, a way out does not 'present itself'. In that case, it may be wise to take careful and thoughtful action, and then observe the results. This cannot be done without the aforementioned pause to assess, however, and must likewise be followed by another pause to asses.
"Pause for asses." So many, so huge and we pay homage to the largest one of all. So we are quite the country. We actually permit a guilty mass murderer to talk in public. Worse, many people like the monstrosity. I'm glad that I'm old.
I must respectfully disagree.

Or maybe more accurately, expand? (As ever, there's probably more to what you said than what you actually SAID. :) )

It's definitely wise to pause and assess the situation. It is foolish to take action without first understanding the situation as best as one can.

SOMETIMES, a way out does not 'present itself'. In that case, it may be wise to take careful and thoughtful action, and then observe the results. This cannot be done without the aforementioned pause to assess, however, and must likewise be followed by another pause to asses.

Here lies the problem with all general advice. There are of course exceptions to every rule.

Here the counsel is given in a situation where one finds oneself already in difficulties. It warns against our impulse which is almost always to find a way out a soon as possible.

As you point out a way out may not be immediately available.In such a case we are advised to pause and wait until a clear path ahead shows it self.

All situations are fluid. Changing as they develop.
Often we find that by waiting we allow aid to come to us.

This aid often comes from an unforeseen quarter or was not available when we first encounter our difficulties.

So we are being encouraged to take a long view, one in which things are allowed to develop in a more natural manner. As situations mature more and more elements or complications, as it were, appear and make their influences known appearing only in the later stages of development.

Often it is the latter stages of development that contain the answer to our difficulties.

I appreciate the thoughtful manner in which you have engaged and undertook to understand what I could have been clearer about.

Together your questions and my answers show that way out of difficulties and into clarity. By finding and putting each thing in it's place, difficulties may be resolved and progress can be made. ":O}
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BTW your answers were just as good as my own if only they had been mine I could have given them full credit! LOL
Yeah it's pretty much bananas everywhere. Here, they will refuse to give you any service if you go out without a mask. I don't think it much of a hassle. If it helps prevent the spread of the virus then I am doing my civic duty and protecting me and those around me. I know that this pandemic has had a mixture of opinions among the populace but you can't deny the death count and the people suffering because of the virus. I have even read on some [URL REMOVED, no adverts please] that a vaccine is still ways away from being approved for human testing. So it's best just to do what you can to help others and the country in general. A mask is not that big of a deal.

Edited by ThunderRd, 8/5/2020
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As we so often are, we were given a choice. The entire world was given a choice.

No nation on Earth had a easy path. No not easy, but the choice was perfectly clear.

Suck it up and enter into and endure solitude, or put our mothers and fathers
Our children and our neighbors children in grave peril.

We were given ample examples of how those two choice would play out.

With very a few exceptions the world choice wisely, compassionately and there by
Kept Covid from the most at risk.

So why with all our advantages are we always the stupid country?

Why do we throw parties in a plague year While our parents must hide in fear?
while our children must be locked away until we find at long last a safe harbor.

One thing became clear over the last few moths. We are a selfish, spiteful and
cowardly nation. A nation willing to sacrifice those who care most about us, Our first respondeners, Our elderly and our kids....if there's a good time to be had.

Those who care for us could not have given us more. They were laying down their lives
while many were toasting their own right to party on.

Donald the dumpster fire. is more than willing to kill republicans with mass rallies in his honor.

So what can be done?

Well we could jail anyone showing up without a mask.Allow them to swap conspiracies with the covid spreaders in the bunk above them.It's that our allow them to continue killing us with shear stupidity and malice.

I think even trumpshit could have done better if only Putin had allowed him to.

Now the idiot party that allowed this to overtake us doesn't want to spend the money to keep us home and healthy.

So as it has always been, this is an intelligence test, or...Just how stupid are we?

By the Covid test we are twice as dumb as the next most stupid country.

I would not be surprised if people who think they have a right to infect us start getting shot in their uncovered faces.
I find it almost impossible not to blame us for all that is About to claim us.

But covid isn't to blame. for what we have done to our nation.

"the fault lies not in the stars but within ourselves."

"Trump is the symptom, not the disease." In this case we are irredeemably screwed unto death. How can the absolute horrors that overflow even our largest of dinner plates be set aright?

I hope someone has a good answer for I don't have a sane correct answer. Oh, I do, but it won't suffice to reset the course of our ship of state away from the unbelievably huge waterfall that lies moments away.

Me pessimistic? Yes, for I see NO light at the end of this bleak and dark tunnel.
There is a moment for everryone who lives in a plague environment Where consequence begins to make itself felt.

For the intelligent that moment usually arrives before plague directly touches them.
They find ways to sequester and do what they can to keep those around them alive.

But there will always be those who spin fantasies for themselves to excuse their sociopathic
indifference to the well being off others.

They have to step over bodies before they realize the peril they have created for themselves and others.

And lastly we have republicans Who think covid only kills people i n the blue states.

These will endanger us as the begin to drop like flies. For them every day is a brand new day with nothing that can be learned by the experience of our neighbors of our own past.

Nature usually finds this class of homo sapiens to dumb to let live.

Make no mistake, nature is trying to tell us all something. This is but a whisper on the breeze.
Trust me if it goes unheard...She can speak up and make us listen.

"Those who cannot be made to listen must be made to feel.."

This is basically the founding principle of all of nature and of human law.

We have just begun to feel.