It's snowing a bit in Ravensdale WA

"President" next to the name of Donny Drumpf. Who'da thought it possible? With this I better discontinue political posts.
Nothing wrong with political posts, at lest not yet. Trump's transition team wants the names and all information the Government has on any one doing Scientific work for the government on climate change...An all known associates type "inquiry"

Let the witch hunt begin!

I may be very wrong about this But there are a lot of very powerful people and organizations in this country and the world. Outside of Putin I can't name one who thinks Trump is the answer to anything.
How badly do you think he can screw up Coke a cola's world before Coke acts to preserve it's interests?

When he took Turkeys call to congratulate him. Trump use the opportunity to push his new hotel in turkey and sought preferential treatment for his Turkish partner in the hotel. Two days later Turkey arrested him!

Turkey wants an expatriate living in the USA who they clime was behind the coo in Turkey.

Trump is a idiot not to have foreseen this! Not to have foreseen this happening all over the world where ever Trump has a financial stake, they have him by his financial balls!

Which is why we can't see his taxes, we could then at lest make a guess when he is serving our interest or his own.

Now Exon can use the USA to threaten rivals and small countries. I can't see how any would dare to let him be seated as Putin's puppet. If I'm right Trumpet may have committed suicide by running for high office.

If the CIA is reading this, I'm sorry, but I don't know anymore than what I just made up...
for a guy whose supposed to be a populist... the devil in me can't wait until the Trumperies figure out just how badly they screwed themselves and their kids... Just lessened planet Earth's chances 0f survival considerably.

So he ran to save the Nation...from the very guys he has invited to the feast.. One time only rape of America Sale!. I'm waiting for them to understand they just elected the first KNOWN perve to serve as Pres...explain that to your family values families.

Here's the political dialog if they seat him as Pres.

"Your Giving everything that was left to the Rich! Schools Hospitals collapsing Corruption here to fore unimagined"

Here's the one size fits all response from Trumps auction block
"Yeah but we hate minorities same as you, your not going to betray your race by asking for a raise are you?

I truly believe this is the biggest threat this Nation has faced since WWII. The truly stupid and the truly rich and evil united. If The Electors don't stop him...I don't think there will be much left to brag about in 4 years.
If we don't dump this ruling class, were all finished.

Wanna bet he gets tagged "Putin's puppet?
Specifics are sort of beyond me. All I know is that I feel threatened by this narcissist. Hateful people in power not good.
Snows still on the ground in Ravensdale...more snow called for on mon-wedsday. Temp now is 22F....So hows by you?
26F here, and we've got freezing drizzle, supposed to turn to snow, and we'll get around an inch or so.

First snow of the year here, so people will be crashing into things with wild abandon.
Good old left coast Seattle beat ya to the snow!? The Times are indeed changing!
29F in Seattle right now. Some snow to the south of us (Ravensdale among many other spots), none here. Which is good, many drivers here have no clue about driving on slippery surfaces and we have lots of steep hills. I'm sure that Gizmo doesn't park on the street. Me neither.
We got bit more snow last night. Just enough to maintain what's on the ground.
It's interesting seeing the tracks of creatures we hardly ever see by day.
So easy to forget that the world has a "night shift".
7 AM, 68F, sunny, 44% humidity. It will be around 77 today, all day.

Come on, admit it. You're still jealous.
I guess I'm one of the night shift creatures lately. Once upon a time I loved waking up early in the AM, dunno why I changed to the "late late show."
Perhaps you should adopt a bit more of a mature attitude.
Yeah still jealous..
I'll do me level bestest, sir. lolz

I'm definitely envious of the temps in ThunderRd's neck of the woods. But I don't know what summertime is like there.

Aye, that's the tradeoff, George.

From May to around August or September, it's not unusual to have days or weeks of 38-42 C, 85-90% humidity, and NO BREEZE.

That's 100-107F for all you 'murican folks.

But this time of year, between November and February-March, the weather here is probably with the world's best, especially in the far north where I am. Bangkok and its environs aren't nearly as nice.
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Let's resume this conversation in May shall we?":O}
Heh, it won't do much good. Your Washington weather pretty much sucks any time of year, except for the odd day or week. It wouldn't be my place of choice for things meteorological.

Now where Booman lives, that's another story...
(Wait! I have to be nice to these guys)

Ah....see my post in staff. try to remember that no good deed goes unpunished!

OK, you've made me cry, I'm sure you will sleep all the better for it! ":O}
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