Lost my cooling pump on my box

Power out for 2 hours, internet stayed out for five days. They had to have a part shipped from Asia. I figured out my PS3 problem! It was a controller connection cord that played games fine, but could not send a "ps" button press to the PS3 box. God this is laborious!
Yes, but also a fun project of how to use random devices to do what you want with them
The noive! I'm glad you figured out the problem! Two hours of no power---but 5 that's five days with no Web access? They've got a LOT of nerve, I'd be so PO'd!
So...I've got my roku up, Both my PS3's are restored and loaded with games. We hope to have the buck next week to aquire a new pump for my computer system. Things are going fairly well. Patti turns 65 this week. To celebrate, her Social Security will be begin to deduct around $160.00 a month for insurance she can't afford to use because of the yearly co-pay. So! Who's for armed insurrection!?
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They upgraded their service to hook us up...but then they went down the road sighing up all insundry. So it blew and took our power with it, power was quite resilient, phone came right back as well...but for some reason, Broadband for the internet did not. We were not pleased. But they are taking missed days off our Bills. At our collective insistence.":O}
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Once I figure out what can do what for me, it was kinda of fun piecing it together. But for a long time I was blocked everywhere I turned. Couldn't fix my PS3's because even though I regained control with a new controller cord the internet here was down. Then my pump went out so no computer browser, so no internet. Finally for no good reason I can think of I realized my TV has an internet browser...kinda, it's more like a telegraph key than a phone, if you get my drift.
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Amazon's Fire TV stick could prove useful as a "back-up browser".

It now supports the Silk browser and has voice recognition for fast communication.

Bought not long ago when they were half price.
B-but--it's from Amazon. I've gotten good at avoiding Amazon, they too often send me what THEY want. Not what I order. Can't stand Jeff Bezos. What an evil bahstage!
Sure, if you really need it. Wish I knew an alternative, sorry, I don't.
I asked out of reflex...I must have as I have no money. But I wanted to thank you for reminding me how broke I am.....lol
With Alexa Remote. How kewel can you be? I allow nothing Alexa into my abode. What a horrid idea!

The Alexa on the Fire TV remote is not so bad because you have to press a mic button to speak to it. It's not listening all the time.
Yet...Lord be praised, the Republican tax screw will help all of us Yanks out. If you are a millionaire or billionaire that is. Hoe evil can some people be? Maybe we shouldn't ask.. Because worse by the minute is the answer.
We had 21 days last year without power, or so I'm told. The longest strech was 7 days, how very dull. ":O} So If I avaporate for a while please don't stress. I'm just endurning the limits that have been set for me. This is the third time I've type this so we should count ourselves blessed it it posts this time...what a world. LOL