Is it time to self quarantine"

Disinfectant should help us stay alive. But I read that the Supreme Jackass actually said that taking these bug killers INTERNALLY was a good idea. Oh yeah, and that shining UV light or even bright light inside our bodies would help. My God in heaven, it's depressing that some of us (no one we know, of course)actually helped this Leader of Morons into the Honky House.
The republican Virus (distinguished from Covid only by the extreme stupidly of those dealing with it.)Will soon be blessing tattoo ,nail and message parlors

In republican hands covid is morphing from a very nasty illness into a nation killer.

Republican Governors have all dunk tummshits Cool Aid,

You can tell by the way they ignore all reason and science to celebrate the
Grand opening of the American south and Midwest.

As happy as this makes them, don't delay! In 21 days the shy will be falling and no one will want to open their doors.

As always, when it comes to matters requiring extreme stupidity trmshit has led the Nation!

Coming to the rescue of the republican virus which was slowing dying for want of company.Trumshit has "Ordered" that meat processing plant workers go back to work. But the plants have to take strict measures against covid spreading

But only if they feel like it. I mean no pressure.

One jewel of a rat shit republican governor Says she will cut off the unemployment of any one who calls in sick.

I can see that, I mean we don't want to be paying people to stay home sick! We're in the middle of a plague fort Christ sake!!

Several other republican govs. saw how brilliant her plan was have follow suit

Personally I think Testing is a waste of time. If we would just be a bit patient
we can be assured of our fair share of republican misery and death.

Why sweat it! We know that covid is on the trumshit freeway headed straight for us, stopping only to transport and mass bury the dead.

This is so out of wack even for morons that I keep thinking Pee-Tape.
(you ever wonder how many venereal infections found their beginnings in the US Senate? I do.)
What ever your doing to avoid covid, increase your vigilance.
We will not be free until there is a vaccine.

I volunteer to tie down and inject anti vacsers.

So what did we learn today. Here's my take away.

Only a very stupid nation would elect a very stupid asshole to rule over them.
So if the shoe fits...
A friend reminded me that Trump is the symptom, not the disease itself. Bruddah, we are SO screwed. Why oh why didn't I take moving to Canada more seriously? A First World country, why they even have free health care.

It has become more obvious that we as a nation have harvested our well deserved fate. Oh yes, Virginia our evil deeds weren't forgotten--even though we chose to forget them. And SO many of them. We obviously richly deserve this horror and we deserve the far more that's to come.

It makes me want to cry. There's the rub, crying will bring no relief, it's far too late for tears. Maniacal laughter won't help either.
I'm in home isolation at the moment. I'm not allowed to leave my home as I was in close contact with someone who was later confirmed as Covid-19 positive. I was visited early this morning by a doctor in a full hazmat suit. The doctor didn't enter my apartment, just performed the test in my doorway. He told me that they expect to have my test result tomorrow, but I may also have to wait as long as Sunday.

I do have an itch in my throat, and some light coughing occasionally but not much else. They still wanted to test me because of the contact.
A friend reminded me that Trump is the symptom, not the disease itself. Bruddah, we are SO screwed. Why oh why didn't I take moving to Canada more seriously? A First World country, why they even have free health care.

It has become more obvious that we as a nation have harvested our well deserved fate. Oh yes, Virginia our evil deeds weren't forgotten--even though we chose to forget them. And SO many of them. We obviously richly deserve this horror and we deserve the far more that's to come.

It makes me want to cry. There's the rub, crying will bring no relief, it's far too late for tears. Maniacal laughter won't help either.

Reading this post i get the idea we are somehow special in the evil we do.
the truth is we are as common as dirt. Name one empire that has ever acted in another s interest rather than their own.

Mankind has free will. If the Good must be chosen Free will is the necessary prerequisite. If we are to face judgement then that judgement must be based upon our personal use of free will.

Nation is but a construct. We form nation for protection and conquest.
I am unhesitating in my defense of myself, my family, my friends and lastly my nation.

Nation must come last as nation often harms the people I am wedded to.
weather they be of my nation or another.

Good men seek truth and stand, most often alone with that truth against all nations.
If you want me to feel badly about how my nation has conducted itself
in dealing with the Native, minorities, women and the poor in general.

I do, how could I not feel the weight of our collective sin?

But if you want to hear We are the worst, My immediate response is that you need your head examined or good course in world history.

Briton, France, Portugal,Spain, Japan, Egypt, the mongols, the Persians, the Geeks, The Germans, The Romans and The Philistines. to name but a few have all had their turn at conquest.

We are not without sin. Nor are we the only sinner.
Truth is we are (The world) slow learners, but slow progress is not stagnation.

We are only very young. When we forget that war is the way of this world
we are conquered. When the defense of the state goes to extremes we provoke wars.

When we don't allow ourselves to see the obvious we grow corrupt and self satisfied.

"We didn't start the fire
No we didn't lite it but we tried to fight it."

I was in attendance when a Guru was asked
How to find peace.
His Responded with the simplest of truths.

"You must mean inner peace as that is the only peace there is.

Nations don't create just or unjust states. People do.

I've heard this rather often in the last few months.

"In times of catastrophe, when confusion descends upon us and we are unsure of our direction, This is when we need to look around and find the people who are striving to help others and subordinate our selves to the tasks they have taken on.

This concept can be joined to another.

When oppression is total and no one stands against the powerful and the unjust.
when martyrs blood soaks into the streets and desperation inters all our hearts...

"What then must we do"?

We must see the one that God has placed before us.
We must see to their needs and tend their wounds.

This is how Superior men behave in times when there is a great darkening of the light.

They curse not the darkness, they strive to see the light.

I hope that Norway treats its people well and that you don't get this nasty virus, Daerandin.

The monsters that control my country can be said to be accelerating the disaster. IMHO, Trump is a mass-murderer. And THIS Thing is permitted to retain power by a truly demented populace.

Daniel wants to treat our people as just another bunch of Imperialists who join the long list of vicious empires in history. Maybe his opinion is correct. But the problem is that I am a member of this Imperialist endeavor and I can't let myself off of the hook so easily. I was there and I participated in one of the ugliest chapters in this overly proud empire's history.

And I saw that Americans on the whole didn't understand that we did the unforgivable. And STILL don't take credit for glaringly evil actions that we do every single day. We learned nothing after murdering at least three million people for nothing. Just to improve the bottom line of a plethora of arms corporations and their shareholders.
Things are pretty good here, and anyone in quarantine or isolation obviously get paid normally. In any case, my test was negative so I'm good. I got the result earlier today.

As for the guy sitting in the big seat in the US, most people here perceive him as a clown. Then there are some, me included, who suspect this is how people might have perceived Hitler before he consolidated his power in Germany. I have read that there are armed protesters in your country, and Trump supports them. That is a recipe for disaster and it honestly scares the hell out of me.
How sweet it would be for everyone that needs to stay away from work to be paid just the same. I know, what dream cloud am I living on?
Plus one for Norway, minus sixty million for this large hell on Earth. Gasp! How DARE I call home sweet home hell on Earth?

Apologies to my fellow citizens but I see what I see.

IT is certainly a clown, but he elicits not one drop of laughter. Only bitter tears, unfortunately many people can't really understand the depth of his evil actions. Not to mention the near unbelievable scope of his ugly heart.

Our understanding of how much horror the near future holds for this country falls far short of how severe it is and will become. Maybe that's a mercy?
I'm in home isolation at the moment. I'm not allowed to leave my home as I was in close contact with someone who was later confirmed as Covid-19 positive. I was visited early this morning by a doctor in a full hazmat suit. The doctor didn't enter my apartment, just performed the test in my doorway. He told me that they expect to have my test result tomorrow, but I may also have to wait as long as Sunday.

I do have an itch in my throat, and some light coughing occasionally but not much else. They still wanted to test me because of the contact.

Daerandin, you just gotta know we are praying for a pass me by or at lest a quick recovery for you.. As there is nothing you can do, try to wait in the calm strength of patience for the bad time that has found us to pass.

"This to must pass."
How sweet it would be for everyone that needs to stay away from work to be paid just the same. I know, what dream cloud am I living on?
Plus one for Norway, minus sixty million for this large hell on Earth. Gasp! How DARE I call home sweet home hell on Earth?

Apologies to my fellow citizens but I see what I see.

Our understanding of how much horror the near future holds for this country falls far short of how severe it is and will become. Maybe that's a mercy?

We all see what we see. Few are they that see what is actually there.

You "seem" to see only darkness
I watch several hours of covid each day. So naturally I must wonder How what I have seen fits into your little "everything is dark and evil theme."

There is in fact a quite miracle of human generosity rising up like Gods own army. People who have scarcely given a thought to others in years now find they must do something that matters, they must find a way to help.

Everyone from Truck drivers to to Surgeons working themselves to a frazzle
They don't do it for a political party, they do it because you and I need them to.

They don't do it because they live in a perfect world that caters to their whims.
They do it to lessen the imperfections of our lives. They do it to keep the weak and sick in this life as long as they can.

They do it despite the darkness that surrounds them. They do it because they know within themselves that they are the light that will lead us out of our darkness.

George there is no prize for seeing Evil in the world. Evil hampers all that good men would do. But Evil cannot prevent,only hinder, they good they would do.

I'm sorry you choose to live in darkness.Pretending that you see the real world and that those who don't share your views must be blind or corrupt.

The Good has been in existence since the sacred moment of creation.
Evil can darken the light, but that pure radiant energy can never be extinguished.

I see that light shinning out over masks that conceal identity and reveal the sacrificial love they act upon to save and that can be save...though it may cost them their lives.

Do I see the power lemmings rushing off the cliff? Of course I do, everyone does unless they are Lemmings.

George it should at some point occur to you your not lighting candles, your just cursing the darkness.

While light shines all around you.

"I don't want to know one thing about evil, I just want to know what is good."
Things are pretty good here, and anyone in quarantine or isolation obviously get paid normally. In any case, my test was negative so I'm good. I got the result earlier today.

As for the guy sitting in the big seat in the US, most people here perceive him as a clown. Then there are some, me included, who suspect this is how people might have perceived Hitler before he consolidated his power in Germany. I have read that there are armed protesters in your country, and Trump supports them. That is a recipe for disaster and it honestly scares the hell out of me.

It scares the shit out of 2/3rds of us as well.
We all see what we see. Few are they that see what is actually there.

You "seem" to see only darkness
I watch several hours of covid each day. So naturally I must wonder How what I have seen fits into your little "everything is dark and evil theme."

There is in fact a quite miracle of human generosity rising up like Gods own army. People who have scarcely given a thought to others in years now find they must do something that matters, they must find a way to help.

Everyone from Truck drivers to to Surgeons working themselves to a frazzle
They don't do it for a political party, they do it because you and I need them to.

They don't do it because they live in a perfect world that caters to their whims.
They do it to lessen the imperfections of our lives. They do it to keep the weak and sick in this life as long as they can.

They do it despite the darkness that surrounds them. They do it because they know within themselves that they are the light that will lead us out of our darkness.

George there is no prize for seeing Evil in the world. Evil hampers all that good men would do. But Evil cannot prevent,only hinder, they good they would do.

I'm sorry you choose to live in darkness.Pretending that you see the real world and that those who don't share your views must be blind or corrupt.

The Good has been in existence since the sacred moment of creation.
Evil can darken the light, but that pure radiant energy can never be extinguished.

I see that light shinning out over masks that conceal identity and reveal the sacrificial love they act upon to save and that can be save...though it may cost them their lives.

Do I see the power lemmings rushing off the cliff? Of course I do, everyone does unless they are Lemmings.

George it should at some point occur to you your not lighting candles, your just cursing the darkness.

While light shines all around you.

"I don't want to know one thing about evil, I just want to know what is good."

It is too easy for me to see darkness. I put candles out of my reach. So, how's by you?
It is too easy for me to see darkness. I put candles out of my reach. So, how's by you?
You don't need any candles. George your one of "The lights" of my world.

Forget about the dankness into which we shine.

Me? My life is totally unchanged. So no complaints.
Living as a recluse in near solitude is not a very various
way of life,

Things change but mostly a snails pace, so I have to race to keep up!
When one finds oneself it difficulties it is best to pause at first in view of the danger and wait for a way out to present itself.
Any premature action will only make matters worse.

We are making matters very much worse
Many are deciding to ignore science and disbelieve the reality science reveals.

They favor the time homered approach of the obstruction of every thing until I get my way, it is employed the world over and is the way of the 5 year old child.

Nature has standards. Fail her requirement and you die.

Trmmyshit says a100,000 dead because he done a spectacular job.
My feeling is we will be lucky to hold it to 1/2 million dead.

But I know something Tumshit does not. Just how stupid and self centered he is.

This has become a test of intelligence. I am not overly shocked at how lacking we are finding ourselves.

Nor by how wonderful, relentless and courageous those upon whom we rely have been and continue to be.
there is no quit in them.

So we must protect them. Instead we are watching idiot governors egged on by tumshit use them to death.

The next wave my ass! We are only at the beginning stages of the first wave, it's a tsunami gathering power unseen and far out to sea. Instead of a summer pause, look for it to come ashore and topple our sun bathers
This to shall pass.
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If only the people "we" put in charge weren't beyond belief, it's flabbergasting. I'm pretty much an urban hermit. The "hermit-ting" is much easier without a pandemic of disease and evil from the top of one insane mountain.
Truuuuuman has announced that he will not bail out NY city.
He's turning his back on NYC's needs. He's turning his back on the city that made his dad rich.

After giving away a trillion of our dollars the the Super Rich he says he doesn't believe in bail outs.
After a half- dozen bankruptcies He wants New Yorkers to tough it out

I doubt there a nurse,doctor or viral researcher who hasn't asked themselves "Is Trummy trying to kill Americans?

Long after the rest of the world is free of Covid or down to a few dozen cases a year, The USofA will be burying dead republicans just to stupid to understand that Covid doesn't negotiate, covid does care how stupid your arguments are

Covid just wants to kill your mom and dad, And maybe just kill off a few of the most precious little ones.

If only we could learn that electing really stupid people will end this country.
The stupid think that's when they will take over.

Have they forgotten already? They are stupid and stupid is the hand maiden to failure.

"I want my freedom and if I don't get it I'll infect all of you!!"
If I do get my way I'll infect all of you!!

Just try really hard to remember that the only way to infect us is if your already infected.

The only up side is that stupid people are on the chopping block without the wit to social distance they make of themselves fair game for Covid.

In my life I have known and loved a few stupid people. Why? Because quite often they are the kindest people you ever want to meet.

Most were quite honest and reliable in their dealings with the world.
Some could be persuaded by reason, but most could not. they prefer mistaken
certainty to doubt.

But stupid that blames the world for making them stupid are the stuff Nazis are made of.

I don't see us getting past them without blood shed.

Pray for our country, pray for our world. But especially pray for our stupid people being used by evil men to harm their own ones.

"It's ten o'clock, do you know where your grand parents are."
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I've been working the whole time, but they've relaxed the lockdown here now.

We can go out for 4 hours a day for any reason.

They've just completed a field hospital with 180 beds but it is currently unused.
I've been working the whole time, but they've relaxed the lockdown here now.

We can go out for 4 hours a day for any reason.

They've just completed a field hospital with 180 beds but it is currently unused.

Glad that you are doing well, danrok!
Truuuuuman has announced that he will not bail out NY city.
He's turning his back on NYC's needs. He's turning his back on the city that made his dad rich.

After giving away a trillion of our dollars the the Super Rich he says he doesn't believe in bail outs.
After a half- dozen bankruptcies He wants New Yorkers to tough it out

I doubt there a nurse,doctor or viral researcher who hasn't asked themselves "Is Trummy trying to kill Americans?

Long after the rest of the world is free of Covid or down to a few dozen cases a year, The USofA will be burying dead republicans just to stupid to understand that Covid doesn't negotiate, covid does care how stupid your arguments are

Covid just wants to kill your mom and dad, And maybe just kill off a few of the most precious little ones.

If only we could learn that electing really stupid people will end this country.
The stupid think that's when they will take over.

Have they forgotten already? They are stupid and stupid is the hand maiden to failure.

"I want my freedom and if I don't get it I'll infect all of you!!"
If I do get my way I'll infect all of you!!

Just try really hard to remember that the only way to infect us is if your already infected.

The only up side is that stupid people are on the chopping block without the wit to social distance they make of themselves fair game for Covid.

In my life I have known and loved a few stupid people. Why? Because quite often they are the kindest people you ever want to meet.

Most were quite honest and reliable in their dealings with the world.
Some could be persuaded by reason, but most could not. they prefer mistaken
certainty to doubt.

But stupid that blames the world for making them stupid are the stuff Nazis are made of.

I don't see us getting past them without blood shed.

Pray for our country, pray for our world. But especially pray for our stupid people being used by evil men to harm their own ones.

"It's ten o'clock, do you know where your grand parents are."

"I doubt there's a nurse, doctor or viral researcher who hasn't asked themselves "is Trummy trying to kill Americans?"

You needn't be that educated or smart to ask oneself if Trump is trying to kill Americans. He has already done so. It's perfectly plain that He Is A Mass Murderer. In a just (it is to laugh) world he'd be in front of three judges at the International Criminal Court at the Hague.

Because the United States is that special Indispensable Nation, we, along with a small handful of plainly corrupt countries opted out of a Membership in that international body.

We are that especial!