Must truth hurt so often? Seems that that's the truth.
I know everyone says that
"the truth hurts"
It is a lie. The true alone heals us.
What hurts if fighting to deny or ignore the truth.
From this all our troubles come to us.
At work, joining one's self to another in marriage; raising a child,
facing our faults, in all things it is the lie that cripples our efforts.
It is the lie that misdirects our energies.
It is not Until a man or women fore swears all lies and all lying that they become dependable.
That they can properly address themselves to the needs of our world.
Once we abolish lying in our lives, our course starts to become clear to us.
In the truth we can always find a way forward. Yet it might not lead to success
For this reason we must abandon personal desire. Success and failure are a lie!
Here is what is true. You. When you resolve your self to take upon your selves the burden of truth.
The world changes for you. The world most often turns her back on you, here I speak of the world of men.
But the workings of this world start to become clear.
Lies are born when we seek for what we should not have,
Weather this be power over others or an excuse to gain what belongs to another. Lies are born when we grow discontent with what we were given and cannot find an honorable way to attain what was never ours.
People amerced in lies never see, as we lie first to ourselves. And it is ourselves that we first free when we
forswear all lies.
No one needs a brutal truth Sayer. To use truth to harm another is a lie. There maybe consequences to our truth telling. just as there is pain in lancing a boil.
But both lead directly to a healthier situation. We can heal just about anything once we learn the truth of it.
We can harm the entire world as we are seeing now, just by telling a lie.