Knowing when to speak and when to keep it to myself is not an easy task. Thank you for this light upon a subject that continues to bedevil me.
Given your up bringing it may follow you thee rest of your life...
if you let it.
"Purity of heart means to will one thing."
Think about that. Always willing one thing. If we must choose one thing to will then we must choose very carefully.
Is there just one thing we can safely will in all times and in all places?
Thank the heavens there is. I mean that thank the Heavens RIGHT NOW!
And may understand what I'm about to say.
We can will to have pure and unblemished hearts, we can will the Good.
We spoke of this earlier.
"The original nature of man is good.
But it becomes clouded by contact with Earthly things"
(We become entangled in desire, passion and stubbornness which leads inevitably to sorrow.)
"our natures must be purified before they can shine forth again in their native clarity.
"All well and good to will the good, but what if I find my will is already corrupted and will not let go of the "10,000 things to be desired."
Ah there's the rub"
Lucky for you I'm here to tell you how to become a breaker of chains.
How can we enter what only allows purity to grow fourth, to pass from entanglements into Grace.
The answer is indeed not easy for all that it is clear and simple.
This is man's eternal choice. To do what I want or to do what is wanted of me.
I say eternal because the choice is every moment before us.
But also because what we choose will have eternal consistences.
We are called by our own souls to undertake and then to constantly search our hearts lest they harbor any secretive opposition to the will of God.
"So I find such opposition in my heart what then?"
You must go to war for your god if you wish him to go to war for you.
You must root out all such opposition for it is the death of your own happiness.
We must be constantly vigilant that what we want does not annihilate what we need.
"When we are never to tired day or night to see the good is done. Only then can we be said to be sincere,"
Now comes immediacy now comes almost unbearable intimacy of the NOW in it's eternal moment!
What lies in your heart NOW? How to bring correction Now?
Here's possibly the most obvious secret in the whole world.
To be truly present in the now, you must leave all your head trips behind. You must silence yourself and listen..
Listen to what your heart is thinking. Yes that's right your head is really only there to listen to your heart and find a way to bring the light of your hearts to expression.
This is the part that leaves the pikers weeping in the dust.
We must Choose this. we must choose this every minute of every day. This is what we must be about.
When we greet our friends, when we take our meals, when we are asleep when we are awake we must be listening to our hearts lest thy harbor any secret opposition to the will of God.
Beware! My Teacher once told me that :
"God don't accept no part time lovers."
This is the heavenly journey. This IS how to move forward into transcendence and the sacred world.
If the mind is focused upon listening it can't be talking, it can't be lusting the latest bright and shiny.
Again nothing can be accomplished here by force. A gentle penetration the reaches the very center of your heart is what is called for.
We must trust ourselves and follow where our hearts lead us checking always every minute lest you harbor any opposition to the will of God.
"This means letting the fish swim free in the sea."
Let your thought go where they will, you are only an observer now.
You are only the guard at the gate to the NOW.
You must follow the path without wanting to get anywhere. Your job is not to progress but only to see that you ARE progressing.
God is in no hurry, why should you be.
I'm mean nobody can storm and rush the enter the now we must be on time...His time., you know that guy with the great big hands and tiny tiny fingers.
Big enough to hold a universe and tiny enough to enter your smallest thought un-noticed.