The state of our nation

Thank God someone is keeping track!

Yesterday while trump was supposed to be helping out a candidate by speechifying He instead drifted off into his favorite subject. Trump claims to know and have spoken to our foremost expert on China.

Who confined in Trummy just how amazing the Chinese think he is.

They it seems think his tactics and policies are brilliant, If fact they are just a little in awe of his...

"Vert very large brain."

For some odd reason nobody has ever heard of our foremost expert on China, maybe he goes by another name when not speaking to trummy?

I wonder if the Trummmy's would let us weigh and examine such a rare and beautiful thing as Big d's brain. I would give all personal assurances that we would put it back just the way we found it, to best of our abilities of course!

It's an amazing place!

He stores all the best words there. He knows all the best words. In fact he's a really smart guy. He's smarter than just about any one. He has a really good brain.

Recently trummy confided to the UN that he had accomplished more than any another president jn the first two years. They were all just so happy for him that they laughed and laughed at him.

trmmmy took the day off to watch the republicans try to get the only judge in America that puts forth the novel idea that you cannot charge or try a sitting president onto the not so supreme court.

But if trummy really believed the would have shot stabbed and hung Sessions long ago.

To balance the scale and remind us what an intelligent person with a courageous heart looks like.
Those mutton heads thought they were going to shake Dr Ford's testimony.
I read somewhere that stupid people don't know that they are stupid. Seems they don't have the faculty to perceive the intelligence of those around them.
This week the Republicans proved it,

She may have trembled,but she was a stone of unshakable certainty. She would have convicted a pope!

Let alone that cry baby molester.

My fears for America lessened by knowing she works among us.

I Almost but not quite felt sorry for Sen Jeff Flake. Two of the most ardent and convincing women I've ever seen
confronted him on the elevator.

"If you confirm him your saying my rape doesn't matter. That you can do this to me and still sit in power."

It could almost be called a miracle..Flake crumbled. He got for them a week on vacation with the FBI for all of Kavanuts old pals. It is a felony to lie to the FBI...I think Bob Muller has made something of a thing about that.

So bye bye kaveanuts.

Republicans just have to figure out a way to convince the voters that they ever had a mother that loved them.
Or a daughter that they had any concern for. It's going to be a tough sell for them now.
One of my favorite moments in motion pictures. Forever enhanced by giving it a deserving target...

But one does long to hear kavanuts say "What" one more time.":O}
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I've been thinking about what putin has been doing with nerve gas in London.
Sure he wants to instill fear in those who would flip on him. And nerve gas certainly does that.

But why choose the one method that has his finger prints on it?

This can only be seen as as threat..."We have the worst nerve gas in history!"

Yet that doesn't really fly. Every one else has the end of this world in their hip pockets. It's not like they will lose a war for want of nerve gas.

So if this doesn't really "Do" anything politically why do it?
Naturally I share your lack of a Chrystal ball.

But when rational motive can't be found one should look for an irrational actor.

It may just be personal revenge. a tummy style fit over any dissension.

Just mulling things over...wouldn't mind some input from the more knowledgeable
or perhaps in this case simply more imaginative.":O}
One of my favorite moments in motion pictures. Forever enhanced by giving it a deserving target...

But one does long to hear kavanuts say "What" one more time.":O}

So, so, so true! Plus another lie, turns out that this monster of a human bean's Grandfather was an alum of yale.
What does it say that a creep like kavynuts graduated from one of our best institutions.
Had plenty of friends to hang out, drink and get all rapey.
Shucks. SLJ is a present day shill for Capital One. Sure removes the laugh power of the mashup I found so funny. Does it HAVE to be always something?
Even if the Republicans jam this perv down out throats...The complains will keep coming until; we impeach him.
They just don't get it. They are defective by way thought, word and deed and the country should be finished with them by now, Weather it is or not is yet to be seem.
Why can't they seem to come up with a decent nomination?
It's going to be very close. Anyone with any concern for the dignity and well being of the women we live work and play with has got to extremely worried at this point.

Pray, just pray. So much of value is on the line.
Surprise! Not, not, not!! Are we royally sca-rewed or what? Brother, it's difficult to see how we are going to survive this. I knew Trump would be bad, but evil beyond any hope of rescue rules the land from C to shining C.

And I thought that the present was an aberration? Should we welcome our alien, as in totally right wing overlords?
Not me, but who cares what seems like too few voices are whaa-ing! from the wilderness?
Ooowhee, looks more like 1933 day by day.
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In times of political extremity we must take care to remain in the middle and thus avoid personal excess.
Everything that goes to extremes meets with misfortune..this can safely be taken to mean everyone who goes to extremes as well.

We need not fear that the time will not fulfill itself. There are dozens of pitfalls awaiting trummy and his minions.
As the good ladies of our nation chanted in protest:
"November is coming!"
I wish us the very best of fortune. Hmm, I doubt that we(as a country) deserve that. Honestly speaking, I'm glad I'm old. Politically speaking, that is. Have I done my best to help remedy this intolerable situation? Practically speaking, almost.
Is that good enough? What? You think this nation deserves more?

But, don't I love my country? That's a very, very vexing question. I do. Yet I might dislike it more. Why? The last forty seven years of our history may just hold a clue. Why not read "A People's History of the United States," by Howard Zinn?
Very bad news on the environment. The fossil fuels reductions that have been internationally agreed upon are NOT going to cut it. To add insult to injury the world wasn't meeting those reductions anyway.

We are now projected to hit 2.7 degrees of increase in our mean temp. in the next 50 to 100 years. Sometime between 2030 and 2050 we will blow past the 1.2 marker

These systems all feed on and from one another. We stuck a stick in the spinning spokes...what did we expect to happen?

1 1/2 was seen as the point of no return. 2.0 was seen as disastrous for life as we know it.
The report flat out says that coal use of every kind for any reason has to stop now today if we are going to has even the slightest chance of salvaging nature as we know it. But who ya going to believe some UN commission on climate change or trummy?
What's worse is that I sat down and examined my contribution to help save us from ourselves. Car? I have one. Plastic? I use it all over the place. Recycle? Supposedly our building aids in this effort, but we sure aren't doing our best.
And recycling most plastic is a lie. It's now in fish bellies and ours as well.

So I'm freakin' guilty as charged. Don't think I'll live all that much longer. Yet cremating my old butt will add to the load of smog. I can't see taking up a pinch of real estate with my remains as any good.
It really IS always something.
If you were alone, If I had not made a negative contribution as well, we would not be in this mess.

But that time is over, Now we must act to save ourselves but more than any generation before us we must act to save the next people who will need a planet to raise their kids on.
I dumped my Dr pepper plastic, now using aluminum cans. We recycle and separate our trash.

As I'm retired I don't need the car much but Patti does. Were trying to set up a retirement in place here in the woods. Will need to have a car but will use it primary to get food, propane and pot.":O}

I haven't bought a new piece of clothing in 40 years. The Good will is good enough for the likes of me.
(It really is! I don't look like a bum, but I spend on clothes like one.":O}

Were now able to do everything we did before, but living in a trailer it costs so much less as we use so much less energy to run our domicile. and we rent a space with hook ups, not a house. Here that's the difference between paying $2700 a month in rent and\ the $450 we pay for space and hook ups.

Actually since we changed spaces to be closer to the river (150 ft away now) We pay $525 but that includes all hookups and electric.
So we actually saved around $30.00 a month moving spaces, a bit more in winter.

I only wish I had realized decades ago the savings a guy like me can get by going mobile.

That's of course unless you are one who thinks the world can afford you dragging a 30ft trailer wherever you go. To be clear I advocate living in one not draining an oil field to visit grandma with the kids.

We are doing anything we can think of to conserve. But really trailer living is an inherently eco way of life. You can't be a full blooded consumer living in a trailer...No place to put non essentials, yet enough space for my Computer, Monitor and PS4.

Do what you can and let the fates have their say and to God let us pray.

I really think something extraordinary may be about to happen. This may well teach us humanity.
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I'm not sure it is us who are responsible for the volume of plastic waste.

The younger generation seem to be worse in my experience. In fairness, they were born into a world of plastic and don't really know of a world without plastic bottles, food wrapped in plastic not paper.