Why do you have to go twice?
As far as I know the Johnson&Johnson is the only single shot vac. the rest are all two shot.
All are effective in stopping serious illness and hospitalization and of course death.
The J&J seems to allow more illness while not allowing serious illness.
but it becomes effective very soon after the first shot. The others only become lastingly effective after the second..
but it really doesn't look like this will e the end of it. We have way way to many stupids who cannot be made to listen. Spring brake won't break us, but will set us back in a very dangerous moment.
We are racing against the mutant strains that are appearing like clock work,. We have so much Covid out in the world that mutation is inevitable. The British strain is 30% more contagious and is thought be creating more serious illness and death. . The South African seems to be hitting kids harder that other strains.
Find a needle somewhere near you! Hide until you do!!
Stay focused! all that matters is that you not get Covid!
Take any vac that's on offer. Any vac can save your life. Everything else is just by the way.
it could turn very much uglier at any moment!! We do not know this bug or it''s capabilities any where near
as well as we need to to make stead fast predictions.
But the outlook on the Covid we have is not good.
I got the measles as a kid. 45 years later it mutated in my body into Zosters.It hid out in my spinal fluid undetected and waited for the mood to strike me.
We now have what we sadly recognize as the "Long haulers"
People who had covid, (Server or mild) recovered yet are not really regaining their health.
Serious after effects plague them still after a year..
There's a terrible chance that we are only looking at Covids baby days.
So Please do as I do and treat it like it was the Black death....because it's just possible that it could be worse
And if it can be worse Republicans will see to it that it is..