Who's heard Little Richard sing "Shake a Hand"?

Ray Charles - Sail On Sailor

Love this song from the BBs. Less known than most of their work, but a fine song.

Here is another from the same time period, from Carl and the Passions that I've always loved as well:

I always thought this song sounds a bit like The Band
Love this song from the BBs. Not as popular as most of their work, but a fine song.

Here is another from the same time period, from Carl and the Passions that I've always loved as well:

I always thought this song sounds a bit like The Band

Here is a link to all the songs on this interesting album. Lesser known work by the Beach Boys, but I have always loved it:
https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&q=the beach boys marcella&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLUz9U3ME5JtyxWAjNLMpJL0rVEs5Ot9HNLizOT9RNzkkpzrYrz89KLF7GKl2SkKiSlJiZnKCTlVxYr5CYWJafm5CROYGMEACeKdMBMAAAA&lei=PGrgYOW7PPLjz7sPmu2OWA

There were three albums that the Beach Boys made in this era that I consider to be my absolute favorite Beach Boys albums: Sunflower, Carl and the Passions/So Tough, and Surf's Up.

If you're not familiar with those records, give them a listen.
Alison Krause -That Makes One

With love the scales are only occasionally balanced
Yet this seems to only occasionally matter.
One who loves more only rarely notices they are loved less.
When they do, most often, must acknowledge,
Their part to be best.
We are the smartest and most devious species. Depressing of me, I know, yet I'm hoping the NEXT dominant creature will be better than we are.

I'm still hoping we will become better than we are.
All though nature we see intelligence used to better
a creatures chances of survival.
But now in order to survive we will have to learn to use intelligence to create balance, something very different.
We must make a great leap of faith, we must go from me to we. be not surprised if we fumble our way to the heavens and stumble into paradise.

We must learn that paradise can never be for ourselves alone. The measure of man has always been how many we give a home.We will rise together.

But should we fail, we will not fail alone.

"just give me many chances to learn to crawl"
Ricki Lee Jones..
We must turn away from our darkness if we wish to see the light.
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When love no longer welcomes us
We must learn to say good-bye.

I've always hoped she would change her mind.
Love this song from the BBs. Less known than most of their work, but a fine song.

Here is another from the same time period, from Carl and the Passions that I've always loved as well:

I always thought this song sounds a bit like The Band

I watched and listened to this on my email. Totally different visual material! Serious song for serious times it was.
Here is a link to all the songs on this interesting album. Lesser known work by the Beach Boys, but I have always loved it:
https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&q=the beach boys marcella&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLUz9U3ME5JtyxWAjNLMpJL0rVEs5Ot9HNLizOT9RNzkkpzrYrz89KLF7GKl2SkKiSlJiZnKCTlVxYr5CYWJafm5CROYGMEACeKdMBMAAAA&lei=PGrgYOW7PPLjz7sPmu2OWA

There were three albums that the Beach Boys made in this era that I consider to be my absolute favorite Beach Boys albums: Sunflower, Carl and the Passions/So Tough, and Surf's Up.

If you're not familiar with those records, give them a listen.

I missed most of these LP's. When I came home from SE Asia I bought Surf's Up, attracted by the cover art. Most of my friends didn't like the LP. But as usual, I knew better!
With love the scales are only occasionally balanced
Yet this seems to only occasionally matter.
One who loves more only rarely notices they are loved less.
When they do, most often, must acknowledge,
Their part to be best.

She is a great musician and singer. Like her lots.
I'm still hoping we will become better than we are.
All though nature we see intelligence used to better
a creatures chances of survival.
But now in order to survive we will have to learn to use intelligence to create balance, something very different.
We must make a great leap of faith, we must go from me to we. be not surprised if we fumble our way to the heavens and stumble into paradise.

We must learn that paradise can never be for ourselves alone. The measure of man has always been how many we give a home.We will rise together.

But should we fail, we will not fail alone.

"just give me many chances to learn to crawl"
Ricki Lee Jones..
We must turn away from our darkness if we wish to see the light.

Good advice. The light is really easier on one than the dark.
I'm still hoping we will become better than we are.
All though nature we see intelligence used to better
a creatures chances of survival.
But now in order to survive we will have to learn to use intelligence to create balance, something very different.
We must make a great leap of faith, we must go from me to we. be not surprised if we fumble our way to the heavens and stumble into paradise.

We must learn that paradise can never be for ourselves alone. The measure of man has always been how many we give a home.We will rise together.

But should we fail, we will not fail alone.

"just give me many chances to learn to crawl"
Ricki Lee Jones..
We must turn away from our darkness if we wish to see the light.