Not a problem - I was trying hard to paraphrase Aristotle, despite my never having actually read Nicomachean Ethics... or any Aristotle, or, to be fair, any philosophy whatsoever.
The Gentoo Handbook is just more useful, wouldn't you agree?
Getting older by the day. I got back home just in time to celebrate son-the-second's ninth birthday, meanwhile enjoying the calm before the storm with son-the-first, before puberty changes him from an articulate and witty young human into an incorrigible little shit for a few years.
I was still picturing him crawling across the floor to reach daddy.
Oh Dude your going to get old so fast!! LOL
Tomorrow they both will want keys to your car!
I always asked when there was no one home to say no.
Worst thing, for you that is, I was never caught! Just something you can think about while boarding your next jet to your river of money so you can bring home a bucket or two to live on.
Aristotle is a complete waste of time. Sure he outlined the sciences . But he was pissed at Alexander for not enslaving the world.
"Most men are born slaves."
By which he meant anyone not Greek or Macedonian,
Plato on the other hand advanced Socratic method.
All we know of Socrates we know from Plato.
"All of Western philosophy is but a footnote to Plato."
Socrates was REALLY out there!
At 65 he could walk the very rough streets of Athens
completely unafraid. No one screwed with him.
Once he was reported as having stood barefoot in the snow working out a thought problem.
After three days and nights his face was said to have brighten and he walked home.
I soon tired of most of western thought. I wanted to explore the Mystery and they just wanted to solve it. But I took this turn quite young in life. So most or western thought still lies unexplored by me.
I spent a few years studying the Zen folks, liked most of what I came across.
But by the time I was 18 I was wedded to the I Ching.
By the time I was 35 I entered into a retreat (isolation,seclusion).
And dedicated my self to learning and attempting to embody those teachings.
The first two decades were a season in hell. Everything I wanted to do, there I was standing in my way!!Were the Oracle's patience less than endless I would have been dumped and sent on my way.
One thing to grasp truth
Altogether different undertaking to embody that truth.
As I'm sure you learned from The Gentoo Handbook. ":O}
This is what I learned!
summed up not by the I Ching
But by Kierkegaard A Christian.
"Purity of heart is to will one thing."
Is to always will the good.
Any who wish to can progress and grow in wisdom
by aligning themselves with this great truth.
"Purity of heart is to will one thing."
'I'm sure you marked this passage with a turned down page in your hand book.":O}
I miss you Kaitain. No one has ever ragged on my ass quite as well as you do.":O}