Who's heard Little Richard sing "Shake a Hand"?

My response came after numerous criticisms on your part of various artists.
To often I feel that that you advance opinion as fact rather than preference or personal view.

That I for one don't believe that criticizing the music others post. is beneficial.
we post to share our enjoyment. Not to be told why it doesn't measure up.

In short I feel you are forgetting that we posted because we at lest like if not love a particular piece of music.

What you see as flaws others may well see as innovation or a personal insight by an artist.

One comment that I found personally annoying is that Santana has finally learned that less is more???

What? Did he he use "to many notes" In Black magic woman?

Dude your talking about one of the very best guitar players of his generation.
Millions love and everyone respects what he has to bring to music and the music he brings to us.

We all have our opinions and I feel that every opinion should be respected. We do this by remaining sensitive to the fact that other may have differing opinions.

I guess I'm advocating that if one must offer such criticisms that they be contained within the songs you post so as to not lesson the pleasure of the one who posted it.

We all make mistakes, this one is yours":O}

It looks like training in music and as a musician gives me no right to criticize what other people like. Is it useful to know what others like? Safe to say, why not? Daniel, it does become annoying at times that you are right about everything.

Am I the only person who was sick of listening to Carlos Santana overplay material for decades? No. Do you know what "overplay" means in this context? No. Do you care about this? No. If you like it is that good enough for me? Should be. Let it be.

There is no accounting for taste. Looks like my opinion of what you like is no concern of yours. Fair dinkum.
My favorite Bonnie Raitt tune

"Here in the dark in these final hours
I will lay down my heart and I'll feel the power,
But you won't you won't"

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Everyone I would guess has a one hit wonder. A song that stands alone...Here's mine

"So he takes a ladder and steals the stars from the sky."

It looks like training in music and as a musician gives me no right to criticize what other people like. Is it useful to know what others like? Safe to say, why not? Daniel, it does become annoying at times that you are right about everything.

Am I the only person who was sick of listening to Carlos Santana overplay material for decades? No. Do you know what "overplay" means in this context? No. Do you care about this? No. If you like it is that good enough for me? Should be. Let it be.

There is no accounting for taste. Looks like my opinion of what you like is no concern of yours. Fair dinkum.
We have far more musically in common than not. It lifts my heart when we share what we unabashedly love.
It looks like training in music and as a musician gives me no right to criticize what other people like. Is it useful to know what others like? Safe to say, why not? Daniel, it does become annoying at times that you are right about everything.

Am I the only person who was sick of listening to Carlos Santana overplay material for decades? No. Do you know what "overplay" means in this context? No. Do you care about this? No. If you like it is that good enough for me? Should be. Let it be.

There is no accounting for taste. Looks like my opinion of what you like is no concern of yours. Fair dinkum.
Second response:

George is one who will surely arrive as he never has to be told twice,
It looks like training in music and as a musician gives me no right to criticize what other people like. Is it useful to know what others like? Safe to say, why not? Daniel, it does become annoying at times that you are right about everything.

Am I the only person who was sick of listening to Carlos Santana overplay material for decades? No. Do you know what "overplay" means in this context? No. Do you care about this? No. If you like it is that good enough for me? Should be. Let it be.

There is no accounting for taste. Looks like my opinion of what you like is no concern of yours. Fair dinkum.

Let's take this a bit more slowly and see if we can't come to some kind of accord.

I'll try and address your concerns point by point as I feel that you have confused a few things.

You are correct no amount of expertise in any field gives anyone the right to impose their view upon another, not even brain surgeons!

As they to must garner consent for what they KNOW needs to be done.

. What we know to be true gives us no special privileges.Those who think otherwise have forgotten the true foundation of all knowing...we are fallible. We make mistakes, sometimes the most learned can make the most elementary mistake. fallibility is not a passing thing anyone ever gets over. Fallibility needs be the constant companion to all objective knowing. First and foremost we need recognize our fallibility before we can learn a thing. All study must be accompanied by the thought 'I could get this wrong". "let me check that again."

All the above in
regards to "Objective" knowledge.

Then there are things that we KNOW for ourselves just by looking or listening. These things we know aren't always communicable. So it's fortunate that they don't have to be.":O}

Intuitive knowing can save your life. It is very fast. We know at once what stands before us Tiger or mouse.
We don't have to ask our friends, we don't have to consult our store of knowledge. in such situations our bodies tell us what to do.

But suppose we wish to help another beyond yelling at them to run!! And let's suppose what stands before us is less clearly differentiated than tiger and mouse.

Suppose we know the one we wish to help won't have us around to "Know intuitively for them"
What then? The we must examine the intuitive, break it down in to meaningful difference between two things.

Retrace the steps intuition made, but this time know what those steps are for the first time.
Know what key points were tuned into for our minds to make a determination without our conscience help..As .there was no time to coddle me and explain, there was only time to act.

From this shift from intuitive to the delineated examined aspects of a thing we gain our humble store of knowledge. A store of knowledge that can be share between the generations. That can save a son's life long after the father who taught him is gone.

So in the face of my own fallibility, I can still assert that I am capable.That there are things that I know.,
They are just not infallibly known to me.

Music is primal, music is pulse and heart beat. Music smooths the awkward and gives us rhythmic movement in unison and opens to us our will to dance!

We can say "This is the beat. Move on the beat." and further open music to others.

We can tech to mechanics of instruments...To any one. Because this is derived knowledge, gotten from introspection and point by point understanding of a process.

But we can't teach music making to just anyone. They must have a spark within. They must have an intuition of music that was theirs before the lessons began.

Few really analyze music and ask themselves what it was they liked about a given price of music....until they fall in love with a piece of music.

Lovers want to know all they can. Worse they want to share their love with the world! LOL

I lacked the vocabulary to ask that you listen for a building tension in the bass as it mounts a unreachable climax in "May this be love" AKA "Waterfall."

Just when you realize it's all going to crash,That they've gone a note to far one clear high note sounds and resolves the tension in something like Ecstasy for me.
I can tell you what I hear and ask you to listen for it. I can't tell you weather it is going to bring you Ecstasy.
I can't even say that it should.

You just posted Otis I will post Percy, both would cry if we are to miss the music and assert supremacy of one or the other. They are nor better or worse they are Otis and Percy.

Do you really think that it's Santana's fault that people wanted to hear him more often than you did? ":O}

"To shape a point is soon blunted. Clarity can work against the good. When Clarity becomes to sharp it wounds rather than enlightens. that which wounds attracts a blunting force as such penetration is always resisted.

I am interested in the music my friends like but feel no obligation to like it as well. How wonderful then how often I do hear what they hear and like it as well.

As usual I followed my muse in and out of the rabbit warren and perhaps only stirred the dust from previous journeys

So this is me reaching out to you. This is me asking that you gentle your observations and and realize the superior knowledge grants no one privileges that aren't granted by the UN-knowledgeable in their own efforts to learn.

Now listen to the building, mounting bass and it's resolution...or no.LOL
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