Going to Need a Job Soon


Grand High Exalted Mystic Emperor of Linux Gaming
Staff member
My systems administrator position will soon be eliminated due to company owners selling off three of our sites. I work in the Newspaper Industry and since December 2015 three newspaper companies have been sold to local competitors. I was supporting 5 sites in Arizona with my boss. Now with only two sites left, my boss can handle them on his own, so the owners are deciding to eliminate my position. I'm not surprised and pretty much saw this coming.
So now I'm looking for jobs in East Valley Arizona with Systems Administrator or technical responsibilities. There is a chance I may actually get a raise because apparently I'm making less than most system administrators, but then again, I didn't go to school for IT.
I didn't go to school for IT."

Perhaps this might be a good time to look into that?
Draw unemployment, go to school., look for an improved position...
These are not mutually exclusive activities.

Indeed this might be seen as "a good plan of attack.":O}

Good luck with things to come!
I have a feeling unemployment won't pay the bills. I hated school anyways...
I have learned WAY more on-the-job than I every did in school. So I'm applying for IT jobs in Arizona. I've already applied for 10 jobs.
Different states are less or more generous with unemployment benefits. Glad to see that you are applying yourself so well!
Got an email from one job, but it started as contract and only paid $17 hr
I also applied to 3 more jobs
Being born rich is not to be altogether frowned upon.
But if that didn't happen to you:
Then yeah, Perseverance, ":O}
Yeah, but... Don't most kids really dislike any Richie Rich's they may come across? Not that I knew more than a threadbare handful over the years. I remember them as insufferable, except for one. The exception that proved the rule?
That expression never made sense to me.

You go booman, you deserve a very good job!
Keep at it Boo, I'm sure something will come your way.

edit: WTF?! I just realized we don't have a thumbsup smiley?!
<runs off>
Danrok! Why didn't you tell me there was no thumbsup smiley?!
Keep at it Boo, I'm sure something will come your way.

edit: WTF?! I just realized we don't have a thumbsup smiley?!
<runs off>
Danrok! Why didn't you tell me there was no thumbsup smiley?!
Really guys? This is the best we can do??:cool:
Guess so...
Just did a phone interview and it went really well. They might not offer me the salary I'm currently getting. We have a single-income family and practically not debt. just one car that is almost paid off.
Really sucks because Arizona isn't an expensive place to live, but single-income makes it very hard.
  • Rent increases
  • Health Ins increases
  • Water/Power increases
  • Car repairs
  • Sick kids
  • Emergencies
No two ways, the deck has been stacked against parents for a long time. I don't know how you manage it!
Prayer and patience. I also don't go out to eat every day for lunch like everyone else does.