I would be most happy to George!
(And I definitely owe it to TR!
Linux is just to precise and picky in the console not to be absolutely sure instructions are be properly carried out.
Let's get to it!
In the main menu go to "All Applications" at the very top of your menu then scroll all the way down to "screenshot."
Right click on it and select "add to panel"
Now you have an easy to get to it by way of the Icon in your panel.
As for the Screenshot app itself...there's really nothing to it.
Click Icon to open it:
Use the drop down to select the folder you want the pictures placed it. (I use "pictures" and try to keep it fairly empty for easier Id"ing when posting. I keep a separate long term folder for "art ".
If you want to take a picture of something that won't stay open, like say, the main menu,
just guess at how long it will take you open it and get to what you want a picture of, then set the timer. tell "Screenshot" to snap the pic in say 6 seconds, then click to take the snapshot , then race to get what needs opening open in the time you have allowed yourself...
I tell you George it can be quite exhilarating at my age! ":O}
Now that I've set my timer and run my race...I want to show all the good folks out there in GOL land just how picturesque I've been!
To do that i need to post my picture in a suitable place.
To find a suitable place we look to our beloved forums.
As the august art of picture sharing is not nearly as wide speared as I feel it should be... we will have to ask our forums for a way to
"upload a file."
We're posting along and it occurs to us:
"Hey a picture is worth" , you guest it!...
"a picture is worth a "upload a file""
...and there it is waiting to be of service at the bottom of the posing box.
Lets take a look, shall we?
Ok take a shot of something and post it so I know I've done you some good! ":O}