It's a default value that's been changed in a config file. It's a simple matter of editing a single variable in the config file to let user processes continue running after logging out. The change is also clearly documented in the
So in this case, I fail to see how this constitutes imposing their view on anyone.
First, just to be clear, ALL criticism is 'biased'. Otherwise it wouldn't be criticism! I can't have a viewpoint without having a bias to it. My viewpoint that this change was undesired is admittedly biased. However, your viewpoint that it is perfectly fine is ALSO biased.
I think the phrase you are looking is probably 'unwarranted'.
Also, just to be clear, I think systemd is a solution in search of a problem. I believe there are several solutions out there that were already very close to solving the same problems, but existed prior to systemd. Lennart et. al. decided for some reason that those solutions were somehow 'inferior'. I say that not to distract the discussion, but only in fairness so you know up front where I'm coming from.
Now, to your specific critique:
"It's a default value that's been changed in a config file."
Quite correct. It's a DEFAULT value that's been changed in a config file. That means there is a certain level of expectation regarding the behavior of the system, and also regarding what has to be modified when one is changing the behavior of the system.
"It's a simple matter of editing a single variable in the config file"
Again, correct. But WHY? More importantly, what's the ACTUAL impact? There are a lot of sysadmins out there, myself among them, who have built their systems around certain expectations of behavior. We KNOW what to expect, and have built steps and processes to deal with the contingencies, such as the one this change is intended to correct.
"The change is also clearly documented in the changelog"
Factually correct, but also COMPLETELY missing the point.
1) It's one of no less than 32 separate changes mentioned in the change log.
2) It's not specifically called out as "this might unexpectedly break something important", even though it's clear from the changelog that some thought was actually given to the consequences, since they provided the 'lingering' option.
"So in this case, I fail to see how this constitutes imposing their view on anyone"
Really? Umm............WHO made the change? WHO was consulted regarding the change? WHO evaluated the impact of the change?
As far as I can tell, the answer to all of the above is "The systemd developers". Ergo, they imposed their view of How Things Ought To Be on the rest of us.
I've seen arguments to the effect of "well, it's their project, they can do what they want; they don't have to consult anyone else". Arguably true, except that they have worked, conjoled, pleaded and conspired to get systemd used as the default init system in most of the major distros, and the dependencies introduced into the rest of the linux ecosystem by systemd mean that it is rapidly on its way to becoming THE init system whether the rest of us like it or not. That being the case, the rest of the linux community most definitely SHOULD have a say-so in changes like this. This isn't Lennart's garage band any more.
The problem with this specific change it that it alters the behavior of the system in a way that has potentially SIGNIFICANT knock-on effects to how people make use of the system, and does so in a way that is not immediately obvious unless you've been specifically dealing with the issue it is intended to fix. This change is NOT BENIGN. It has the potential to result in the LOSS OF DATA due to processes unexpectedly being killed.
I don't disagree that the setting is useful. I don't even disagree that the setting probably ought to eventually BE the default.
I VEHEMENTLY disagree with the ham-handed Fist-Of-God way in WHICH this change has been implemented.
The fact is that, regardless of whether the things this change breaks are things that should be allowed to occur, they are things that HAVE been allowed to occur for DECADES. We can't just suddenly make a change that causes such significant impact on a whim, however 'architecturally correct' that change may be.
Finally, points out an alternative implementation that would achieve the desired goals of cleaning up processes that don't properly exit, WITHOUT killing those long-running processes that uses EXPECT to keep around, and also without requiring users to change how they do things. That's what I call a Good Thing.