Just a couple of observations:
1) You spend far too much time not engaging with people, IMO. Spend some time on Facebook or Twitter. It will give you a whole new perspective. Conservatives aren't the only ones allowing their emotions to run wild.
2) Telling people they are idiots for what they believe (which is, after all, an opinion, however factually based you believe it to be) is going to elicit the precise emotional response you are criticizing, because it is an argument based in emotion.
You may say "but I haven't called anyone an idiot". Haven't you? Right here? When you say you cannot respect someone's views, you have effectively indicated that they have nothing of value to say, and are therefore unworthy of your time. In short, an idiot.
You have cut off the possibility of further discourse. That is the heart of our entire problem in our country IMO; neither side believes the other has anything of value to say.
These are views i can respect. I don't agree but i see where your coming from.
1. You don't ignore fact.
2. Hermits don't as a rule engage with people. The difference in point of view precludes agreement.
3. If I don't tell fools they are being fools what the hell good am I?
4.The reason hermits retreat is that the vast majority of folks are in fact fools.
5. Fools are in fact unworthy of my time. But I give it to them any way. You never know when a fools is going to wake up.
6. Having the views I do, I do well to stray away from people.
7. The last person in the world you want to call a fool is a fool. The tend to get very angry.
8. A Fool is not an idiot. Idiots have no choice. A fool is is one that has the information but refuses to use it.
9 as a rule idiots are more lovable than fools. They don't seek agreement. They don't offer bullshit excuses for what they know is irrational.
10. Discourse only become possible between two people when both parties agree upon the facts.
11.We live in different worlds. for the most part, I live in a sacred world. One that is not owned by nor for the most part known to men. Most people spend there time in profane pursuits that leave little time for rational pursuits. I'm better off alone.
12. Living in a sacred world, I have come to know there is as much fool in me as in most others, The huge un-get-overable difference is that I know we are fools.
13. There is no hostility on my part. I'm not angry, or disappointed in any one..
14 I see myself in this regard as a sign post to say all who go this way are fools and will be made to pay, by a world that, unlike myself has zero affection for fools.
Chris I have never believed that all points of view have validity. This would mean that facts don't matter. They do.
I have seldom believed that the person opposite actually sees those facts as I do. As binding, as obligatory As what must be recognized if we are to greet the real world rather than our delusions based upon our desires.bigotry and fears.
In short I am a warrior and I live mostly among pimps. This can hardly please any , warrior or pimps.
This is not empty vanity. I have worked by ass off in fields most refuse to recognize as belonging to another. Belonging to the Divine.
So yes I make a difference between myself and most of my neighbors.
"this often makes a man seem proud and distant from humanity. But as active duties no longer bind me to this world of men...it does little harm."
Paraphrasing the I -Ching.
These have always been the terms under which I can properly engage with men.
Naturally I don't expect others to understand or appreciate why I do what I do.
We (Mankind and Myself) for the most part serve different masters.
We drink from different waters, we tread different paths we have in fact different destinations.
We are simply standing in the same station, passing the time together, but we wait for different trains.
I see these things because that's my job. I say these things because I seek a common understanding.
Because I don't believe that what most men do is at all related to what I am to do.
I don't really expect agreement with men. But in some times and in some places we can understand one another, can understand what separates us in not fortune nor fate, but folly.
I knew who Trump was in the first instant he appeared in the world. He and his followers are my mortal enemies. They can be no agreement between they and I . I oppose them unto death.
That I don't actively oppose them is because there is no need to. They ALWAYS destroy themselves.
Trump and his followers will destroy themselves and take a good many good men with them.
My opposition is fundamental. The very law of my being requires this opposition of me.
These are not the people I am here to serve. If I am to serve people at all it is from seclusion and isolation that help must come.
I am a different man and I follow a different law of being. I perforce must leave it to those who know a bit about me to say weather they can make any use of what I feel I have to offer....A different point of view.
I don't have to agree with someone to love them and seek their highest good with them.
I do have to speak the only truth I know.
To support trump is to advocate evil and make of you my enemy. I don't really care if trump and associates don't agree or like me, We as I have said serve different masters.
Now you know what lies in the darkness of my cave. You may call what you wish. I perceive it as the light within me awaiting birth. I defend it's truth by trying to act in accord with the law, To live in accord with the love that gave us law.
It's simply the fact that most do not. I live in isolation because men are isolated from me, not me from them.
Men tell lies I do not. Men seek to harm one another I do not. Men seek wealth I do not.
What I do, do is not for men nor yet for myself. I serve a master who who demands nothing of me save this.
That I should fear and love God above the fear of men or my affection for them.
Love of God has made enemies for me that I never sought. But Neither do I shy away from battle.
"It's not easy living on your own"
(Rolling Stones)
My truth is simple, I see what other men do not and so do what other men do not. When I meet others like me I can bring them joy. For I can bring them union.
In short no compromise with evil is possible. I must be rooted out and exposed for what it is.
I really don't have any doubts as to why I was taken by my life into solitude.
At this point you should be saying
"Neither do we!!" LOL