Going to Need a Job Soon

I think it safe to say that your success surprises no one here!
But relives us all ! LOL
Congratulations upon your acceptance of a new position in life!
Well it was a miracle in 3 weeks I applied to 23 jobs, 3 responded and two of them I was their "first choice". This has never happened to me at any time in my life!
Crazy times ;)
Well it was a miracle in 3 weeks I applied to 23 jobs, 3 responded and two of them I was their "first choice". This has never happened to me at any time in my life!
Crazy times ;)

Feels good to know you're in demand, eh? ;)
I'm late to the party, but best of luck with the new gig. When do you actually start?
Indeed, some have said silence is golden...........aaaaand there I went and broke it.:rolleyes:
Wow, do you guys have anything better to do?

I start August 1st
I'm really excited and a bit nervous.
Absolutely, congratulations. You are the man, booman! Have no fear, it will be different than what you might be imagining anyway. Why worry? Be happy! You will rise to the occasion!
Thanks everyone!
I will let you know how the new job works out when I start next week
Not for a few weeks. I will check the forum on my lunch breaks of course.