Who's heard Little Richard sing "Shake a Hand"?

This song should never die!
But we know better hey George! ":O}

for some reason, I could never like Tommy James and the shondells-
Joan Jet covered it better IMHO. Course that could be my prejudice against T.J. and my like for Joan
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Did I post "Cookie and Lyla" before? My memory is slipping! My bad!

No prob, it's a good un'.

Another older tune ( you can sure tell who the cameraman likes!

There are so many male camera operators that lean the other way. Take the NFL... Do the cameras ever focus on the cheerleaders? Naw, it's from butt to male butt, all the way. Another reason I stopped watching pro football, many years ago.
Sure, it's fine if the cameramen are gay---but how much of the audience is? More than I think, probably.
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This song should never die!
But we know better hey George! ":O}

This is the ultimate high school romantic tune imho. They will be listening to it in two hundred years.

There are a confusing amount of editions of this song. Seems you got a good one!
In San Diego you could not turn on a radio without hearing this playing. Because of this, this is the first time in 40 years that I actually listen to it...kinda stands up to time and advances George's argument that the best lives beyond our time.
This is the ultimate high school romantic tune imho. They will be listening to it in two hundred years.

There are a confusing amount of editions of this song. Seems you got a good one!

A friend of mine at the time pointed out that if you rolled down hill in a
crimson clover field what you would see is
'over and over
crimson and clover."

I once had the very great pleasure of planting Crimson Clover into a 5 ac.field. Clover is a fantastic soil rejuvenater and builder.It did my field much good and the cows loved it. The rest you plow under to build nitrogen.

But that's not why I remember it.
5 ac of Crimson Clover in full bloom is like opening a window into heaven.
Your mesmerized into walking aimlessly though it, a million brilliantly red staffs pointing to the Sun. In that field I may have begun to wander my life away...":O}

"I once had a farm in Africa"

No wait,,,That was Watsonville Calif. ":O}

There are people I really like but I'm not really in sync with the music they prefer.

Sting is one those. This song overwhelms my resistance.

I know nothing of what may have become of Roberta. This may be the only song I've heard her do.
But she sounds a lot like love to me.

"What's it all about Alfie" A movie that examines a man by watching him move thought a year of his life. His best friend is in the hospital so he jollies up his wife, crushing her spirit with her infidelity. Alfie is just to handsome and charming to resist.

But towards the end he begins to see the unmitigated pain he is causing to those who care about him.
and finally begins to question his way using everything and everyone.

Some more of That!
Joan doesn't just rock the house, She looks into all the windows with the mind of a of a seeker.
She asks the right questions.
