Who's heard Little Richard sing "Shake a Hand"?

Good for you, Dan and Patti. I signed up to get mine on the 31st of this month and the 21st of next month.
stay vigilant!

Nothing actually changes..We still need to double mask and maintain 20 ft distant.

this isn't the end but it is the beginning of the end. It would be the end if not for those who are daily proving themselves to stupid for nature to let live.

They will no doubt bring cvoid back from the edge defeat several more times because they really are that stupid. they need to see family die before they get the message..

But but but your close in to downtown, What is Enumclw doing giving country me before city (and there for greatly more imperiled) you?
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I guess only normally talented people at making money need a degree. While Mr Gates gets a lot of good press, it can be easily argued that nearly all of his "philanthropy" benefits him more than anyone else.

Unsavory crew!
Why do you have to go twice?

Two brands of the vaccine require two shots. These are allegedly 95% good at keeping one Covid19 free. One brand requires only one shot, it's supposed to be 85% effective at keeping a person free from Covid19.

It bothers me a lot that none of the vaccines have passed normal drug testing. Good for emergency use only acknowledges that they are ""SAFE"" for emergency use. NOT that they've been tested and approved!

They all change your RNA. And not NECESSARILY for the better. Some people have died from the injections. Changing your DNA to be LESS effective against some forms of cancer seems SMART to me.

The bahstages have us over a barrel. Let me offer my thanks and great appreciation for the gummint bahstages that created this toxin in their laboratories. Go USA! We provided money to the lab in Wuhan. Go China! They perfected this horrible illness.
Why do you have to go twice?

As far as I know the Johnson&Johnson is the only single shot vac. the rest are all two shot.

All are effective in stopping serious illness and hospitalization and of course death.

The J&J seems to allow more illness while not allowing serious illness.
but it becomes effective very soon after the first shot. The others only become lastingly effective after the second..

but it really doesn't look like this will e the end of it. We have way way to many stupids who cannot be made to listen. Spring brake won't break us, but will set us back in a very dangerous moment.

We are racing against the mutant strains that are appearing like clock work,. We have so much Covid out in the world that mutation is inevitable. The British strain is 30% more contagious and is thought be creating more serious illness and death. . The South African seems to be hitting kids harder that other strains.

Find a needle somewhere near you! Hide until you do!!
Stay focused! all that matters is that you not get Covid!

Take any vac that's on offer. Any vac can save your life. Everything else is just by the way.

it could turn very much uglier at any moment!! We do not know this bug or it''s capabilities any where near
as well as we need to to make stead fast predictions.

But the outlook on the Covid we have is not good.

I got the measles as a kid. 45 years later it mutated in my body into Zosters.It hid out in my spinal fluid undetected and waited for the mood to strike me.

We now have what we sadly recognize as the "Long haulers"

People who had covid, (Server or mild) recovered yet are not really regaining their health.
Serious after effects plague them still after a year..

There's a terrible chance that we are only looking at Covids baby days.

So Please do as I do and treat it like it was the Black death....because it's just possible that it could be worse
And if it can be worse Republicans will see to it that it is..
Two brands of the vaccine require two shots. These are allegedly 95% good at keeping one Covid19 free. One brand requires only one shot, it's supposed to be 85% effective at keeping a person free from Covid19.

It bothers me a lot that none of the vaccines have passed normal drug testing. Good for emergency use only acknowledges that they are ""SAFE"" for emergency use. NOT that they've been tested and approved!

They all change your RNA. And not NECESSARILY for the better. Some people have died from the injections. Changing your DNA to be LESS effective against some forms of cancer seems SMART to me.

The bahstages have us over a barrel. Let me offer my thanks and great appreciation for the gummint bahstages that created this toxin in their laboratories. Go USA! We provided money to the lab in Wuhan. Go China! They perfected this horrible illness.
As far as I know there is Zero evidence that covid was a creation of any lab. Best guess to date it came from a bat that then infected another animal which handed it off to us..

To date no one has died of the vac. Minor irritation some mild flu symptoms...that's it.
Talked to my doctor today. He says I have just about everything wrong about the Covid19 vaccines. Of course, as a member of the medical establishment, why would anyone believe... Weyell, he's been my doc for more than twenty years. It's extremely unusual to have a doctor for more than two years in the Veteran's Administration health care system's way of doing things.

So I count myself extremely fortunate to be able to talk to "my" doctor regularly. Seems that SARS-CoV2 aka
Covid19 was NOT made in a lab, and neither were AIDS or Ebola or any of the BAD viruses of recent years. The Covid 19 vaccines do NOT change your DNA--except for letting your body manufacture the CORRECT antibodies to fight Covid19. This will probably be the way that vaccines are formulated from now on.

My protests were rendered moot right before my eyes. So I'm glad that I'm scheduled to get the jabs. As an old fart I'm in the prime zone for death by Covid19. And it's a VERY bad way to die.

I withdraw my former ideas of why the vaccine was bad. I am NOT a Republican but you can still get bad ideas in the not necessarily obvious dodgy corners of the Web.
Err, I don't **think** that's true, will do some fact-checking when I have time
17 million vacations, 37 non life threatening illness caused by the vac.

500,000 deaths in the USA alone. does anyone really need to do the math?":O}

The astro-zinika dust up in the EU may, I stress may have just been a country in panic spreading to other countries. Still I hardly see it as a bad sign that they were willing and able to stop everything on a dime and take another look.
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Talked to my doctor today. He says I have just about everything wrong about the Covid19 vaccines. Of course, as a member of the medical establishment, why would anyone believe... Weyell, he's been my doc for more than twenty years. It's extremely unusual to have a doctor for more than two years in the Veteran's Administration health care system's way of doing things.

I withdraw my former ideas of why the vaccine was bad. I am NOT a Republican but you can still get bad ideas in the not necessarily obvious dodgy corners of the Web.

There has been so much crap disseminated about just about everything in the last four years it's a wonder we aren't being asked to vote on the existence of gravity.

Get your shots George! And feel the rush toward good health. it's the human thing to do.';o]
37 million vacations, 17 non life threatening illness caused by the vac.

Not trying to be contrary, but it's a bit more than 17 people who have died. It is a relatively insignificant number compared to the amount of people jabbed, but certainly not just 17.

This from the CDC website:
"Over 109 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through March 15, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 1,913 reports of death (0.0018%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. CDC and FDA physicians review each case report of death as soon as notified and CDC requests medical records to further assess reports. A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths. CDC and FDA will continue to investigate reports of adverse events, including deaths, reported to VAERS."