You mean there's hope for humanity left? Wonder how that will work out after we've killed ourselves off? Pessimist me? Sure, but that doesn't change the truth. We will all be dead in the next fifty years. Sorry, it's too late to change it. We simply can't change fast enough.
Anthropologist/geneticists Have proven a rather interesting fact of human history.
The human race has been pruned back to well below 5000 wide. This "die-back" has occurred at least 5 times.
We now have what? 71/2 Billion people competing for resources..Say we kill off 7 billion 400,million
Nature is still going to have to run down a hundred million or so.
History tells that such a die back is not extinction.
Human conditions after the plague years are found to be far more prosperous and innovative.
Why because Nature springs back into life generation every when and where she can.
Far fewer mouths to feed on the same soil, far fewer hunters in the woods meas a far greater likely hood of success.
If we had but 10,000,000 people this world would be paradise.
One might say that next time we will fall far further and we will have to make our come back with far less to work with..
Say only 100,000 survive and for the next 3 generations half of us continue to die..and no one makes it past 50 years.
That's 150 years and around 12,000 people.
More that twice then number we need to kick start the human race.
This to shall pass. How and when, no man knows
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