Who's heard Little Richard sing "Shake a Hand"?

A man learns that he's dying from cancer, and goes out and writes this. What a mind he had.

And then he writes this, for his children and grandchildren:

David Letterman had him on his show after he'd been diagnosed. He told Dave he'd 'made a tactical error' in not going to see a doctor in 20 years.

Dave asked him, 'Do you know something more about life and death now?'

Warren said, 'Just how much you're supposed to enjoy every sandwich.'
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Of all the good I see coming into this world
This organization seems most likely to succeed.
I think this as they are working directly with the heart of humanity and the heart is moved by music.
And it is only our heart that must change
Playing for change:

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A man learns that he's dying from cancer, and goes out and writes this. What a mind he had.

Hell even his name was musical!

And then he writes this, for his children and grandchildren:

David Letterman had him on his show after he'd been diagnosed. He told Dave he'd 'made a tactical error' in not going to see a doctor in 20 years.

Dave asked him, 'Do you know something more about life and death now?'

Warren said, 'Just how much you're supposed to enjoy every sandwich.'

We gotta eat, food for our hearts.":O}
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I'm not a racing fan. Never been to a track.
But I've watched this race many times. It never fails to give me joy. I'm still trying to understand why.

I have never not even once seen anything or anyone
That can even come close when speaking of inprov.

Not even once. He goes so far beyond "quick witted"
The we need a new word for what he did. RIP,
Amazing, two of them even.
And both perfectly executed! ":O)
I've watched her several dozen times, she is very precise and comes to a full stop each step, other wise her 'walk" is a total illusion, it doesn't really look like walking at all, but she makes us think it does...Marvelous!

But don't sleep on her partner his upward rotation of her sweet ass must be exactly timed to her steps to complete their little illusion, It's the timed progress that fools us into thinging shes walking when she does nothing of the kind!

( You just can't trust those dancers! LOL)

Personally, in my eyes The male must be a far better partner if he's to be noticed at all...A woman's natural grace just steals our eyes away from him.

These are all obvious pros, meaning they are all really good at what they do...did you notice?

Of course not. It's not his job to be noticed, his is to present her and allow her light to give him shadow and in her shadow he dances quite well.

Exaggeration has always been my forte. ":O)
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Damn fine rendition! Excellent find, hat's off to you good sir! Summer here in the Pacific Northwest is what we long for in our endless winter. Sure, it's called Autumn, Winter and Spring. But it's all a giant and nigh to endless winter here in the high latitudes.
Yet we CHOOSE to live here.":O)