Going to Need a Job Soon

Two things I want you you to know. I have never been in your position.
The only things I have ever succeeded at were the Martial arts, taught for 5 years, and putting together a team to build forums.

There's a law of nature which says, If Dan Dan can do it, we don't need it! LOL

The only money I ever made was When I was Welding, shipyards and shops...Yeah here in Seattle that Died as soon as I mastered it, Pipe certs and all!

I don't mind so much following a different drummer...but did he have to play the Bong-Gos? ":O}

I want you to know how very fortunate you are to have the skills you do and that those skills are in demand!

The second thing...What great dads you are!
If I had thought I could do as well as you have...I might of tried it!
But there was always the different drummer thing to see to...sigh..":O}
I was offered a job at iMortgage for about the same I'm making now. I asked them for a few days to think about it.
What can I say? Well done! ":O}
Even if you don't want the job, you now know they want you! If in doubt as to weather you want it...NOW is the time to negotiate, Find out what they are willing to pay! If you don't really want the job, make it worth your while to taker it.

See how useful my total lack of experience can be! LOL
Hey, great to hear that you have several options. Definitely try to look into the companies so you can hopefully go for a job that pays well enough while also being something you will not hate.

It is at least looking like you'll be fine and don't need to worry about your income.

It's been roughly two years since I took a new position at my job. It pays more and definitely looks much better on a CV (Teamleader does look much better than operator), but I also regret taking this position. Thoughts of quitting come quite frequently, but the pay is high enough to make me stay.

Unrelated: I'm back from my 18 day trip to the other side of the planet.
I am no good at negotiating. I told them I was good with the offer, but I needed a few days to decide
I will if I get other offers... I've only received one offer so far.
If you take this one, then decide you want another job instead...does that make you a bad person?
I don't think so! ":O}
No and I can buy at least two weeks with a typical two-week-notice, but if I turn them down after accepting there is no way I'll ever work there.
So many considerations! No wonder I retired...well getting old helped a bit to.":O}
I just got an offer on a 2nd job. They are going to pay me $1000 more a year and 100% of my health insurance.
100% of your health insurance covered. How nice! However, there are so many health plans, and 100% of a bad one... If it's a great health plan that's great!
Looks like you picked a fine time to be going unemployed in. As Chris can tell you, that's not always the case! I'm very happy for you Boo! ":O}
My health plan isn't 100% covered, but it's Blue Cross/Blue Shield and is a very nice plan. It only costs me about $350/month for the whole family too (with $1000 deductible), which is less than I paid at my old job for an inferior plan. With all of Sue's health problems, I'd've been sunk without it.

The only thing I hate about it is that my doctor is 'out of network', so I have to pay the doctor and then file for reimbursement of expenses. Still, I believe I'd have to search far and wide for a job with better benefits.
Or take a job as a busboy with Canadian citizenship! LOL

My sole income is 400 a mouth S.S.
From which they deduct, without asking, 135.00 each month.
So though I may well starve I can see a Doctor!

But without Patti I could not buy the meds he prescribes.

I'm sorry I just don't want anyone to forget for a moment how badly we are being screwed...

..and bring on the armed insurrection! ":O}
From which they deduct, without asking, 135.00 each month.
So though I may well starve I can see a Doctor!

See, this is something that is just batsh*t crazy. The government gives you x$ per month for SSI, or Social Security, or Medicaid, or whatever. Then they turn around and DEDUCT from that.

WTF! How does that make any sense? If I didn't know better, I'd think the whole thing was designed to keep us all dazed and confused!

Oh, wait! I DON'T know any better! :cool:
Even our governments generously has it's limits Gizmo. ":O}

If they didn't steal it from me, it would be like just giving me medical care, you do that and everybody is going be getting sick just to take advantage of the system!!

Besides it's really Patti's fault! If she had just prognosticated Which meds would be covered by which insurgence company for the next six months, six months before they tell what they will be covering, then I could have saved big time!

But then we would all take advantage of the insurance companies by choosing plans that covered the neds we actually need...instead of all the meds we don't need. They are way ahead of us! They know what we are like!!LOL
I accepted a job at iPro Tech as a System Administrator.
I'm getting more pay and 100% of health insurance is paid-for.
Not only that... I am going to finally get a smart phone. Work provided of course.
All prayers were answered! I'm excited to get started in Aug 1st
Thanks Gizmo!
And I'm going to finally be done with the Newspaper Industry.... yay!