Who's heard Little Richard sing "Shake a Hand"?

I loved this, thought it hilarious as a sub-teen. I only heard it on Wolf man Jacks radio show, though it played fr wider than that. But I never connected it to Bo for some reason...":O}

This seems almost unique. A song pleading for National unity. I first heard this in my late teens, have loved it ever since. Well worth catching the lyrics.

The song certainly says the right things. I'll leave it at that.

Even though we live close to Canada I know very little history of that country. I know that Rightists are doing their best to wreck the place. Their Head Chingon actually decided to spend 4.5 bill of the taxpayer's money to rescue that delicious pipeline. Extra thick artificial oil for the world, you go fascist flock.

You mean we have one here too? No way, he's a living saint! Of all that's terrible in the universe, that is.

B-but you might say that El Presidente can only do so much? When Congress and increasingly the courts and even the Supreme Court say "Love ya, pig from hell," we are in deep oil indeed.
Crap, I went political again. Trying to keep that down, btw.
As I explained, I have a hard enough time saying anything about the songs I post.
I listen I like or no, if I relate to it in a special way I try and say so.

You just have to work harder to get my attention! LOL

Thank you for reminding me of this aspect of your philosophy!
One good turn of the record deserves another! More Dummies (what a choice of names, it took real cojones to choose this one!)

Bo Diddley...Simply and directly. He taught me that it's OK to lust after your English teacher!I love the way he takes a call and shout into....Hey! Hey! Mona...

You don't believe me? Then "Listen to my heart go bumpty bump.":O}

Lusting after teachers kept me awake during my final year of high school, here in the good ole USA.

I'm ambivalent about Bo Diddly. Perhaps it would be more expeditious to just say "he's one of the greats" and be done with the subject. But... what's up with that rectangular guitar, sir?

The Stones covered this in the very early time of their career. Embarrassed to say that I heard their version first. Wait a minute, I was living in England then and didn't yet know that the Rolling Stones were responsible for bringing the Blues BACK to America.
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The song certainly says the right things. I'll leave it at that.

Even though we live close to Canada I know very little history of that country. I know that Rightists are doing their best to wreck the place. Their Head Chingon actually decided to spend 4.5 bill of the taxpayer's money to rescue that delicious pipeline. Extra thick artificial oil for the world, you go fascist flock.

You mean we have one here too? No way, he's a living saint! Of all that's terrible in the universe, that is.

B-but you might say that El Presidente can only do so much? When Congress and increasingly the courts and even the Supreme Court say "Love ya, pig from hell," we are in deep oil indeed.
Crap, I went political again. Trying to keep that down, btw.

This was written in the 60's at that time French and English Canada were very much at odds and the French wanted to succeed from their union.. This is as I said a plea for national unity.
I took a little course in a history I never imagined... again a lot of loose ends are intertwined.

What a find, thank you Dan! I of course knew of the Flying Burrito Brothers, but don't really remember any of their work. I knew that he died in the desert of California (which means "Hot Furnace" in Spanish,) just in case you didn't know. I had the details of his death wrong, it's nice to know better now. Thanks!

Emmylou's LP "Roses in the Snow" was in honor of Mr Parsons, and it's a dilly. She wrote all of the songs on it, like I said, get out your handkerchief!
This was written in the 60's at that time French and English Canada were very much at odds and the French wanted to succeed from their union.. This is as I said a plea for national unity.

Thank you Daniel, I figured it had to do with when Quebec was really feeling put upon, and wanted separation. Separation would have probably been bad for Quebec and disastrous for Canada.
We are always stronger and better off together than apart. It is the majority that weakens us and the minorities that strengthen us. For the minorities alone can bring us unity. Only by their inclusion can we become great.

Hitler tried to do without the few and so condemned the many.
Por Por, I restored your post. You tube shows another song once YOU play it. But the song stays the same for others. You can also back the you tube window up to see your original posted song. Thank you for joining in...


(Always hated that word, though the basic concept is great! ":O}
Brown eyed girl... those opening notes sound as fresh as tomorrow! Not bad for a song that is Sooo my yesterdays...

Her name was June, we called her June Bug...sigh
Brown eyed girl... those opening notes sound as fresh as tomorrow! Not bad for a song that is Sooo my yesterdays...

Her name was June, we called her June Bug...sigh
Always reminded me of the High School years I always tried for and didn't have...sigh
The ballad of lucy jordon was done by a number of people but Dr. Hooks version is the one that makes me feel her pain and confusion.
The last five posts (this one not included) are really works of merit. Thank you porporme! And thank you Daniel!
"Brown Eyed Girl"--- I agree with porporme, but I don't think my high school years were quite that bleak, most fortunately. "The Ballad of Lucy Jordan" is new to me-- what a great song. Thanks porporme!