Who's heard Little Richard sing "Shake a Hand"?

posting as i watch it. so use your own judgement.":eek:]

'Recorded at the Novello Theatre London ENGLAND. A light hearted entertaining overview of BUDDY HOLLY an artist that in two short years changed the future of popular music throughout the WORLD . .forever! He died tragically aged just 22. And the rest will be . . .just Rock n Roll."

I'm impressed!
There was a moment in time when Buddy and the Apollo were the embodiment of hope for this world.

"you would have to really love me to know the way I feel."

Rave on Buddy Rave on...
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They did In my ear such a crummy job on this one that I needed to hear it properly to regain my peace.';o]

To dance the Bamba Para bailar la bamba

To dance the bamba you need a little grace Para bailar la bamba se necesita una poca de gracia

A bit of grace for me, for you and up and up Una poca de gracia pa' mi pa' ti y arriba y arriba

Oh and up and up I will be for you, I will be for you, I will be for youAh y arriba y arriba por ti seré, por ti seré, por ti seré
I'm not a sailor Yo no soy marinero

I am not a sailor, I am a captain, Yo no soy marinero, soy capitán,

I am captain, I am captainSoy capitán, soy capitán
Bamba bambaBamba bamba
To dance the Bamba Para bailar la bamba

To dance the bamba you need a little grace Para bailar la bamba se necesita una poca de gracia

A little grace pa 'mi pa' ti ah and up and upUna poca de gracia pa' mi pa' ti ah y arriba y arriba
To dance the Bamba Para bailar la bamba

To dance the bamba you need a little grace Para bailar la bamba se necesita una poca de gracia

A little grace pa 'mi pa' ti ah and up and up Una poca de gracia pa' mi pa' ti ah y arriba y arriba

Oh and up and up I will be for you, I will be for you, I will be for youAh y arriba y arriba por ti seré, por ti seré, por ti seré
Bamba bambaBamba bamba
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Bryan Smith
There are many kinds of chain in this world of tears.
Gold chain to captive sliver to blind us.
the chain of lies and the chains of truth

But in the deepest darkness lies
the chains of addictions
that fracture and crumble our
will to freedom.

But nowhere is there a heaver chain
than the one we place upon one another.

no graver sin no darker deed.
That to clip wings yet to open.
and cripple a soul before it sees heaven.
and deny to it the sky.

Here's a nice read about one of the quintessential albums of our generation, in celebration of its 50th anniversary of release.

'Tapestry'. Gawd, what an album, simply perfect:


[ I have a special, personal affection for this record; I got to second base for the first time while it was playing on my girlfriend's record player ;) ]

Just see the overwhelming joy Aretha Gave her was worth the price of a ticket

Just to see the overwhelming joy Aretha Gave her was worth the price of a ticket
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They had not performed in 10 years. They were called in to fill a cancellation.
They rocked the world.

Every time I try to get out, they keep dragging me, they keep dragging me back."
The God father

So nice you can pidgin hole everything..but hey what if Bill is more that the labile you give him? do we just chop off the parts that don't fit>

When I'm suffering with an illness it makes me crabby. Sorry for the negativity.

Yet he is a Neo-Liberal. This means that his politics are too far to the Right for my liking. And his show is muchly about politics. Does this make me an insufferable Lefty? Maybe, but there are FAR too many Rightists.
Which is a national tragedy, imho.

Arrgh. I'll stop posting my opinions for a while.
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When I'm suffering with an illness it makes me crabby. Sorry for the negativity.

Yet he is a Neo-Liberal. This means that his politics are too far to the Right for my liking. And his show is muchly about politics. Does this make me an insufferable Lefty? Maybe, but there are FAR too many Rightists.
Which is a national tragedy, imho.

Arrgh. I'll stop posting my opinions for a while.

Maher's also a comedian, and a fine one at times. Do you not find him funny?

I'd think you would like him...he doesn't care for Trump ;)
When I'm suffering with an illness it makes me crabby. Sorry for the negativity.

Yet he is a Neo-Liberal. This means that his politics are too far to the Right for my liking. And his show is muchly about politics. Does this make me an insufferable Lefty? Maybe, but there are FAR too many Rightists.
Which is a national tragedy, imho.

Arrgh. I'll stop posting my opinions for a while.
Nothing wrong with posting well thought out options. When you do this we all benefit.

But I don't find slapping label of someone and saying enough said is conductive to insight.
To further say he's to far to the right of you, well it doesn't really tell us much.
He's to the right of you on every issue?

Se what I mean?
We all have our precious opinions that we all think so highly of But we only learn their real value when we subject those opinions to intensive scrutiny. For me, here in lies the one of friendships greatest gifts.

When we make each other question our assumptions. When we lend each other our points of view and in fellowship stand to our friends correction. Or persuade our friends to our own point of view..

Personally I like Bill, I think he's right on most things. But I would love to have a go at him on his stance concerning religion. As he's only seen religion in it's abuse he hasn't a clue as to what it should be about.

Do I think he'll throw up his hands and say I was wrong and you have saved me from error? No.
but I would enjoy trying to shake his certainty that he's overlooked nothing. ":O}

So here we are and being here I'd like you to understand your value to me.
Your reachable. You can be induced to reexamine a position. You do not offer any pretense of infallibility and your willing to over look my own fallibility long enough to offer me correction.

But more than this you have always been a hand my hand could hold.

Guess who?

Jaco, a monster talent. I have to watch the side dots on my Korean fretless like a hawk. Which means my ears don't tune very well. Jaco didn't need to look at his fretless bass's neck at all and played perfectly in tune. And at a fantastic tempo. Highly unusual talent!