Ann 6th grade heart throb.":O}
Sixth grade and forever since. Great video, great find! Thanks!
Ann 6th grade heart throb.":O}
Some things just go together!
Step back for a minute Mr George.Those in charge will do nothing to slow down death by climate change.
Step back for a minute Mr George.
Will persistent negativity ever get us anywhere?
What is to be will be. We don't need to love or hate it.
We need only understand it.
Civilizations have risen and fallen in the hundreds.
Civilizations concentrate power. They must if they are to grow and serve us. Power attracts those who would harm us for their own benefit.
Global warming is just natures way of saying **** you. ":O}
And be honest, somebody had to say it!
There is much said about the time., not so much time in passing but time as a place where things of a feather come together.The Time.
In coming together they mass and gain prominence
in gaining prominence they gain power..
In gaining power they cultivate abuse to befit themselves.
Here's what hardly anyone ever sees coming..Even thought it's happened a million times.
Here's what Daniel sees every day.
Time and times change.
What is to come has come many many times before. This is history as prophecy.
Evey time a civilization falls it leads to darkness. but spreads the seed that will flourish with the return of the light.
Every civilization begins in light and ends in darkness.
If you want duration become a seed and wait in full confidence for the return of the light.
And pray our time in darkness will teach us to
to love again the light we have lost.
There is a power in this world beyond most men's power to grasp. That power lies in return.
What always and everywhere returns is the coming of the light.
Trust in the day of returning, trust in the light.
Here's the lesson every civilization lost before it fell.
For a thing to become Great, it must first be in the right. The rest is just
"ignorant armies clash by night."
Smile Mr George, it will hasten the coming of the light.
Stop holding back! Tell us how you really feel! LOLKavanaugh is a real piece of Trump. He didn't get into Yale Law on his own, he did rape women and he's a pig.
In this case I was stating an unpleasant (and newly realized) fact. Life beats the positivity out of some people. I'm glad it is your job to be positive. Thank you!
You got that RIGHT! ":O)I found that the South set aside their racism for Ray Charles. Now, if only racism was a southern problem.
For when she's not there...
Recently a Guru of India taught me something, or at lest clarified something for me.
When we identify with our knowledge base we separate and divide our selves. We can get along for a while but conflicts are sure to arise over time when we disagree.
But if we identify with our ignorance, we become innocent and without guile.We remove the cause of conflict.
But moreover we open like a child to this world.
Everything is equally amazing, everything becomes brand new and worthy of inquiry.
So an old adage takes on a new meaning...
"Ignorance is bliss."