Need advice Distro needed, no gaming needed.

Howdy, sorry for the paucity of posts here. M$ just killed themselves forever. How? They are retrofitting some of the truly horrible snooping for money and for the gummint features from Win10 to Win 7 and 8.1. They'll squeeze all of them in at their convenience. It's bye bye to those creeps ASAP.

I have zero interest in gaming on the PC, in any OS. Please folks, I need an easy brand of Linux to install, with NO gaming ability at all. I read that KDE is well implemented in Ubuntu. Mint ain't got it. Daniel ~ was very enthused about Mint for gaming few years back. As I wrote, I want no gaming ability at all. Just an easy distro for Web crawling and not much else, please. Thank you!
Howdy, sorry for the paucity of posts here. M$ just killed themselves forever. How? They are retrofitting some of the truly horrible snooping for money and for the gummint features from Win10 to Win 7 and 8.1. They'll squeeze all of them in at their convenience. It's bye bye to those creeps ASAP.

I have zero interest in gaming on the PC, in any OS. Please folks, I need an easy brand of Linux to install, with NO gaming ability at all. I read that KDE is well implemented in Ubuntu. Mint ain't got it. Daniel ~ was very enthused about Mint for gaming few years back. As I wrote, I want no gaming ability at all. Just an easy distro for Web crawling and not much else, please. Thank you!

I am an "aged" linux user. I have a few recommendations based on a few use parameters.

1: Do you NEED linux.
2: Can you use tools outside of windows for forever?
3: Are you going to play with stuff? (UI's system, system stuff, etc)
4: Are you willing to break and reinstall?

If yes to any / all of these then welcome to our world!!

To start: Do you need linux? I say this because BSD is solid as hell and awesome. I love OSX as a unix and freeBSD is solid as hell. Look into that and nothing will break unless you smack it with a cement club.

If you don't care, ok! Great!

I am going to throw out Ubuntu Mate as a first choice. It has all sorts of work in there from the devs and users just like Arch Linux. It's awesome.

Next, Arch. I only recommend it as a way to build what you want and learn linux from the ground up. Easy to install and easy to learn from. It's a little concerning at the start because you start at a command prompt and thats it. If that doesn't scare you you really are a linux user XD

Lastly, Debian anything. Start on debian based distros if not arch and add what you want later on. Doing it that way will give you the biggest support pool possible.

Lastly, in looking at OS's, look at what support you can get. Research anything you are unsure of and if something seems like it will go wrong look at what you can ask about where. IRC is normally the best place but if you don't know how to use it look at forums where you can ask. For example asking somewhere like somethingawful's forum is a bad idea even though there are thousands of linux users there. Asking here could get you some support but not immense amounts. Asking at ubuntu forums is a good idea, but there are still a lot of users who think ubuntu and windows are the same.

Past all of that, strap in and hang on!
I used a handful of Linux distributions ages ago, when "Linux for Dummies " didn't exist, so I got "Unix for Dummies" instead. The funny thing is that people say that Linux is much easier than it used to be. I'm not sure that is true. I wish I had a burning yearning to become a Linux user now, but my true motivation is to ditch M$ and it's manifest evils. This isn't the best motive, dang it.
Admitting this is embarrassing, but I'm sure that at least a few posters in this thread fingured that out already.

I don't want to choose a command line only distro, I'm trying to remember the distro that was infamous for being very difficult years ago---why in heck do I want all that aggravation? Truth is that I don't have enough time left to me to start with a hard core brand of Linux. Afraid that point 'n click became habitual ages ago. They say confession is good for the...
I'm trying to remember the distro that was infamous for being very difficult years ago-

I can only remember two of them... one of them being highly toxic towards... any person starting *cough* Gentoo *cough* (talking back in 2004+). Then there's Slackware Linux that was pure command line installation, as far as I know finally got the very intuitive command line based installer. I loved using Slackware, truly felt like a polished distribution last time I used it.

why in heck do I want all that aggravation?

Why, I have been wondering the same for a while. Maybe to drink the kool-aid and feel "awesome" (that you just wasted 3-4 hours of your life doing the initial configuration then 3-4 hours more installing all the packages you use (this is without including the hours you use to make a WINE game run)? God knows, after the talk of Linux Mint in another thread I decided to install LM with Cinnamon and I've been pretty happy with it even though I was aiming to get Elementary OS but... I'm waiting for their next release. Confession... I've already gone through a lot of linux variations Arch Linux, Slackware, Debian, openSUSE, Fedora, Ubuntu, etc... I'm glad that I've been able to get knowledge from some of them and be able to write guides that helps other people such as the pulseaudio one... beyond that meh, same crap in a different wrapping.

Don't _ever_ feel let down in choosing an easy to use distro. I'd say who gives a crap about the distribution you use, I used to think I understood the mindset behind that.. now as I'm growing old it's pretty much nonsense, just an stupid ego boost. Admittedly I'm using linux just to develop (still more straightforward than windows in many ways plus Powershell takes too long to learn to automate tasks) and browse stuff in the internet. All things that requires presentation, word processing is done in my main desktop which has windows.
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I agree wholeheartedly with @allenskd on this. When it comes to distros like Arch or the other "advanced" distros, they are primarily just for the specially interested. Either those wanting to learn more of the inner workings, or control freaks like me that simply enjoy spending time micromanaging the operating system.

Don't _ever_ feel let down in choosing an easy to use distro

This can't be stressed enough. Choice of distro comes down to what you personally need and expect from your operating system.

As for your reason, I think it's as good a reason as any.
Wow guys, thank you for your support! Yes, it was Slackware that was the true bear, thank you for filling my memory gap-- I totally avoided it. There are so many deserving causes that need seeing to at this time of year that I'm not sure I can afford my new Linux only machine yet. Argh. I cancelled my AVG renewal for early next year, so I really have to get to it!

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays to everyone if that's more appropriate at Gamers On Linux!
Sorry to be a bother, I see that Mint 17.3 is a Beta release, and I saw that someone said that it crashed the first time they moved their mouse. One person's gripe, I know, big deal.
Am I right in thinking that Mint Cinnamon 17.2 might be a smarter OS for this beginner?
Anyone dealt with They offer both Mint 17.2 and 17.3 versions on disc for very reasonable prices. They list Mint Cinnamon 17.3, however 17.2 is described as "Linux Mint 17.2 KDE." I really liked KDE years ago---but is Cinnamon far better?
I want to have the OS on disc, please no complaints of "why not off of the Web?"

Thank you very much for your expertise!
I think you'll probably like Cinnamon better as it has a very familiar look akin to Windows XP, Windows 7 in general. Granted I love KDE myself; thing is that KDE 4 is no longer supported as they are all moving to Plasma (KDE 5), my point is that KDE 4 has some glaring issues when it comes to searching files through Dolphin (File manager) as Nepomuk/Akonadi is one hell of a giant turd that corrupts itself easily. Plasma has moved away from Akonadi/Nepomuk (and the whole semantic search shebang) and now uses baloo which is the difference of integrity and speed is huge.

If you are going to get KDE wait a year at least till Plasma is stable.

As for your other post

I saw that someone said that it crashed the first time they moved their mouse. One person's gripe, I know, big deal.

Sounds like a video drivers problem, I personally use Linux Mint Cinnamon 17.3 for over 2-3 weeks now and hasn't given me any problems, rock solid imho... note that most of the user problems don't apply... as it depends on the hardware you use. If you use AMD video card then yes it will give you problems as the kernel with AMD improvements is in kernel 4.x series.

I hope this helps. :o (my vote goes to LM 17.3 with Cinnamon)
Yes Mint 17.3 is now available. I haven't upgraded yet, but you can always use Mint 17.2 and upgrade very easily and painlessly.
I'm using Mint 17.2 Cinnamon on 4 computers and it runs almost flawlessly.
I still have some sloness with Nemo or Nautilus... I'm not totally sure, but I've found that it is related to Nvidia 352 drivers.
No solutions yet...
You guys are indeed the best, thank you very much for posting such valuable information, at least for me! It's good to learn that Mint 17.3 is out of Beta, it looks like 17.2 with KDE would have not been such a good choice. Thanks for the LinuxMint store link, the OS discs come from, but Linux Mint gets a cut by using their site. I will put a GeForce vidcard into my Linux only machine, looks like an AMD card would have caused problems--because Mint uses an older stable kernel?

Mint Cinnamon 17.3 looks very good to me!
I've been debating going to LM Cinnamon on my laptop machine. I use Fedora now, but the main reason for that is because the servers I support are all running RHEL. However, I'm in them every day doing things, so it's not like my knowledge of RHEL is going to rust if I don't have a desktop machine to use.

Main reason I'm getting tired of Fedora is because it's just too frickin' unstable. That's not necessarily a knock at Fedora; it's SUPPOSED to be a bleeding-edge distro where RH test out new features. But I'm really getting tired of something being broken every other time I apply updates; in other words it no longer meets my needs.

Being behind the curve on kernels MIGHT be a problem for me; I can't remember which kernel finally got proper support for my hardware. I should probably download the live cd and see how it plays.
cloasters - I can send you a USB flash drive with Mint 17.3 on it for free if you want.
I have no problem doing this for ya!
Many thanks to booman, Gizmo, Daerandin, allenskd and Happy New Year to everyone at GamersOn Linux!

I liked Red Hat years ago but chose to "go steady" with SuSE, why I'm not sure. Maybe it was KDE?

Thank you for your very kind offer, booman! I'm happy to buy 17.3 Cinnamon from, I like to support the folks that sweat over a distribution, they deserve more than a couple of bucks. If I really like Mint I'll donate to 'em.
Donating would be great! Helps us all in the long-run!
Keep us updated on what you end up doing
I ordered the Mint Cinnamon 17.3 disc from the Mint folks, as well as "Linux for Dummies," which should be about my speed. How important is it to buy their umpteen disc set with "everything" on them? I put it off for now.
To be totally honest, I learned by playing around. Trial-n-error.
I would break something and then re-install
Break it again and re-install again.
I ordered the Mint Cinnamon 17.3 disc from the Mint folks, as well as "Linux for Dummies," which should be about my speed. How important is it to buy their umpteen disc set with "everything" on them? I put it off for now.

Everything that's on those CDs can be downloaded; in fact by the time you get the CDs they are almost certainly going to be outdated and superseded by what's in the repository anyway.
I'll probably break plenty of things, I sure did way back when. Thanks for the advice about the "library" set of CD-ROM's, they're not exactly inexpensive.
I'll probably break plenty of things, I sure did way back when. Thanks for the advice about the "library" set of CD-ROM's, they're not exactly inexpensive.
cloasters...I'll build your box for you. No charge.Just stay with Asus and Nvidia and I'm pretty sure we can get her to sing for you.":O} I'll install mint 17.3 and you will look upon it in wild wonder!

Mint 17.3 is a wonder! Rock solid and just plain beautiful to be in and use. I know you face this change with a great deal of trepidation. This will not go away until your sitting in front of your monitor all minty and shit!":O}

I also know you've reach that point where you can no longer support MS.... I hear you bother.

So..if you've got the bread Get over to newegg and start pricing out your system... THEN (now don't forget to do this!!!)
post your COMPLETE parts list and priceing here.
I suck at researching parts and it takes me for ever to assure myself of best practices compatibility
Perhaps folks here will help you design a machine in your price range...
Once we get that all worked out and you have the parts we can arrange a way to get them to Ravensdale and the box back to your place.Or if you like just have them shipped to me.

Giving George Linux and freeing George from all the evils of the past!

You will not believe what Mint has created for you! a pure gift for you from their open hearts!!
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