Will someone one tell me why?

And there you have it Boo! When we want "the blues" Jazz will only give us the blues...if you see what I mean.":O}
Come July 29 Windows Ten (or numba ten thou, as we said once upon a time in SE Asia. It was not a compliment) people who want MS's Windows 10 will get to pay $119 for it.

Holy carap. MS should pay YOU to use the snoopiest advertisingest miserable excuse for an OS. It preys upon the user like crazy. Thank heaven I said goodbye to all that horribobble insanity!
Couldn't have done it without a LOT of help from the fantastically great people here at GamersOnLinux!
Thank you very much!
In the past their home versions were always $98.00 now they are $119?
How much is the Ultimate version?

I'm avoiding Windows 10 like the plague! (did I spell that right?)

I've read posts all over Google+, Reddit, Slash. and here about Microsoft's snooping, but haven't really seen anything in detail.
Leaving MS Windows behind seems a bit like fleeing a war torn country, littered with moral uncertainties , and questionable pratices.
Evey day you find new reasons to say, "Thank God I was able to get out!

Everyday Linux is
"saving all that can be saved"
You know, saving guys like you and me.":O}
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The insults to your machine's integrity from Win 10 are fast, furious and legion. The MS corporation makes hints as to its integrity, but they are sadly, all lies. Running Win 10 is akin to putting yourself under a full body X-Ray at high power--all of the time that your computer is on. There are are far too many security nightmares to list. Please take my word that only a great fool would run Win 10, and the other older Win versions (7,8, 8.1) become Win 10 long before it's "officially" announced to you.
MS is no longer even a smidgen of a "friend" to its users.
That is pretty sad. I'm sure they are doing this "In the name of Security" by forcing us to update and a upgrade. "Forcing" is the key word. I hesitate to update my Windows 7 & 8 machines at home.
I'm picking up a few hard drives from a friend and may start installing Linux on all of my PC's
Dual boot for now, but play to permanently cut-off Windows.

I will not be upgrading to Windows 10

Even if it means sacrificing a few games.
Obviously 200+ of them will still run via our Guides
I feel many are weighing the pros and cons as time goes on. As Linux and Mint in particular improve I think the choice will become clearer and easier. As time goes on, it think Linux will find itself more and more favored in the balance.
I agree.
So many of us can't afford a $3000.00 Mac
Linux is a great option, but some people need to go outside their comfort zone and learn something new.
Unfortunately most people aren't so great with technology and fear it, so trying something new on their computer is a very difficult task.

I love Mint because it has Windows Themes to make it look like Windows. This way it eases the user into Linux with the GUI.
I have no idea what a windows screen looks like ...not in years!
OMG...I could be using a windows theme and not know it!?? LOL
Right-click the panel and select Themes
Click Ad/Remove Desktop Themes
Click the button at the top: Available Themes Online

Some themes won't work, but download a few and try them out.
I use to LOVE the Tron theme, but now I stick with Windows 7-Aero
Must admit that I really liked the Aero feature. I used it even though my Vidcard was too weak to do it according to a few sources---wait a second... my Mint Cinnamon desktop screen also has the Aero feature! I Never noticed it till now. Another good reason to say goodbye forever to the poisoned fruit of Mr Bill's greed.
That is pretty sad. I'm sure they are doing this "In the name of Security" by forcing us to update and a upgrade. "Forcing" is the key word. I hesitate to update my Windows 7 & 8 machines at home.
I'm picking up a few hard drives from a friend and may start installing Linux on all of my PC's
Dual boot for now, but play to permanently cut-off Windows.

I will not be upgrading to Windows 10

Even if it means sacrificing a few games.
Obviously 200+ of them will still run via our Guides

The danger from running Win 7 is that MS will "silently"( a lot of the time you just don't know that MS is updating it) to Win 10. Thanks MS, yer so danged honest!
And leave us not forget...
You can mix and match Themes in mint to get the results you want.
I'll take a look at Win 7-Areo...Can't seem to find it...?


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The danger from running Win 7 is that MS will "silently"( a lot of the time you just don't know that MS is updating it) to Win 10. Thanks MS, yer so danged honest!
The day this happens is when I format and install Linux on that computer.
And leave us not forget...
You can mix and match Themes in mint to get the results you want.
I'll take a look at Win 7-Areo...Can't seem to find it...?
Just search Windows, you will see it
Got it! Now to take a look see at what it is I've got!


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