It's snowing a bit in Ravensdale WA

Heh, it won't do much good. Your Washington weather pretty much sucks any time of year, except for the odd day or week. It wouldn't be my place of choice for things meteorological.

Now where Booman lives, that's another story...

I beg to differ, good sir. Summer begins in the second week of July here, it's dang near paradise around char from then until the third week of October. However, we now have about three straight days of just over 100F with perhaps 70% humidity in that period. Hands across the water, indeed!

But tbh, it seems like winter, albeit a mild one for nine months of the year. I'll hold the thought of summer as best I can. Sorry that your summer is so disagreeable. Dunno how far from you I was once upon a time, I'm guessing four hundred and fifty miles. The summer sun was so strong that you actually felt it pushing your shoulders closer to the ground.
I thought you guys got something like 3 rainy days a week there. Maybe I was wrong.

I also thought you didn't have too many sunny days, hence the often high suicide rate. Maybe that's urban myth.

From where I am to Da Nang is about 400 miles, to Ho Chi Minh/Saigon it's about 750 miles.
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Everyone wants to live in heaven...
Nobody wants to die!

There is more to this weather thing
than just looking at the sky!
We all get wet
Then sun ourselves to dry.

Maybe we all get a Thailand
By and by.":O}
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Weyell...seeing how the world turned hard right years ago with no improvement on the horizon... Crudoleum, I dreamed I was in the army and getting a haircut last night. Wonder if it had any connection to remembering good old Da Nang?
My first thought was 400 miles from Chiang Mai(?). Added fifty for good luck. Da Nang had about three traffic lights when I was there, just a wide spot in the road compared to the hugeness of Saigon. Oops, that's Ho Chi Minh City nowadays.

Wonder who had the brilliant idea that the US could conquer the land that is most likely the most xenophobic on Earth?
That's right, keep sweeping the fact that we LOST the Viet-Nam war under the rug. Thereby making permanent war in the Middle East seem more sane. Warmongers, we could do without them. They care not to win, just keep making them fatter with lucre.
Allow your self to heal my brother.
We all lost because that's when war happens, when we have lost.
Very good advice Dan. Maybe I'm too stubborn for my own good. Letting go is nearly impossible for me. Not so much for myself but for the millions of forgotten ones. Some events simply need to be remembered. They who forget never learn.
None of us from that generation can forget and none more so than you who bore the burden of our national ambition.
Stop trying to forget the unforgeable and take up something new.

"an easy way to deal with wild force is to forestall it."

The image of a head board being attached to a young bull, BEFORE the horns begin to grow out and become dangerous.
You've been down this road ten thousand times Expending your energy on what you know is a dead end.
So this time look down that road before you let habit take you down it...yes?

"As long as we wrestle with out faults, they remain victorious.
The best way to deal with our faults is "energetic progress in the good."

Good and better things await you George, you just need to find the courage to let what was and will have always been.... be, and take up the new.
This Universe re-creates itself microsecond by microsecond. Which means it re-creates YOU and ME microsecond by microsecond.

All we need do is wait for the right moment to act, if we find it the entire universe will support our efforts...
Which is why grace is so often found in the quite moment, before the change takes place and in the quite moment after the change establishes itself.

Sit back and enjoy a quite one.":O}

"That which you are seeking, is seeking you."
Crudoleum, I dreamed I was in the army and getting a haircut last night. Wonder if it had any connection to remembering good old Da Nang?

Oddly enough, I've been having some nightmares from my Army days recently. About 2 weeks of them, actually. Rather disquieting, and I'm starting to get a bit cranky from lack of sleep.
This does not surprising me! We, our nation and our world are in the gravest danger.
Dictators are establishing themselves and clapping down on descent every where we look!

Pray for this world my brothers, pray for a change in the hearts of men. Pray for purity of heart that we might find our way out and find our way in.

None of this is happing by chance. This is the logical out come of behavior long ago identified as evil.
They (evil men) are on the move and conflict is beginning to seem inevitable.
At this point (in my view) all we can do is wait. until a way out reveals itself to us.

"I pity the poor immigrant who wishes he would have strayed home
who uses all his power to do evil and in the end is left so alone.
I pity the poor immigrant when his gladness comes to pass."
From Bob Dylan

Oddly enough, I've been having some nightmares from my Army days recently. About 2 weeks of them, actually. Rather disquieting, and I'm starting to get a bit cranky from lack of sleep.
So sorry! I've had my problems with sleep in the past. I really didn't find a remedy.
So let's go with "this to shall pass."
and await it's passing in it's own time.

What else can we do?
I'm sorry to read that you are bedeviled by war nightmares, Gizmo. You don't deserve them, you already spent your time in hell. You are a very good man today, I hope your dreams acknowledge this!
I agree that we have done terrible evil to the world. For some of us the chickens came home to roost long ago after witnessing just how low our country sank into... no better words than doing evil. Now it appears that all decent human beings in America are being punished for our lack of... courageously resisting the bahstages that grabbed power.

The important thing is that Google takes its "do no evil" motto so very seriously. I see no other escape for me than to, for want of a more accurate phrase, "let go and let God." Yet that saying raises my hackles very high because I've also witnessed God's great cruelty--done by those that professed great love of God.
None of us from that generation can forget and none more so than you who bore the burden of our national ambition.
Stop trying to forget the unforgeable and take up something new.

"an easy way to deal with wild force is to forestall it."

The image of a head board being attached to a young bull, BEFORE the horns begin to grow out and become dangerous.
You've been down this road ten thousand times Expending your energy on what you know is a dead end.
So this time look down that road before you let habit take you down it...yes?

"As long as we wrestle with out faults, they remain victorious.
The best way to deal with our faults is "energetic progress in the good."

Good and better things await you George, you just need to find the courage to let what was and will have always been.... be, and take up the new.
This Universe re-creates itself microsecond by microsecond. Which means it re-creates YOU and ME microsecond by microsecond.

All we need do is wait for the right moment to act, if we find it the entire universe will support our efforts...
Which is why grace is so often found in the quite moment, before the change takes place and in the quite moment after the change establishes itself.

Sit back and enjoy a quite one.":O}

"That which you are seeking, is seeking you."

Truer words were never written. Thank you Daniel, I'm so freakin' stubborn that I forget these words of wisdom far too often.
All our remedies lie within us. But I'll not lie to you, we are often opposed from within as well.
Then fight without quarter is necessary if the good is to prevail. We determiner the victory.

"When you find yourself in darkness, cling to what you remember of the light."
Evil exists only in the world of man. So try to get out a bit in nature.
For most of existence for most of the time...Life is good!
Animals don't live in fear. The live in the now with the sages.

Yet Confucius said of happiness:

"Had I been a good man I would have been happy most all of my life. As things are I have only seldom been happy."
Alas, I to have seldom been happy. My world is dying how then should I be happy?

I try to be present. Available to the now. I try to be honest. Beyond that it's all day by day and I have learned not to measure my progress by weather I am happy. But rather upon the influences I create.

It use to drive me crazy to receive hexagram 58, "The Joyous." to keep in the fore ground .How do you make yourself joyous?
Then one day about a month ago the obscuration passed and I realized that as much as I was being told to be joyous , I was also being told how to be joyous.

Strength and clarity within expressing itself in gentleness without.
I know what your thinking, I thought it as well.
"I have no strength!!"

Then it came to me. If I wanted to have strength I need only keep trying and just as muscle responds to exercise, the Will responds to effort. You must try. The world may judge you, but God never will if you just keep trying.

Hard to hear when your downhearted I know!!

Just remember this to will pass and don't stop trying to remain in the now where all our remedies lay.
The now where we can will the good.
If your willing the good you are in the now.

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