No login possible after sudo in Mint

George, the result you are giving us is a bit suspect.

don't forget the tilde symbols, and the '2' after 'gnome'. Check by using your filemanager if you aren't comfortable on the command line. It's very important that you are sure these directories exist/don't exist.

ls ~/.gnome2/keyrings/

or, look at the contents of ~/.gnome2 in your file manager, and tell me if there is a directory called 'keyrings'

ls ~/.local/share/keyrings/

please. Likewise, you can look at ~/.local/share in your file manager and tell me if a 'keyrings' directory exists.
Ummm..........I'm confused.

The command was:

ls ~/.gnome2/keyrings

ls ~/.local/share/keyrings

The first character is a tilde, this symbol -> ~

There are also forward slash characters in the command.

What you are putting in your posts contains neither of those.

Is that just because the characters are being dropped in your posts?
George, I'm not sure what file manager you have in Mint; it might be nautilus or nemo.

See if one of those is in your programs menu, and use that if you are more comfortable.

Or, can you take screenshots of the output, if you're not sure how to copy/paste? We would feel a whole lot better :)

In Linux, the characters, slashes and case sensitive requirements mean it's different from Windows command line stuff, and we have to be very precise.

Don't lose the faith, we'll sort it out.
Daniel, you have to tell George how to take screenshots, methinks. I know you're good at that :)
OK. I get "groups my first name-second name adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare." Then the prompt returns as "firstname-secondname contraction of first and second name ~$"

Thank you very much for your help, ThunderRd!

New New New
NEW New New
I have a problem with how I'm ID'd by my system. My real name is given in "shorthand" as well as full name. This makes cutting and pasting undesirable.

My friend Mr C may have screwed this up, possibly.
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Please believe me that I typed in the ENTIRE command!! AS directed by ThunderRd.
The output of no such this, and no such that was from the complete command line argument as given to me by the fantastically patient and helpful ThunderRd.

I have no file manager listed in my Mint logo menus. (Formerly known as the "Start" button in wwWindows.)

should bring up a dialog box, type

Check for the directories in the filemanager 'Nemo' that comes up. Also, if one or both of them exist, please look to see if the directories are empty.

Then, please check if you have a 'Passwords/Login Manager' or something to that in the Mint menus, perhaps in the 'System' section?

If you don't see one, use Alt+F2 again, and type 'seahorse'. Let me know if this app exists on your machine.
Alt+F2 followed by "nemo" makes a nice largish vertical new box appear, "file system" is underlined in the left hand column. "Home" appears at the top of this left hand column. My first name-second name en claire. Nice. But no mention of "nemo" to be seen.

So is "nemo" another magic thing seen but never named?

Thank you very much for your help everyone!
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If you pull down "help / about", you'll see it is named 'Nemo'. It's your GUI file manager. It works exactly the same as your Windows file manager did.

When you type Alt+F2 in many distros, the resulting dialog box is a program launcher; you type the name of the program [firefox, xchat, leafpad, nemo or whatever] in the box, and it launches the program. It's just like the file launcher in windows when you hit the windows button and type in the little box at the bottom of the menu.

Here is where you can look at the filesystem structure. Poke around; you'll learn to find what you need by experimentation. No C:\ drive; just "file system" ['/' is the shorthand] and within that, your home directory, in which every user has a subdirectory. That is:



'~' [which is shorthand for the above]

Now, within that /home/yournamehere/ are subdirectories. We are looking for a directory named ".gnome2" and ".local/share/keyrings". But beware - the dot before the directory name means it is a hidden directory; you might have to look in the options for Nemo to make the hidden directories visible. You will find that option in the view menu, most likely "show hidden files and/or directories". Use your imagination if it's not where I say. I don't run Mint, but for sure it's somewhere in the preferences of Nemo.

After you tick the box or make the "show hidden files" option enabled, look for the two directories I'm interested in.

If either of them exists, let me know if they are empty, or if they have contents like 'default.keyring'

screenshot-20160317@222148.jpg screenshot-20160317@222207.jpg

What I've attached here is a view of the same areas on my system, which is Gentoo, using the Thunar file manager. It's not precisely the same as Mint/Nemo , but it should be very close to what you will see.

Note the location field at the top. In it is the path to where we want to look, e.g. /home/thunderrd/.local/share/keyrings
I've got pretty much the same view, but I only have the ~/.local/share/keyrings, not the ~/.gnome2/keyrings. That's normal for a fresh install of fedora 23 though.
@Gizmo: Here's what happened to me a while ago:screenshot-20160317@233242.jpg
I renamed it and the problem went away. Is your keyring directory empty? I'll bet it is.
I can't find /Passwords/Login Manager in Nemo. I think I found it before but this File Manager isn't very flexible for me at times.

Typing Alt+F2 and trying to enter something after opening something with the first iteration of Alt+F2 can get you one frozen computer. It would be nice if Nemo came out and said that it WAS Nemo without selecting "Help, About." Anyhow, yes I have Nemo and it's set to reveal hidden files. Opening "share" then "keyrings" reveals two "010011011001" "files" entitled "login keyring" and "user keystore." Double clicking them gets you a new small window saying "unknown file type" with three buttons, "Make executable and run," "Choose a program," and "Cancel." I chose "Cancel," naturally.

I hope this means that my "keyring" directory is empty.
My frustration level is climbing, sorry that I'm not "getting it" faster.
OK, we're getting somewhere now. Calm down :)

Is that "login keyring", or "login.keyring"?

"user keystore", or "user.keystore"?

Now, very important:
Do you have ~/.gnome2/keyrings? If you do, is it empty, or does it have contents?

As for the password manager, I want you to click the Mint menu button[formerly windows button] and look in those system menus, not in Nemo. Don't actually do anything in there, just let me know if you have an app that comes up. Its name should be 'seahorse'.

If you don't see a 'Password Manager' app in the menus, try Alt-F2, then type 'seahorse' and see if an app comes up.
George, remain calm. Some of the problem here is that I don't run Mint, and in the distros that I run, everything has a different name, so it's like a New Hampshire farmer talking to an Alabama good 'ole boy. It's basically the same, but we have to overcome our 'failure to communicate'.

However, the terminal commands are the same; the only thing you have to be very very careful of is typing the commands EXACTLY the way we give them to you. No extra spaces, no removed spaces, and no changed case. The terminal is unforgiving in this way.

One thing that would make it much, much easier, though... copy/paste or screenshots. You can ask one of the Mint boys how they do it. Daniel is an expert at this :)
Thank you for your patience and assistance, ThundrRd!
.local/share/keyrings reveals the two "weird files" (010011011001's) I just posted about. Sorry if I misplaced a "." there or here.
The two small "weird files" files revealed came after "login .keyring" and "user .keystore." Wunnerful, the dots seem to show up when THEY want to, not all the time.

As posted earlier not all windows are cooperative when right clicking and attempting to cut and paste.
AND, my freakin' full name as well as a shortened version are plastered all over the file names. No like.

Well, they're in the "string" required for finding or accessing files is what I meant.
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