Age Of Wushu Guide

Everything you want from Anime in a single game! Age of Wushu is a massive online multiplayer RPG with loads of character development, massive environments and classic Kung Fu moves all in Ancient China. Spend hours building up skills, exploring or socializing with NCP's and PVP characters.



Follow my step-by-step guide on installing, configuring and optimizing Age of Wushu in Linux with PlayOnLinux.

Note: This guide applies to the Snail Games version of Age of Wushu. Other versions may require additional steps.

Tips & Specs:

To learn more about PlayOnLinux and Wine configuration, see the online manual: PlayOnLinux Explained

int 17 64-bit
PlayOnLinux: 4.2.4
Wine: 1.5.19

Wine Installation

Click Tools
Select "Manage Wine Versions"

Look for the Wine Version: 1.5.19
Note: Try using stable Wine 1.8 and 1.8-staging
Select it
Click the arrow pointing to the right


Click Next

Downloading Wine

Downloading Gecko


Wine 1.5.19 is installed and you can close this window

Age of Wushu Downloader

Go to:
Click Download

Download full game by clicking "Click here to download"
Or Download separate .cab files to a folder on your desktop

Save Ageofwushu_download.exe to your desktop

PlayOnLinux Setup

Launch PlayOnLinux
Click Install

Click "Install a non-listed program"

Click Next

Select "Install a program in a new virtual drive"
Click Next

Name your virtual drive: ageofwushu
Click Next

Select all three options:
  • Use another version of Wine
  • Configure Wine
  • Install some libraries

Click Next

Select Wine 1.5.19
Click Next

Select "32 bits windows installation"
Click Next

Wine Configuration

Applications Tab
Windows Version: Windows 7
Click Apply

Graphics Tab
Check "Automatically capture the mouse in full-screen windows"
Check "Emulate a virtual desktop"
Desktop Size: Set to match the resolution of your Linux desktop
Click OK

Installing Components (Libraries/Packages/DLL's)

Check the following:
  • POL_Install_corefonts
  • POL_Install_d3dx9
  • POL_Install_gdiplus
  • POL_Install_physx
  • POL_Install_registered_fonts
  • POL_Install_tahoma
  • POL_Install_wininet
  • POL_Install_xact
Click Next
Note: All libraries will automatically download and install

Installing Age Of Wushu

Click Browse

Navigate to your desktop
Select "AgeofWushu_download.exe"
Click Open

Click Next

Age of Wushu launcher will run
Click Start to begin downloading (10 GB)


Installing Age of Wushu

Click Next

Select "I accept the terms..."
Click Next

click Next

Click Install


Uncheck "Launch Now"
Click Finish

PlayOnLinux Shortcut

Select "fxlaunch.exe"
Click Next

Name your shortcut: Age Of Wushu
Click Next

PlayOnLinux Configure

Back to PlayOnLinux
Select "Age Of Wushu"
Click Configure

General Tab
Wine Version: 1.5.19

Note: Click the + to download other versions of Wine. Click the down-arrow to select other versions of Wine.

Display Tab
Video Memory size: Select the amount of memory your video card/chip uses

Close Configure

Launching Age of Wushu

Back to PlayOnLinux
Select Age of Wushu
Click Run

Note: Click Debug to see console errors and bugs

Click Confirm

Select a server
Click Confirm


After selecting a server Age of Wushu will probably download an update

Click Settings
  • Uncheck Windowed Mode for fullscreen
  • Adjust Resolution
  • Adjust volumes

Click Play


Click Enter Game

Select Character


Press Esc in-game
Click Video Options

Use presets on the left
Adjust settings manually

Rule of Thumb:
High settings = More detail, lower frame rates
Low settings = Less detail, higher frame rates

The Video Options has a great Frame Counter.
As you increase the settings watch the frame rate.
Anything below 20 will stutter a lot.

I originally tested Age of Wushu with Wine 1.6.2 and newer version, but kept getting a pop-up error "Speed Up" and it was very annoying. Luckily I found Wine 1.5.19 runs perfectly!
Also, the game refuses to do high resolutions unless you set the virtual desktop first. So I set mine for 1680x1050 and it played fullscreen just fine. What a beautiful game! I was able to crank the depth of view really high on my GeForce 550 Ti and see mountains and buildings really far away.

Gameplay Video







Last edited:
(Hey Dime, Qini here.)

Alright, so I'm trying to get this working. One side-question is "can I just copy the installed Wushu from my games drive to the virtual drive" (and better yet, can I move the virtual drive to my games drive...), but the main question is:
I can't get the config stuff to work. I have yet to reach a point where I can see the wine configuration. During initial setup of the virtual drive it skips it, if I try to get to config after it just kills itself.

OS is Debian Jessie/SteamOS Brewmaster, mostly fresh install/dual-boot.
EDIT: Also looking in the logs, wine complains about not being able to access TrueFont and suggests I install FreeType. According to the package lists, I should have it installed. I'm going ahead and trying to install it, regardless. I'll see what errors are left after this.
EDIT2: Okay so back to the drawing board. I get the incredibly unhelpful error "Error in POL_Wine
Wine seems to have crashed

If your program is running, just ignore this message" when I try to run this with system version of wine (1.6.2).

This does not occur when using the last 1.6.2 specifically (scumvm support). Instead it hangs at 'creating virtual drive'.
(Hey Dime, Qini here.)

Alright, so I'm trying to get this working. One side-question is "can I just copy the installed Wushu from my games drive to the virtual drive" (and better yet, can I move the virtual drive to my games drive...), but the main question is:
I can't get the config stuff to work. I have yet to reach a point where I can see the wine configuration. During initial setup of the virtual drive it skips it, if I try to get to config after it just kills itself.

OS is Debian Jessie/SteamOS Brewmaster, mostly fresh install/dual-boot.
This will be a trial-n-error
Some client allow you to copy the entire game folder from one OS to another... or from one hard drive to another. Steam will automatically discover the new files instead of re-downloading them. Other clients like ARC won't see the game files and downloads the game all over again to a different directory.

So I'm not totally sure with Age of Wushu. Try it and see what happens. Just make sure to get the client (updater) installed in the virtual drive first. You may even have to start downloading the game to know where the game files are suppose to reside.

I also recommend using a newer version of Wine: 1.7.55-staging
I haven't tested Age of Wushu in this version, but chances are it will run fine.

If you still get errors, please run the client/game by clicking Debug instead of "Run"
Then post the output in our PlayOnLinux forum as a new post:
Nice post. Thank you, I just got Jade Empire working through Origin. I may give this a go.
I noticed Jade Empire was free on Origin too... I already have it on GOG
Age of Wushu is much better and open world. Jade Empire is cool, but has some horrible game decision like the stupid flying minigame.
Steam will automatically discover the new files instead of re-downloading them.
I wish to clarify here that I am using SteamOS, not Steam as such. In other words, Debian with a twist. My attempts to get Wushu running will be completely ignoring the Steam portion of things.

I also recommend using a newer version of Wine: 1.7.55-staging
I haven't tested Age of Wushu in this version, but chances are it will run fine.
See here's the problem. My POL - or wine, I'm not sure which - are just flat up broken. I can't even get to the point of installing Wushu, letalone testing it. I've been looking around for this more basic error - and for some reason results from the forum didn't show up. I'll search there specifically.
oh, I had no idea you were in SteamOS. This is new ground you are treading...
I am not familiar with the changes to Debian Valve has made. I have yet to read a tutorial on how to install Wine, PlayOnLinux and games in SteamOS.

A few things are required for Linux in general:
  1. Proprietary Drivers (Nvidia for best performance)
  2. 32-bit libraries (32ia-libs or multiarch)
  3. Wine Installed
  4. PlayOnLinux Installed (Might require xterm & microsoft fonts)
  5. PlayOnLinux packages (d3dx9, tahoma, dotnet, etc)
If any of these are a mystery on SteamOS, then we might have some problems. I think I have read some gamers were able to install Wine and some PC games in SteamOS.
Well some of them are a mystery to me. I've been assured that SteamOS will be automagically installing proprietary drivers, and I'm happy to assume it has correctly identified my AMD card and not installed Nvidia drivers. This said, I will try and find out how to confirm this. (Hmm, this seems somewhat relevant, but it doesn't help me prove it for my specific system.)

The 32-bit libraries... I assume you've listed some packages there, so I'll be attempting to install those. I'll -also- be installing wine first this time.
(Oh yes, it's worth noting that in my attempt to make xfce work, I completely ruined my system and hence reinstalled.)

Now, regarding xterm and Microsoft fonts... I actually use xterm as my primary terminal app because the normal one doesn't work - and I'm assuming that's a SteamOS special. Microsoft fonts, on the other hand, I refer back to the weird error regarding FreeType fonts. And I just confirmed, after a (mostly) fresh install, I have libfreetype6-2.5.2 installed.
Regarding POL packages, they're supposed to be installed per virtual drive during the setup process, right? That part worked for me - unlike configuring wine.

I've also been supported by a long-term Linux friend of mine, who recommends winetricks instead of POL. What are your thoughts on this?
PlayOnLinux will error about xterm when I just installed a fresh copy of Mint. I use Synaptics Package Manager to install xterm.
Microsoft Fonts are installed automatically by PlayOnLinux when you setup your first virtual drive.

Winetricks is good, but PlayOnLinux goes a step further
PlayOnLinux has a LOT more available Windows libraries for games and patched versions of Wine. Winetricks will not support them.
When I started Linux gaming I initially used Winetricks but quickly found that it was missing a lot of options. I'm sure there are a lot more now, but PlayOnLinux does it all for me.

Some of your problems may be related to the AMD video card. I'm sure you have heard that AMD drivers can cause a lot of performance issues. You can use open source drivers, but some games might not run at all.

All of my success with games is due to Nvidia drivers, PlayOnLinux and a lot of patience.
It gets fun when you have Wine installed some games on 32 bit prefixes others on 64 and playonlinux 32 bit and 64 switching back and fourth between prefixes can be entertaining at times.. Best to keep it simple.. Even though I don't lol..
I'm avoiding 64-bit virtual drives until I really have time to test it or more reports of success appear.
i've always had good results with 32-bit.
PlayOnLinux will error about xterm when I just installed a fresh copy of Mint. I use Synaptics Package Manager to install xterm.
Microsoft Fonts are installed automatically by PlayOnLinux when you setup your first virtual drive.
We... Are talking about the same "xterm", right? The very simple terminal? That comes preinstalled on SteamOS?
I haven't seen POL generate a specific error about it as yet.

Ah, okay, so the freetype stuff is completely unrelated. Whelp. Why is wine giving me errors about that then? ~_~

Some of your problems may be related to the AMD video card. I'm sure you have heard that AMD drivers can cause a lot of performance issues. You can use open source drivers, but some games might not run at all.

All of my success with games is due to Nvidia drivers, PlayOnLinux and a lot of patience.
Ah, quite possibly... I'll investigate this.
Some derping and poking later, I think I've worked out why the config doesn't work, and it seems to be "because 64-bit".
Trying to run winecfg from terminal gives me an error about not being able to find winecfg.exe. Turns out it's a link to wine-wrapper which does the same thing. At any rate, this bug report addresses it.

"It's already fixed in the
wine-development packages since 1.7.14-4."
Now to figure out why it doesn't work in POL with 1.8-rc3.
Every time I have installed PlayOnLinux in a fresh Mint installation, I get a warning that "xterm" needs to be installed. not sure why, but after installing it, everything works fine.

I suggest using a 32-bit version of Wine and a 32-bit virtual drive. I'm not even sure if Age of Wushu is 64-bit compatible anyways???

I don't remember getting font errors for any game so far...
That last time I've heard of Font errors is with EverQuest II mentioned here:
Every time I have installed PlayOnLinux in a fresh Mint installation, I get a warning that "xterm" needs to be installed. not sure why, but after installing it, everything works fine.
Huh. Well if that problem does exist on Debian, I skip it by having xterm preinstalled. (... I don't know why terminal doesn't work though.)

I suggest using a 32-bit version of Wine and a 32-bit virtual drive. I'm not even sure if Age of Wushu is 64-bit compatible anyways???
It's not. And I /am/ using a 32-bit version of wine and 32-bit virtual drive. System wine has the problem because winecfg links to a 32-bit exe that doesn't exist on a 64-bit *system*.

I don't remember getting font errors for any game so far...
That last time I've heard of Font errors is with EverQuest II mentioned here:
This also refers to the previous paragraph: I iterate *again* that I have yet to actually attempt installing a game. All of the errors I've got so far have been in setting up the virtual drive and trying to configure wine. Ergo, these errors will occur with any game, because they happen before ANY game-specific stuff.
I have a problem with wine not detecting freetype, full stop.
Could be, you can always try re-downloading Wine and PlayOnLinux again.
I'm not aware of Arch and how it handles libraries. So I am of no help there
Please let me know if you get it worked out.
Hmm, I'm poking this again. Not necessarily hoping to achieve anything more, just to find any errors I may have missed, such as:

Error in source
Error 3 registering DLL /home/desktop/.PlayOnLinux//wineprefix/wushu/drive_c/windows/system32/xaudio2_7.dll

Every other component installs fine. I refuse to believe this one is a 64-bit issue...
Found a couple of interesting font-related tips on WineHQs:
The following needs to be done to work properly:
Method 1
1) Copy from game client: \path_to_game\Age of Wushu\bin
the following 2 files: d3dx9_35.dll & gdiplus.dll
2) Paste it in your home directory under:
3) With winecfg, make sure you set Default OS to Windows 7
4) With winetricks, install the followings: d3dx9_35 & gdiplus
5) In winecfg at Library tab, add dwrite, edit and set to disable
6) start game from a new shortcut or from terminal with the following command: wine fxlaunch.exe -no-dwrite

Method 2
Is same as Method 1, but skip the following steps: 1), 2) & 5)

Method 3
Previous to step 1), you need to:
0.a) use winetricks to install all fake fonts, chinese, japanese, and such
0.b) need to install both in linux fonts and wine fonts(\home\[username]\.wine\drive_c\windows\Fonts\) the game fonts. uploaded here: font_pack.7z
MD5sum: b6171275e176eb9cd3bb27d659bab6d9 *font_pack.7z

Definitely try that -no-dwrite tip
I've used it for a long time with Steam because there would be no fonts at all when launching Steam.
You can add the command -no-dwrite in Arguments in PlayOnLinux Configure like this:

Just select your Age of Wushu shortcut on the left, then type the command next to Arguments