r9 m275x driver question

I was wondering how todays youth would regard a phone that was nailed to the wall and came with a host of options the stunning high-lite of which had to be the20 ft. extended cord from the phone's "speaker and reviver handle" that came in so many colors that people gave up trying (every time!) and just choose black...

As I sit with the picture conjured from the 1950's I realize that we never thought of the box on the wall as the phone,only the handle we spoke into and listen to...

My father was impressed you could do both at the same time for some reason.

We seemed to resent the phone box.
As soon as one dialed out or picked up the ringing phone, they would twirl and and look else where. And there in lay the problem!

I can see mom now,
down the hall and half way across the kitchen, springy curled cord hung up on the icebox door, hung up on a cabinet door several feet past the ice box and wrapped trice around her lower body and legs as she bent over to feed the dogs.

Our phone was hung on the wall
"Because" as my father pointed out..
"homes that leave the pone box loose at the end of a long line...well such phones can never been found when you want them in an emergency."
I might of bought into that, but even at 8 it seemed to me we could just follow the line in from the wall

My older sister set me straight..

" He just doesn't want me to be able to talk to my friends in my room where he can't hear me!

Innovation was near constant back then. I remember I was entering my second decade when the wave of progress overwhelmed us all!
For an additional, additional fee... Private lines could be had! Yes that was on top of what Ma Bell stole from you in long distantness fess for when you were calling across town!! But hey! Who did that!?

Grandma called twice a year from New York all the way to my very home in San Diego!

My Two Sisters, my brother and I were divided about getting a private line.
My older sister seemed to think EVERYONE in the world wanted listen in on her use of our party line.

( perhaps I should explain to young folks under 60 ":O}

(( A party- line was where a dozen households would share the same line. Which meant that any house hold could and did ease-drop on anyone using the same line.... More you payed Ma Bell the fewer house holds share the line...

My younger brother, sister and I wanted to keep the party line as we spent much of our time ease dropping on anyone who happen to need their phone.

I was told, our presence on the party-line greatly sped progress in spreading private line in our neck of the woods.
But the person who told me that just wanted to get me off the line.

Who knew people could be so touchy and judgmental!
Or that grown up would speak to a mere child in such a manner!!
Thank you for taking me down memory lane again, Daniel~! The wondrous world of "communications" of long ago. You had to reserve a line ahead of time for a long distance call way back when. And an overseas call? You must be one rich mofo!
I was three or a little older and I recall that the four story house of my paternal grandmother had one phone, black of course. On the third floor on a little table in the hallway. I imagine that at least one call was ignored because a lot of stairs had to be negotiated to get to it.

Dunno if I should share the horrific scene that's burned into my mind regarding that phone. Better not, just the memory of it is too danged yuck for words.
Who knows, maybe my modern day reluctance to pick up a phone and call anyone is related to that? Never thought of it before.
Thank goodness for modern PC's and the internet! I wish that every communication wasn't monitored or at least recorded,
but you don't get what you want on occasions. I know I feel safer from furrin weirdos, and that's worth anything.
George darkened our forums with this post!

"Dunno if I should share the horrific scene that's burned into my mind regarding that phone. Better not, just the memory of it is too danged yuck for words."

Your just not playing fair George... You know we want to know!!
I can't stand it!
Tell me tell me!! LOL
Oh garshk, I shouldn't have mentioned it. Families can be too embarrassing to share. Sorry if I led you down a nonexistent path.
An NCIS TV episode
A father rapes, kills his sons wife, the son in turn kills his father. Our hero is asked "What do they call it when this shit happens"
He response:
"I just call it family."

You may well wish to keep your past private to the extent you would spare us all.
Just know:
We all have "Families".
We all have scares and we all seek to heal them.":O}
Sorry Dan~. I'm sure other people's families are far worse than my own was, especially on TV! But I have to spare our faithful readers from that nightmarish vision from many, many years ago. I apologize for mentioning it.
Not at all George!
It wasn't my intention to persuade you to do so.

" All happy families are the same in their happiness.
All unhappy families are different in their unhappiness."

We be cool! ":O}
" All happy families are the same in their happiness.
All unhappy families are different in their unhappiness."

That is so true. I've known only a few happy families, at first I thought they were just acting happy. Yet some of them WERE happy. I was very fortunate to know them!
I confess, upon reflection, that I have never actually known a happy family..
It's been a thought that I have clung to keeping my hope alive...

I have come to think of happy family as a very uncommon achievement, one to inspire us all.
Come to think of it, I can remember only one happy family over all of my years. My first "real" as in we did just about everything together in H.S. girlfriend's family. Her family were genuinely happy, excepting her mother. Yet her mom was an interesting and nice person. Guess 100% happy families must be really rare.

It was shocking to learn that the rest of her family were genuinely happy. My own family was messed up and definitely not happy. I figured that all other families MUST be miserable. You go by what you know.

I'm so old that I can't blame any shortcomings in my personality on anyone but me. Kind of refreshing to remember this. If I'm not careful I tend to remember all of the bad things over the years. They hurt tbh. Punishing myself, I do that too much.
Worse, I'm not "laying up my treasures in heaven" by punishing myself. I'm rather certain that heaven and hell only exist in my day to day life here on earth. Why live in hell, it's to be avoided, not wallowed in. Or swallowed into. Wrong way, cloasters. Remember that!
A round thirty years ago, after a particularly nasty period of self punishment, I resolved to not make myself suffer one bit more...yeah, I'm still working on it...even this very night...but remembering that resolve and what brought me to it...has saved my ass more than a few times when all peace was about to depart in surrender to the emptiness of despair.

There are truths each of us is born to hate! ":O}

Here's one of mine:
"Do not pray for an easy life.
Pray for the shear strength it takes to survive a hard one."

I have always hated being told I needed to be or become Strong.

(As the I Ching is constantly doing to my great dis-pleasure!)

I would have probably never gained any strength at all if I had not grown so tired of suffering the pain all weakness brings with it... I guess in the long run it's true...
We do what we HAVE to do and grow stronger or it does us and we fail to thrive.

Man alone must struggle within himself to be born, to survive and to make a good death.

To all other creatures this was given. We alone must achieve it. and to my horror we must achieve it alone. None can step into our minds and set us a right, when we go wrong...we mostly go alone!

It is when we come round right that we become fit to meet others...

So let us my brothers keep company until we are fit to meet others! ":O}
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What a good post, you are still the man, Daniel~! Looks like making a good death is preceded by making a good life. We all try to accomplish this. If I could do that unwaveringly... perhaps I wouldn't be human. All of us have mountains to climb, some of us may have steeper peaks to conquer. Or perhaps we all think that. K2 for everybody? That is a mountain that shouts plainly and clearly: stay off of me unless you're stronger than King Kong. If you haven't seen it search for a few pics,
it is far more difficult than Everest. A whopping 784 feet shorter yet the killed climber ratio is far higher. By gum, I'm on the mental journey of climbing it now. Thank you for the inspiration!
  • I prefer the old view. I prefer thinking of Mountains as GODS!
So it has always seemed some what inappropriate to dance about on strings and talk of conquest.

To revere the mountain is to grasp something of man's limitations. Climbing the mountain does not extend those limitations.
It better defines them.

Valley is singing mountain's song

Becoming mountain,
is stillness
working in the clouds
gathering moisture
to polish Sun.

Becoming mountain
mountain roots
into the vale,

Becoming mountain
high and low






Becoming mountain

reveals valley
reveals plain.

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Amen, I can't gainsay that!
Good. very good! Because that's as good as it gets from me.
I very much felt more the editor than the author.
It was exciting, I couldn't wait to see what I was trying to say to me!

To my very great relief I once again know who I am and what I'm doing here... it's been a desert for so long!
at last some sign the root has not died. nothing has been gained, but neither has anything been lost.":O}

This one I might encourage the brief study of.

I can say no more, say no more.":O}

I Can't get GOL forums to release the alignment of the text so I can wander my words about the page, it keeps rounding them up and aligning them as if they were just any words to be
messed about with!
Can anyone tell me how?
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I remember OCing for the very first time with a Celeron 300. The processor was inexpensive compared to Pentium processors of the same vintage (its weakness was a very small L2 Cache). It came on a rather large supporting card (hope this isn't ancient history for everyone) with four solder traces that had to be interrupted in order to run the thing at 450 Mhz. IIRC. Most people covered the "pins" so that they couldn't contact their opposite numbers in the CPU's slot on the mainboard.

The danger of doing this was that if any one of the four solder "pins" contacted the juice it was supposed to get (when running normally) poof, dead processor.

I decided to get serious, I bought a magnifying visor and some needle files. Then I cut through the solder traces that led to the "pins," actually gold coated "fingers" on the bottom of the circuit board that the Celeron was mounted on.
Excellent, permanent overclocking, no chance of blue smoke!

Can't remember if this was before or after code name "Sledgehammer." I'm lucky to be able to buy a new CPU every five years or so. Truth be to tell, I don't really need the processing power I have in my latest box. But that guy Daniel~ insists on an i7, so is my i5 THAT much of a sin? I wish AMD made better processors and Intel made lousier ones.

You guys AMAZE me! How do you retain all this knowledge?
I mean, I was there! I was right along good 'ol George slicing and dicing soldering and sweating the little things...very little things for such hands as mine.

But I'd have to re-start on day one if I was wanting to do it again. As to my i7...I have a lot easier time explaining THAT than I do explain my video card...

Here's what I've told myself in order to get along with me when the light of critical thinking puts me into a corner.

"The heart hath reason
that reason knowth not.

Or put the same way,
The heart wants what the heart wants. and there 's, more often than we admit
no explanation that really illuminates this;

as "reason knowth not either what the heart wants of why it wants it. Reason merely acknowledges the desire, it can not explain it.

The heart TELLS reason what it wants and most often reason trots off to try and get it...Not to explain WHY it should try and get. At least reason knows this much:
I doing this because it's what the heart wants.":O}

I could talk about a great deal on buying this or that,, a game I wanted to play with 1st class hardware, because it's
1st class. But that doesn't really get me anywhere!
I really don't understand the vast majority of what I am doing with computers and I don't mean in a "There's always more to learn" kinda way.
I think on myself as a bread crumb computer user.
I go into our forum and follow the bread crumbs you guys have left out for me to follow.

I would have stopped long ago if personal humiliation meant anything to me at all, mostly it doesn't.

I can't let it, or I'd never be able to do anything!! ":O}

So Why an i7? Because I'm in love, even if I'm lazy.":O}
I remember ALL of this stuff. Lolz.

I also remember the memory management programs we used to run to fit games and such into the tiny memory capacities we had in DOS environments. EMM386 was the native, Microsoft DOS one, but QEMM was a third-party program, and I was a beta tester for that. It was tricky to do, but the only way to get those early games to run worth a damn.

I have only the vaguest of memories concerning DOS, I had a box with DOS on it and I found a few things like Stacker, QEMM , Norton's stuff...Stuff people told me I'd need if I wanted to install other stuff to see what that stuff did... I wasn't big on labels back then":O}

But what I do remember with great clarity:
Since 2001 Anything I've wanted to do with my computer, no matter how little interest my fellows might have in my project, SOMEBODY always stepped up to give me a hand.

I'm not talking 15 min. fixes here. I mean things that at times took WEEKS for them to figure out how to help .

Hell! I just thought...Maybe it's not the computers I'm in love with! LOL
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You were years ahead of me, Daniel! I knew that DOS existed but I started with Win 3.1. I'm told that Win3 was bad in comparison.

Watched a Twilight Zone episode from 1964 last night. The depiction of a mainframe was fairly accurate for the time, afaik. The trouble was that this big computer had a woman's name and was jealous of Wally Cox's love of a fellow programmer. It put Wally into all kinds of trouble, driving him around the bend in the end.
I don't know if I saw this episode when it was new, if so, I don't know if I knew what a computer was, I believe I'd heard of ENIAC.
What was kewel was knowing that my PC of today is far more powerful than that gigantic machine was then. Can I get a "naaner, naaner?"
I remember that you always charged ahead long before I picked up the clue phone, Dan. I'm certain that you and other Members of that long ago active web site always showered sugar plums of knowledge upon us that piqued my curiosity, and made me want a more capable machine. Of course I wanted to keep up with the Jones' that had real knowledge of what made PC's tick. Not to mention that I barely had a clue of where to plug in a mouse and keyboard!
You were years ahead of me, Daniel! I knew that DOS existed but I started with Win 3.1. I'm told that Win3 was bad in comparison.

Watched a Twilight Zone episode from 1964 last night. The depiction of a mainframe was fairly accurate for the time, afaik. The trouble was that this big computer had a woman's name and was jealous of Wally Cox's love of a fellow programmer. It put Wally into all kinds of trouble, driving him around the bend in the end.
I don't know if I saw this episode when it was new, if so, I don't know if I knew what a computer was, I believe I'd heard of ENIAC.
What was kewel was knowing that my PC of today is far more powerful than that gigantic machine was then. Can I get a "naaner, naaner?"

Wally Cox...MR.PEEPERS!!
I barely remember anything about the show...Except for Mr.Peepers.

I "think" he played a detective of some kind always coming up against 6 foot apes wanting to do Mr Peepers and his friends. harm.

Mr. Peepers used his "Uncanny" intellect rather than brute force to defeat his canny enemies.

Truthfully the only episode I have anything like a clear memory of has Mr. Peepers CRAMMED into a tight low ceiling basement with three of the afore mentioned thugs.

Mr Peepers cleverly sneaks a stick of dynamite from the satchel the thugs brought to do Mr. Peepers harm.

When they start to make their move Mr. Peepers ignites his lighter and holds the dynamite stick in the flame.

The onward rush to subdue Mr Peers freezes as they all stare in horror at Mr Peepers.

seeing their distress he consoles them.

Mr. Peepers:
"Don't worry dynamite requires a flame of at lest *450 F it explode.

On ward rush to grab Mr. Peepers resumes... Then is halted by largest thug"

"Largest thug:

Ah how hot is a match?"

Mr. Peepers:

"Ah... gee, I don't know."

Thugs exit.

Mr. Peepers fresh from the fight, triumphant, removes and thoroughly cleans and replaces his glasses.

If you have seen this episode
(And who hasn't!?)
and you know, then you MUST tell me!

In that incredibly intense moment when nobody knows how hot is to hot for dynamite,
Why didn't the thugs blow out Mr. Peepers lighter and beat him up like they did me!!??

(Was that to personal? Well it felt personal at the time to! ":O}
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