Thank God someone is keeping track!
Yesterday while trump was supposed to be helping out a candidate by speechifying He instead drifted off into his favorite subject. Trump claims to know and have spoken to our foremost expert on China.
Who confined in Trummy just how amazing the Chinese think he is.
They it seems think his tactics and policies are brilliant, If fact they are just a little in awe of his...
"Vert very large brain."
For some odd reason nobody has ever heard of our foremost expert on China, maybe he goes by another name when not speaking to trummy?
I wonder if the Trummmy's would let us weigh and examine such a rare and beautiful thing as Big d's brain. I would give all personal assurances that we would put it back just the way we found it, to best of our abilities of course!
It's an amazing place!
He stores all the best words there. He knows all the best words. In fact he's a really smart guy. He's smarter than just about any one. He has a really good brain.
Recently trummy confided to the UN that he had accomplished more than any another president jn the first two years. They were all just so happy for him that they laughed and laughed at him.
trmmmy took the day off to watch the republicans try to get the only judge in America that puts forth the novel idea that you cannot charge or try a sitting president onto the not so supreme court.
But if trummy really believed the would have shot stabbed and hung Sessions long ago.
To balance the scale and remind us what an intelligent person with a courageous heart looks like.
Those mutton heads thought they were going to shake Dr Ford's testimony.
I read somewhere that stupid people don't know that they are stupid. Seems they don't have the faculty to perceive the intelligence of those around them.
This week the Republicans proved it,
She may have trembled,but she was a stone of unshakable certainty. She would have convicted a pope!
Let alone that cry baby molester.
My fears for America lessened by knowing she works among us.
I Almost but not quite felt sorry for Sen Jeff Flake. Two of the most ardent and convincing women I've ever seen
confronted him on the elevator.
"If you confirm him your saying my rape doesn't matter. That you can do this to me and still sit in power."
It could almost be called a miracle..Flake crumbled. He got for them a week on vacation with the FBI for all of Kavanuts old pals. It is a felony to lie to the FBI...I think Bob Muller has made something of a thing about that.
So bye bye kaveanuts.
Republicans just have to figure out a way to convince the voters that they ever had a mother that loved them.
Or a daughter that they had any concern for. It's going to be a tough sell for them now.
Yesterday while trump was supposed to be helping out a candidate by speechifying He instead drifted off into his favorite subject. Trump claims to know and have spoken to our foremost expert on China.
Who confined in Trummy just how amazing the Chinese think he is.
They it seems think his tactics and policies are brilliant, If fact they are just a little in awe of his...
"Vert very large brain."
For some odd reason nobody has ever heard of our foremost expert on China, maybe he goes by another name when not speaking to trummy?
I wonder if the Trummmy's would let us weigh and examine such a rare and beautiful thing as Big d's brain. I would give all personal assurances that we would put it back just the way we found it, to best of our abilities of course!
It's an amazing place!
He stores all the best words there. He knows all the best words. In fact he's a really smart guy. He's smarter than just about any one. He has a really good brain.
Recently trummy confided to the UN that he had accomplished more than any another president jn the first two years. They were all just so happy for him that they laughed and laughed at him.
trmmmy took the day off to watch the republicans try to get the only judge in America that puts forth the novel idea that you cannot charge or try a sitting president onto the not so supreme court.
But if trummy really believed the would have shot stabbed and hung Sessions long ago.
To balance the scale and remind us what an intelligent person with a courageous heart looks like.
Those mutton heads thought they were going to shake Dr Ford's testimony.
I read somewhere that stupid people don't know that they are stupid. Seems they don't have the faculty to perceive the intelligence of those around them.
This week the Republicans proved it,
She may have trembled,but she was a stone of unshakable certainty. She would have convicted a pope!
Let alone that cry baby molester.
My fears for America lessened by knowing she works among us.
I Almost but not quite felt sorry for Sen Jeff Flake. Two of the most ardent and convincing women I've ever seen
confronted him on the elevator.
"If you confirm him your saying my rape doesn't matter. That you can do this to me and still sit in power."
It could almost be called a miracle..Flake crumbled. He got for them a week on vacation with the FBI for all of Kavanuts old pals. It is a felony to lie to the FBI...I think Bob Muller has made something of a thing about that.
So bye bye kaveanuts.
Republicans just have to figure out a way to convince the voters that they ever had a mother that loved them.
Or a daughter that they had any concern for. It's going to be a tough sell for them now.