Fallout 3 Guide

Fallout 3 is an immersive Post Apocalyptic Role Playing Game where humanity struggles to survive in a radioactive, mutated wasteland of the United States. Following suite with Bethseda's previous Elder Scrolls titles, they explore a Sci-Fi genre and upgrade the same engine used in Elder Scrolls: Oblivion while retaining our favorite Role Playing aspects to keep us playing for 100's of hours.

Naturally I wanted to see if Fallout 3 would run in Linux. Follow my guide and lets see if it will run for you as well...


Follow my step-by-step guide on installing, configuring and optimizing Fallout 3 in Linux with PlayOnLinux.

Note: This guide applies to the Retail version of Fallout 3. Other versions may require additional steps.

Tips & Specs:

To learn more about PlayOnLinux and Wine configuration, see the online manual: PlayOnLinux Explained

Mint 16 32-bit
PlayOnLinux: 4.2.2
Wine: 1.7.15

Installing Wine

Click Tools
Select "Manage Wine Versions"

Look for the Wine Version: 1.7.15
Note: Try using stable Wine 1.8 and 1.8-staging

Select it
Click the arrow pointing to the right

Click Next

Downloading Wine


Downloading Gecko


Also try newer Wine 1.7.28 for better results

Wine 1.7.15 is installed and you can close this window

PlayOnLinux Setup

Launch PlayOnLinux
click Install

Click "Install a non-listed program"

Click Next

Select "Install a program in a new virtual drive"
Click Next

Name your virtual drive: fallout3
Click Next

Check all three options:
  • Use another version of Wine
  • Configure Wine
  • Install some libraries

Click Next

Select Wine 1.7.15 (or newer 1.7.28)
Click Next

Note: If you are running a 64-bit system, PlayOnLinux will prompt if you want to use a 64-bit or 32-bit virtual drive.
Always select 32-bit virtual drive.

Configure Wine

Applications Tab
Windows Verion: Windows 7
Click Apply

Graphics Tab
Check "Automatically capture the mouse in full-screen windows"
Check "Emulate a virtual desktop"
Desktop Size: 1024x768
Click OK

Installing Packages

Check the following packages:
  • POL_Install_corefonts
  • POL_Install_cc580
  • POL_Install_dxfullsetup
  • POL_Install_msvc80
  • POL_Install_quartz
  • POL_Install_vcrun2005

Click Next

Installing Fallout 3

Click "Select another file"
Click Next

Click Browse

Navigate to your Retail DVD
Select "Setup.exe"
Click Open

Click Next

Click Next

Check "I accept the terms of the license agreement"
Click Next

Click Next

Click Install


Uncheck both options
Click Finish

PlayOnLinux Shortcut

Select "FalloutLauncher.exe"
Click Next

Name your shortcut: Fallout 3
Click Next

Select "I don't want to make another shortcut"
Click Next

Configure PlayOnLinux

Back to PlayOnLinux
Click Configure

General Tab
Wine Version: 1.7.15
Note: Click the + to download other versions of Wine. Click the down-arrow to select other versions of Wine

Display Tab
Direct Draw Renderer: opengl
Video memory size: The amount of memory on your video card
Offscreen rendering mode: fbo

Installing Patch

Go to: Fallout 3 1.7 English Patch

Download 1.7 patch
Save it on your Desktop
Click Save

Back to PlayOnLinux Configure

Miscellaneous Tab
Click "Run a .exe file in this virtual drive"

Navigate to your desktop
Select "Fallout3_1.7_English_US.exe
Click Open

Click OK


Note: When the patch is done the Fallout 3 Launcher will automatically launch

First Launch

Hardware Detect


Click Options

Select Aspect Ratio

Select Resolution
Note: Select the same resolution as your Linux desktop for the game to appear full-screen
Click OK

Click Play and the game should crash.

Windows Live dll

Go to: http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?xlive
Click "Download zip-file"

Navigate to your desktop
Click Save

Double-click the zip file and open in Archive Manager

Select xlive.dll
Click Extract

Navigate to: /home/username/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/fallout3/drive_c/windows/system32/
Note: enter your "login" in place of "username"
Click Extract

If it asks to overwrite, click Yes

Launch Fallout 3

Back to PlayOnLinux
Select Fallout 3
Click Run

Fallout 3 Launcher
Click Play


Click Settings

Click Display

Use the slider to gain performance in Fallout 3
Slide right to increase view of objects
Slide left to decrease view of objects

Fallout 3 ran pretty smoothly on my GeForce 550 Ti. A few stutters here and there and "touchy" mouse behavior in the dialog boxes. But really good frame rates outside in the streaming world of Fallout. Experiment with newer versions of Wine 1.7.28

If Fallout 3 crashes every once in a while, its because of the in-game music. Go to the Fallout 3 game folder and rename the music folder. This will disable in-game music, but will also protect your game from crashing.
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do you have the 32-bit libraries in Ubuntu so you can run games?

Ubuntu 14 32-bit libraries:
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386
Hello guys,
I finally signed in after struggeling around for two weeks:

My system:
Linux Mint 17 "Quiana" Cinnamon 32bit (Ubuntu 14.04)
AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 240 Processor
NVIDEA GeForce GTS 250 (Driver version 331.133-0ubuntu0.0.4 Is this even right (the one with "recommented) )

Firstable: THANK YOU very much for this guide!
But I have one Problem: Everytime when there is water around the game becomes a Photo show. Nothing works any more, just shivering and struggeling.
How can I fix this?

And, when I'm asking... there is also a problem with New Vegas. I installed it perfectly with the play on linux libary, but in VATS the whole environment is marked and every targeting zone has zero percent. Can you fix this too?
I mean, isn't it kind of the same game?

I had the same problem with the water in Fallout 3. I definitely recommend trying a newer version of Wine like 1.7.44 or even a Wine staging version.
Let me know if it fixes the water bug.
I haven't tested Fallout 3 in a long time... so I'm not sure if it will help or not
Ok, I'll try.

Is it possible to install in 1.7.28 and then jjust change the wine Version in the configuration or have I to install it every time. Where can I see which wine version could work?
Staging version?
In PlayOnLinux, click Tools
Then click Wine Manager
You can see all the versions of wine available
Select the one you want to try and click the left arrow
So, I've tested a few things...

1.7.28 staging
1.7.29 - 1.7.45
1.7.45 staging
Nothing works. It don't starts, crashes or just don't improves anything.
But the thing which makes me think is that 1.7.15 and 1.7.15 staging don't even work, too. Shouldn't them?

I just went to the configuration part and toggled the wine version.
This don't seem to work. have I to reinstall the wohle virtual drive with each wine version?
So now its crashing? I thought you only had problems with water in the screen?

I just found a tip on the water...
Go to the Fallout 3 game folder and look for a Fallout.ini
Open it with TextEditor
Look for anything related to water and enter 0
Save it and try launching again.

Make sure to launch Fallout 3 with "debug" instead of "run"
This way you can see the errors when it crashes
Yeah well,

with 1.7.28 I had this water bug. But with some other versions it crashed. so there is no better version than 1.7.28 in 1.7.15 till today (1.7.44 I think).

I've set


in the ini to


now... no improvement... just a couple of picturs around rivet city....
Did you also do the music folder trick? Your game crashing might be related to that and not the water rendering.

Did you try messing with the video settings? Try everything on low as a test.

Also, try disabling GLSL in PlayOnLinux configure.
I'm stumped at this point... I remember this bug but will have to test with newer Wine versions to see if I have it as well.
There is a chance it might be a limitation with your video card, but its really hard to tell.
Hello guys,
I finally signed in after struggeling around for two weeks:

My system:
Linux Mint 17 "Quiana" Cinnamon 32bit (Ubuntu 14.04)
AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 240 Processor
NVIDEA GeForce GTS 250 (Driver version 331.133-0ubuntu0.0.4 Is this even right (the one with "recommented) )

Firstable: THANK YOU very much for this guide!
But I have one Problem: Everytime when there is water around the game becomes a Photo show. Nothing works any more, just shivering and struggeling.
How can I fix this?

And, when I'm asking... there is also a problem with New Vegas. I installed it perfectly with the play on linux libary, but in VATS the whole environment is marked and every targeting zone has zero percent. Can you fix this too?
I mean, isn't it kind of the same game?


Hi in my case works since some versions ago, however sometimes appears crashes before caused in my case because game shows problems with mp3 sound if you disable (rename mp3 carpet folder) solve this

Other things could cause crashes have relation with textures mod, especially NMC textures but in some places but when you come in this sites example in megaton wasteland works but when you go to store you must be save before entry and exit game, after this load save game previously saved and works

However in this moments finish some test with wine 1.7.45 + nvidia 352.21 and works very good with mp3 sounds too but because stay testing wine without gstreamer and use lav filters*

*this enable mpeg sequences in various games not fix all but fix various games like steins gate, nosferatu wrath of malachi, resident evil 4, blood rayne 2 and others with mpeg or related video sequences

Back to theme in lastest test works very good until nmc textures works more stable however in neil textures pack + other mods used for nmc and neil textures like as fellout (very good mod give more vivid colors like as fallout 4 ambient) and greenworld v2 (this give plants and other green vegetation) and works very good

This is some examples for fallout with mods and with mods (NMC textures and Neil Textures + Fellout and Greenworld v2 for both test)

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I found this in the AbbDB to Fallout: New Vegas.

It seems to happen in both games, so also in FO3.
I had an issue with sound in new vegas (wine 1.7.23, 32bits on 64bits Debian, using winealsa.drv through pulseaudio): most of the time the sound would be okay, but sometimes - especially during gunfights, and especially during gunfights in exterior areas with echos and reverb sound effects - the sound would become extemely choppy/stuttering, to the point where the game itself would have a very, very low framerate (like 1FPS or less).

The issue *does* come from the sound since setting bEnableAudio=0 in the Fallout.ini file results in no sound but the game running perfectly smoothly even with very high quality settings and a high resolution.

The pulseaudio logs seem to suggest that the DirectSound/alsa implem in wine tries to open (way) too many alsa connections (had thousands of 'Created input 1689 "Alsa Playback"' in the PA logs).

Tried to update my kernel, alsa/pulseaudio binaries, to no effect. Using bMultiThreadAudio=1 in Fallout.ini as well as tweaking the DirectSound parameters in the registry (such as HelBuflen and SndQueueMax) seemed to help a bit - the sound was still very choppy/delayed but the graphics and the framerate was not affected anymore.

In any case, I finally found a fix if someone happens to have the same issue: do *not* use the wine DirectSound implementation, add an override so that the native dsound.dll is loaded instead of the builtin. Also, if you use the dsound.dll file from winetricks, you'll be likely to get a "dirty" sound with echoes and so on - using a 32 bits dsound.dll file from a Windows 7 install instead results in a perfectly crisp sound (with this file: www.down-dll.com/index.php?file-download=dsound.dll&arch=32Bit&version=6.2.9200.16384&dsc=DirectSound).

Anyway, there must something wrong in the wine DirectSound implem, probably occuring only on some set of hardware/software configuration. Using the override described above fixed the issue for me (and increased the framerate even further).

Can anyone try this out? I downloaded the DLL but I don't understand how to make this override.
Normally DLL's have to be placed in c:\Windows\System32
Or it might need to be placed in the game folder.
Really depends on where Windows needs to access it.
Like the xlive.dll
It needs to be placed in the System32 folder, but that doesn't mean it will work.
When you add PlayOnLinux packages, they are basically installing the necessary libraries for the Windows System32 folder.
Check PlayOnLinux packages, there should be a direct sound available.
You could try it as well.
Ok, I tried to install the package. No "direct sound" but "direct music".
No other sound rilated direct packages available.

No improvements...
Any idears?
It never hurts to re-install the whole game again in a new virtual drive. Sometimes after installing and configuring can break something.