I'm going to post this problem on reddit and see if anyone else can help me resolve it. I know ABZU never worked in Wine, but this is different.... Victor Vran has a native port to Linux, so it SHOULD work!
By the way, I still test ABZU from time to time in Wine to see if newer versions work. I have even tested it with Steam's Proton and the Epic Store's version of ABZU. Some gamers think the developers have added an anti-cheat to the game... not sure why? But if this is the case, then it may never work
By the way, I still test ABZU from time to time in Wine to see if newer versions work. I have even tested it with Steam's Proton and the Epic Store's version of ABZU. Some gamers think the developers have added an anti-cheat to the game... not sure why? But if this is the case, then it may never work