Age Of Wushu Guide

Everything you want from Anime in a single game! Age of Wushu is a massive online multiplayer RPG with loads of character development, massive environments and classic Kung Fu moves all in Ancient China. Spend hours building up skills, exploring or socializing with NCP's and PVP characters.



Follow my step-by-step guide on installing, configuring and optimizing Age of Wushu in Linux with PlayOnLinux.

Note: This guide applies to the Snail Games version of Age of Wushu. Other versions may require additional steps.

Tips & Specs:

To learn more about PlayOnLinux and Wine configuration, see the online manual: PlayOnLinux Explained

int 17 64-bit
PlayOnLinux: 4.2.4
Wine: 1.5.19

Wine Installation

Click Tools
Select "Manage Wine Versions"

Look for the Wine Version: 1.5.19
Note: Try using stable Wine 1.8 and 1.8-staging
Select it
Click the arrow pointing to the right


Click Next

Downloading Wine

Downloading Gecko


Wine 1.5.19 is installed and you can close this window

Age of Wushu Downloader

Go to:
Click Download

Download full game by clicking "Click here to download"
Or Download separate .cab files to a folder on your desktop

Save Ageofwushu_download.exe to your desktop

PlayOnLinux Setup

Launch PlayOnLinux
Click Install

Click "Install a non-listed program"

Click Next

Select "Install a program in a new virtual drive"
Click Next

Name your virtual drive: ageofwushu
Click Next

Select all three options:
  • Use another version of Wine
  • Configure Wine
  • Install some libraries

Click Next

Select Wine 1.5.19
Click Next

Select "32 bits windows installation"
Click Next

Wine Configuration

Applications Tab
Windows Version: Windows 7
Click Apply

Graphics Tab
Check "Automatically capture the mouse in full-screen windows"
Check "Emulate a virtual desktop"
Desktop Size: Set to match the resolution of your Linux desktop
Click OK

Installing Components (Libraries/Packages/DLL's)

Check the following:
  • POL_Install_corefonts
  • POL_Install_d3dx9
  • POL_Install_gdiplus
  • POL_Install_physx
  • POL_Install_registered_fonts
  • POL_Install_tahoma
  • POL_Install_wininet
  • POL_Install_xact
Click Next
Note: All libraries will automatically download and install

Installing Age Of Wushu

Click Browse

Navigate to your desktop
Select "AgeofWushu_download.exe"
Click Open

Click Next

Age of Wushu launcher will run
Click Start to begin downloading (10 GB)


Installing Age of Wushu

Click Next

Select "I accept the terms..."
Click Next

click Next

Click Install


Uncheck "Launch Now"
Click Finish

PlayOnLinux Shortcut

Select "fxlaunch.exe"
Click Next

Name your shortcut: Age Of Wushu
Click Next

PlayOnLinux Configure

Back to PlayOnLinux
Select "Age Of Wushu"
Click Configure

General Tab
Wine Version: 1.5.19

Note: Click the + to download other versions of Wine. Click the down-arrow to select other versions of Wine.

Display Tab
Video Memory size: Select the amount of memory your video card/chip uses

Close Configure

Launching Age of Wushu

Back to PlayOnLinux
Select Age of Wushu
Click Run

Note: Click Debug to see console errors and bugs

Click Confirm

Select a server
Click Confirm


After selecting a server Age of Wushu will probably download an update

Click Settings
  • Uncheck Windowed Mode for fullscreen
  • Adjust Resolution
  • Adjust volumes

Click Play


Click Enter Game

Select Character


Press Esc in-game
Click Video Options

Use presets on the left
Adjust settings manually

Rule of Thumb:
High settings = More detail, lower frame rates
Low settings = Less detail, higher frame rates

The Video Options has a great Frame Counter.
As you increase the settings watch the frame rate.
Anything below 20 will stutter a lot.

I originally tested Age of Wushu with Wine 1.6.2 and newer version, but kept getting a pop-up error "Speed Up" and it was very annoying. Luckily I found Wine 1.5.19 runs perfectly!
Also, the game refuses to do high resolutions unless you set the virtual desktop first. So I set mine for 1680x1050 and it played fullscreen just fine. What a beautiful game! I was able to crank the depth of view really high on my GeForce 550 Ti and see mountains and buildings really far away.

Gameplay Video







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I just double-clicked the game installer and game is now installed. It's updating now. Let's see what happens
It installed as if i was on windows, i.e. no issues. When starting, though, it was back to the way it was a week ago: game just doesn't start and is stuck at that screen before the loading bar.
It mus be the EU version like you said. Did you try downloading all of the separate .cab files like I did?
Wulin has 2 options to download: their downloader and a torrent. I chose the torrent which gives 7 .cab and 1 .exe installer
Blep. I'm still here. Not being very useful since I only just got internet and am busy updating Windows stuff.

But I do have a question... The purpose of using Play on Linux is primarily to compartmentalise the game, right? So, assuming I don't intend to use it for anything else, I could just use wine without PoL and theoretically achieve the same results? If so, I intend to try that, because my problem at last check (which will be much more recent when I get around to updating SteamOS, PoL and other packages) was that I couldn't get wine itself to work...
Yes, PlayOnLinux uses Wine and wineprefixes as a separated "sandbox" for Windows libraries and your game. You can definitely use Wine alone, but you will need to know a bunch of Terminal commands in order to run it, install and configure your games. PlayOnLinux gives gamers a GUI for achieving the same thing. It goes a step further and provides patched version's of Wine.
This way you have a more Windows-like experience with your games. Its never guaranteed, but a LOT of games run just fine in PlayOnLinux
Wulin has 2 options to download: their downloader and a torrent. I chose the torrent which gives 7 .cab and 1 .exe installer
I never use Torrent, but you may want to try downloading it again. Maybe the Torrent corrupted one of the cab files.
Yes, but I've never experienced PlayOnLinux refusing to work with Wine. I've experienced games refusing to work with Wine. 90% of the time its because:
  • DRM
  • Missing/compatible Libraries
  • 32-bit compatibilitiy
For example, Grim Dawn worked perfectly in PlayOnLinux/Wine but when the developers updated Visual C++ with the new version, now it won't work. There is a work around with Winetricks, but it doesn't work with PlayOnLinux.
Now its not working... I'm getting a "Driver Failed" error and the SGP error again.
I'll keep messing around with it. Trying Wine 1.8.2 now since its WineHQ's "Stable" version
It doesn't make any sense. I got it to work one time, but the loading page never initialized completely. There should be a red loading bar at the bottom of the screen.

It crashes all the time with the SGP error and I was switching versions of Wine and changing from Windows 7 to Windows XP and one time worked out of about 10 tries.

I did find some interesting information about our Permission Denied error.
Failed to use ICMP
About half-way down there is some information about a program trying to ping out. I think SGP anti-cheat is pinging their servers and/or the server selection screen is pinging their servers. Either way, its not working and I tried the suggested command, but it broke Wine.
So I'm at a loss and can't find anything consistent with my success.

I know this guide is very old,but i tried following it to install Age Of Wushu on 26th may 2016.

I'm using Kubuntu 14.04 LTS and PlayOnLinux 4.2.10,But if i try to open the new installer i can't see any characters(only ?) and when i press what i think is the "install" button(i think it is because that's the point where the installer let me choose the installation folder) wine crashes and i can't go further than this.

I installed all libraries but there's one returning "Error:File mismatch" called IE5.01sp4-KB871260-Windows2000sp4-x86-ENU.exe,maybe that's the cause.

I tried with wine 1.5.19 and 1.7.49staging.
Yes, we are all having the same problem. There is an anti-cheat program in place that is preventing Age Of Wushu from launching. Strangely I got it to work one time this month and then it stopped.
You might have to post a bug at WineHQs bugzilla
I was able to install Age Of Wushu by using the provided client and installing it. Then upon launch the game would start downloading.
Just like in this guide above.

Do you have 32-bit libraries installed?
Yes,the only library i can't install is the one named above.

But installer has changed,did you try the new one?Now you have to download data packages manually and then manually start the setup,there's not an automatic downloader.
Oh really? What language are you installing?
I'll have to try the separate packages and installer. I don't mind this either, but what will happen is the game will still update after its installed.
So we are basically installing the base-game and then allowing it to patch up when we launch it.