Will someone one tell me why?

its beautiful! Don't tell anyone you are using Aero theme in Linux :p

Notice your icons and applets are really close together?
You can either make panel smaller or remove some of them.
That theme adds a little extra space between icons. The Windows 8 is better with the panel, but the menu is practically invisible for text and its hard to read.

Here is mine:
I don't like being the bearer of unhappy news, but MS has gone completely power mad. Your "Win 7" is probably much closer to Win 10 than they let on.
I can't believe the new details of the horrors MS is dragging their very unfortunate users through. It's a nightmare. I am SO lucky to have jumped from that ship when I did and should have done it a lot earlier than I did. It didn't help that Lenovo didn't like Linux at all.

THANK YOU GamersOnLinux, you folks are life savers!
As far as I can tell, Mint Cinnamon's rendition of Aero is not as nice as the corporation from hell's version. The bar on the bottom of the screen doesn't automatically change color to suit the moment's desktop and transparent box borders are missing.
Too bad, so sad. Even if I could safely use the Old Same Company's Aero effect I would not. Out of spite? Why not?
Its a really really thinned down version of Aero. You only really get the taskbar, systems tray and windows borders. Thats all. Everything else is still Mint theme

If Windows 7 has already updated Microsoft's sniffing then its hard to tell. I don't update my computers very often because I mostly play games offline. So I might still be protected until I go online.
Linux is looking much nicer every day
What your going though is normal George, ":O}
As windows fades from your mind most all the computer rage goes with it.

Your defensive hostility levels drop to almost nothing.
Mistakes get made no doubt, but with nobody around trying to screw you,

One naturally assumes a more kindly and forgiving nature.

As win-blows so peace grows.":O}

(I love complex meanings just creeping around and then hiding away in a simple slogan)

That's an original you know!
But you can use it if you want to. it's not under sloppy-write or anything..
It's very smart of you to stay off line with your Win 7 installations, Booman! An excellent practice!

As nearly always you are spot on, Daniel~! Win Blew--and once upon a time I didn't have a clue. Oh, the humanity!
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OMGosh, this thread is getting pretty bland.
Can we liven it up?
After breaking two ribs reaching over my dresser to get something behind it and I guess I put to much weight on my chest and a rib broke!.
But my task not finished I tried laying over the top of the dresser on my other side and broke a rib on my other side.

This is two moths old and lacks the snap Boo has called for to enliven this thread.

So Last night in the middle of detoxing from Oxycondone that was driving me nust with side effects worse than the pain they are prescribed for. I noticed that my USB backup drive had slipped off the top off my dresser and down behind it.

So this time I approach with caution. This time I hoist my self up and put my gut rather than my ribs on the edge.
Thus protected from the shape edge of my dresser, I reach across the top and...
promptly beak another rib!

Would anyone like to feel it? ":O}

I realize that you guys actually have lives...
But for me this is as exciting as it gets! ":O}
Wow! You broke 3 ribs trying to get your USB drive? You are dedicated!
I would have probably just yanked it by the power cord or USB cord instead of climbing over the dresser.
Holy crap, Daniel~! Three broken ribs?? :eek: I'm very unhappy to read this! :( And ribs that are only cracked hurt badly. For a hell of a long time. But only when you breathe, thank heaven for small mercies! And coughing is wonderful, too. I'm SO glad I stopped smoking three years ago.
Dan~, please think more before you do hazardous things. Pondering upon that... I better think more first as well. Careful there, I'm a phartus oldus now. Sucks to be old, but thinking about the alternative...

Don't sweat it Dan~, I don't have much of a life.
Dunno if this helps, maybe? Getting off of heroin (Thank Bayer) is not easy. But the artificial opiates are far worse. Thank the Chermans, they invented the pre-cursor to Oxycodone. It was only a small chemical leap to Oxycodone. Then a little drug company in the US became a whale. With thousands of deaths across America under their belt. But all legal business success is good, according to those that count. Ask Martin Shkreli, a hero of unlimited greed.

Oh, don't listen to me, I obviously don't have a clue. :rolleyes:
Martin Shkreli

You know, I try really hard to live up to my ideal of what a good christian should be, but there are a few things that I really struggle with. I know that we should 'turn the other cheek' and that vengeance belongs to the Lord, and that it is wrong to knowingly deliberately take a life.

But there are a few folks that I really wouldn't bat an eye at. When some willingly, deliberately, capriciously, MALICIOUSLY engages in the kind of activity that guy did?

Yeah, really wouldn't shed a tear over him.

Like I said, some things I'm still working on, and a few things the Lord and I will have to sit and have a heart-to-heart chat about when it comes time to justify my life.
I am in awe of Christians that conscientiously try to live up to the Ten Commandments. Talk about a difficult row to hoe!
I'm not a Christian, yet I respect their ideals and try to practice them myself.
I wish it wasn't so easy for me to hate Mr Shkreli. I think it's better to hate what he stands for. But hate should have less of a place in my heart. With so much evil being REWARDED in this messed up world hate comes very easily.
To Boo,
your cowardice sickens me! Your a man that would pull cords just to spare yourself the discomfort of a broken rib!!!?


( I didn't actually think of that!) ":O}
Holy crap, Daniel~! Three broken ribs?? :eek: I'm very unhappy to read this! :( And ribs that are only cracked hurt badly. For a hell of a long time. But only when you breathe, thank heaven for small mercies! And coughing is wonderful, too. I'm SO glad I stopped smoking three years ago.
Dan~, please think more before you do hazardous things. Pondering upon that... I better think more first as well. Careful there, I'm a phartus oldus now. Sucks to be old, but thinking about the alternative...

Don't sweat it Dan~, I don't have much of a life.
Dunno if this helps, maybe? Getting off of heroin (Thank Bayer) is not easy. But the artificial opiates are far worse. Thank the Chermans, they invented the pre-cursor to Oxycodone. It was only a small chemical leap to Oxycodone. Then a little drug company in the US became a whale. With thousands of deaths across America under their belt. But all legal business success is good, according to those that count. Ask Martin Shkreli, a hero of unlimited greed.

Oh, don't listen to me, I obviously don't have a clue. :rolleyes:

Thank you George I can always count on you when the world turns savagely upon me...As Boo just did!
When I've had a chance to recover from his assault I'll post more for those who have a heart,,,LOL
Martin Shkreli

You know, I try really hard to live up to my ideal of what a good christian should be, but there are a few things that I really struggle with. I know that we should 'turn the other cheek' and that vengeance belongs to the Lord, and that it is wrong to knowingly deliberately take a life.

But there are a few folks that I really wouldn't bat an eye at. When some willingly, deliberately, capriciously, MALICIOUSLY engages in the kind of activity that guy did?

Yeah, really wouldn't shed a tear over him.

Like I said, some things I'm still working on, and a few things the Lord and I will have to sit and have a heart-to-heart chat about when it comes time to justify my life.

Man what a knee jerk response!
That said:
Sometimes all we need is a good knee jerk response and a 45.
Guys like Martin Shkreli bring all the rest with them when they come.

We are hard wired to recognize an enemy of all mankind.
A "forty-five" for M'sieur Shhhkrraylie? Tut, good sir. Surely not, why he's a paragon of good business sense! Beloved by board members from sea to shiny sea.
More news from za world of huge business. Bayer (they brought us aspirin. Good for them!) As well as heroin, created to get wounded Civil War vets off of morphine. The vets said it worked marvelously well. Tsk! Untruthful veterans!
Anyway, I read today that Bayer wants to buy Monsanto. Good heavens, great way to boost the public's confidence in your mighty corporation. After years of research, I find Monsanto to be an EVIL outfit. Genetically Modified Organisms serve no one but their patent holders. People, animals, plants and the very soil we live upon is badly damaged by these monstrosities. Of course this is imho. Your mileage may be different.
Man what a knee jerk response!

Yes, well, I'm a jerk and I'd love to plant my knee in his no-no square. At a minimum.

You know my background Daniel. As I said, there are some things I'm still working on. :)
George your just the guy I need to talk to...unfortunately for you.
For around 5 years now I have asked every doctor and pain nurse I've encountered this question.

Why are there any junkies?

Due to Zoster I've tried nearly all the choices on the menu.
Morphine, Oxycondone, Percodan,Percasett and others beyond my recall.
Now I know this sounds like a junkie trying to convince his mother of undying purity...

But I HATE narcotics!!
I mean I really really hate their attendant side effects.
For me the war on drugs has always been between bene-fit and the just plain fits the side effects often put me into.

This is why I tried so many different compounds,
EVERY single doctor I've asked has looked right in my eye and said there's no real difference between Oxy and Morphine or heroin to the junkie.
This can not be true!

I once in my youth tried eating a piece of black tar opium the size of you little finger nail and about the same thickness. After 20 mins. I puked. But even puking felt wondrousness. Truth is I loved the body hight so much I never tried it again.
So who is right them or me?
And if they are right...Why in Gods name is there a single junkie on the face of the Earth?

If I'm right what has turned Docs and nurse into the worlds biggest liars?

They are now trying one I missed in my Zoster days.
Hydromorphone Hcl or Dilaudid.

Only one and a half days into it.
My only Junkie friend ( in my past) once told me that Dilaudid was
(around 35 years ago)
The junkies drug of choice after Heroin.
I just gotta say I'm hoping he was right! LOL

I just really hate the side effects. So far the Dilaudid has the highest benefit to cost ratio
but the side effects have always come after the relief. So I wait to learn my fate.

While I'm here I'll inform the world that the science of pain relief has jut been set back by 20 years.

Basically they are dealing with pain patients, at the feds insistence, like we are junkies seeking relief from life's cruel miseries.
rather simply people in pain.

My Nurse practitioner can no longer prescribe long term narcotic for me. Now I I have drive 45 mins each way to Another nurse practitioner who specializes in Pain and who doesn't seem to know shit from shinola.

The First thing my Zoster Doc told me all those yeas ago, "Don't worry about addiction, your not an addict. Addiction is a brain disease. You don't have. Any thing I get you into I'll get you back out of.
I've dropped in succession Pekadan Morphine Etc. without pain simply doing the obvious, a slow reduction to nothing... This was easy...AS SOON AS THE PAIN STOPPED!!

New research shows that the best way to create an addiction in the mind is to deny drugs to pain patients.
Uncertainty is the enemy, it fixates the mind upon acquisition and creates fear. The two together are lethal.

So my Doc sends to a new pain doc. I give up my Oxy at 10Mg and the bitch gives me Dilaudid at 2 Mg.
and sends me home to detox And BOY do I!!

I call up and tell them In in REAL pain. They tell me they are in real proctorial lock.
The Feds have decided there are no pain patients...Just Junkies.
So I detox on my own woefully under medicated and in real zoster pain as well as real pain from my lack of circulation in my lags. No pulse in either ankle!

The worst is over now after a week in pretty serious pain, at lest 65% of which was cause by the OXY and then worsened by withdrawal from a two year physical addiction to Oxy.

This was completely UNNECESSARY!! I could have easily walked with a slow withdraw. But no. They took my meds not telling me the ass holes were going to leave on my own to face Oxy withdrawal.
Because the Government says there's an epidemic. Like any other outcome was possible when the Government sells us to the phamacons as if we were cattle!
If I had received the treatment I'm getting now when Zoster hit me....I'd be a dead man today! I'm not kidding, DEAD!

This means they are out there killing Pain patients and Junkies alike!
The ham fisted morons! We HAVE GOOD science on this!! We are ignoring it.

So here's what going to happen. Those who need narcotics are going to resent as I do being fucked with and are going to go to the streets where better cheaper drugs are to be had , hell the bastards already know this is happening!

Phamacoms make !1000 times the amount of narcotic being legally prescribed and No one asks where it goes because we know where it goes! Those awful dirty junkies buy it on the street when they can't get the drugs they want.

How it gets to the streets just proves there is still magic in the world, a magic so dark as to blot out the very sun and take the lives of our youth, most of whom first met Oxy as I did...In their Doctors office!

So George as your the only degenerate low life ex-junkei I know, can you give me some information a bit more solid than I've been able to put together for myself?

From Snow blind friend by Hoyt Axton
"and he'll aways be a worry to his poor heart broken mother
and he'll always be another one of us."