One might leap to the fact that our knowledge base is all we have. Yet that leaves a lot of room for other improving mental activities.
How did we gain that knowledge base?
Before we gained it were we not ignorant, did we not seek knowledge to "Cure " ignorance?
Once we satisfied ourselves we were no longer ignorant
did we become more knowledgeable or self satisfied
in our continued ignorance?
Here I borrow again from the Guru.
Look upon what we think we know, bask in the glory of having obtained the truth that will set us free.
Not let us look up from our self congratulations
And behold a universe of which we know not even a fraction of a tiniest fraction of one percent.
Look at those who are closest to you, what do you know of them but a tiny fraction of what it means to be them.
We don't notice these "Little" gaps in our "knowledge"
because we tell ourselves we know what is important to know.
But how can we possibly know that? When we know cosmically speaking nothing.
The Christians Jews and Muslims all have "World" views, they dis agree about many things but can live together so long as nobody brings up those world views.
Then all things must be settled upon the field of battle because we "know" that's what a God we never met wants.
To identify with ignorance isn't just a way out of conflict. It is simply the recognition of our natural state.
To embrace our ignorance is to regain our natural curiosity and wonder.
Learning becomes something cheerful and lite
We can go on learning forever with out ever thinking we know anything.
Not thinking we know is what allows learning to take place.
Then Why did I spend a life time in study of the I Ching?
I would like to think I spent it in learning yet must confess I know nothing...but am still learning.
Why bother when we can never claim any real knowledge. If claims of knowledge is your thing, then learning is not your jam.
But My feeling is that those who understand ignorance
as an open door will always walk though that door. Will always seek to broaden their ignorance.
Yes I know there is real knowledge in this world of ours.
But I continue to assert that ignorant men and women are responsible for gaining that knowledge and only the ignorant truly posses the knowledge gained.
When I identify with what I know. if I am to be honest, must see that I am one of the lest important and most insignificant creatures.Have to be Just look up!!!
When I identify with my ignorance I become as infinite as the universe that I am ignorant of.
When I write I am searching for understanding. Only my ignorance and my recondition of my ignorance makes this possible.
Keep learning stay ignorant so you may.