Lost my cooling pump on my box

Trust me, money is the last thing I worry about. I can't seem to remember the first thing I worry about. I often recall the wisdom of Alfred E. Newman when he uttered this really rather well thought out statement: "What me Worry?"
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Hoo brother, I'm sorry to hear that power loss is so "popular" in your new place of residence. T'ain't right, I tells ya!
Merry Christmas to you both, I hope you aren't snowed in as well!
I loved the old Mad Magazine, and learned a lot from it too. Such great cartooning, it was wonderful while it lasted. The modern magazine is indecipherable to me, must be too old. Oh well!
As near as I can recall "Mad" was the frst voice of desention, The first crack in the wall of American delution. I laughted untill I acked and somehow felt just a little bit freeer in my own skin.
Yes! A bit more free inside yourself, thanks for nudging my old memory! We got maybe two inches here in the low lands, it's above freezing now so it's going bye bye. Whaa! It's beautiful, and the quiet it brings is just wonderful.
Your mileage will definitely vary.
After two days of hard constant rain the two foot of snow is only a few inches deep. What an adventure LOL
Whew, don't know if I could handle your style of living in the wilderness, been a city boy for a long time. Betcha all that snow was beautiful! Hope you can get to the grocery store now!
All gone here a few days ago. We have a couple of below freezing nights coming up, who knows?
It has rained here almost non stop since the two amazing sunny days....rain as it might and some of it was mighty, the snow on the ground still persists. it's somehow always less but always mostly still there. While all around me must busy themselves with winter I give solace to my cat. Iff it frezzes in it's current state....OMG what a slushy mess, but still something a cat might find of interest...
Oy, that sucks.

I had a bout with it over Christmas. Never actually hurled, but Lord knows I WANTED to, and stomach hurt.

I surely hope you manage to get better without having to feel the worst of it.
Sorry to read that you were ill, Dan. So far, with very crossed fingers, I've avoided this year's nasty flu. I hope you're feeling better now!
Still having real problems trying to post. I lose most evrything. feel a bit better, really just a really bad cough.
Are you having problem with the forum posting?
As in... web issues...
"Lose most everything" is an extremely unsettling post. I'm very glad that you feel better! Sure was a long time to feel ill. A bad cough is not good. I sincerely hope that you are able to afford all the heating you need. Cold place and bad cough nearly killed my brother, long ago. And that was in California--with a much milder winter.

If "most everything" is lost perhaps we can pass 'round the hat for your benefit? No, it wouldn't be the end of the world! I know that you are a very proud person, and will refuse that kind of help. Yet sometimes it's ok. And the idea of you not being able to post is simply unacceptable!
I sincerely wish that you're doing at the least OK, Daniel.
Had long overdue(mostly because of low sodium in me blood--then a UTI, aka urinary tract infection) surgery to repair a hernia that gradually became huge yesterday. What fun! Surgery at least once a year should be mandatory. It most assuredly puts you in touch with those fear and dread and mortality things. The pain afterwards is a bonus!
I know, complain, complain. It's me middle name!
I really hope that you are doing alright Daniel. I apologize for my passing the fedora post a while back if it insulted you. Please send us a post if and when you can, thank you!
So...I've got my roku up, Both my PS3's are restored and loaded with games. We hope to have the buck next week to aquire a new pump for my computer system. Things are going fairly well. Patti turns 65 this week. To celebrate, her Social Security will be begin to deduct around $160.00 a month for insurance she can't afford to use because of the yearly co-pay. So! Who's for armed insurrection!?

Happy Birthday Patti! So sorry for being so very late.
At last a change for the better!
Health has returned to my body, probably to other bodies a well.
George has survived a surgery I had no idea he long and wished for!!

My Koolance EX-OS has a new pump and controller card and looks brand new. I throughly cleaned the radiator and fans which is probably why it seems quieter.

My recent posting problems were completely of my televisions own making!!

Without my computer..., let's just say I'm a one trick pony when it comes to the Internet. but I discovered that my TV has a web browser that has everything you ever dreamed of....so long a you never dreamed of posting of those dreams to ...say a forums.
Yet given my prolonged recent absence I was loath to simply wait things out with my computer being down.

I know you guys all appreciate what a precious delicate and unique little snow flake I am and that you worry when I go away. So I spent hours getting a few dozen lines posted where you, my devoted friends, might happen by, read and think..."oh he didn't melt to slush after all!"

As one can see I'm once more my wordy yet just barely intelligible me.

I'm a happy camper. Good to be home and feeling whole again.":O}

OH! By "losing everything" I meant Everything I was trying to post. On average I'd say that the posts you read were around one in five of the post I wrote.

The rest just coiuldn't meet the awesomely high standard of mt Tv web browser..so it would just though them away, brilliant, yet gone forever.":O}