r9 m275x driver question

Looking back...
My memory sucks!
But I think I can account for this!
"I got stoned and I missed it
I got stoned and it went right on by"

But actually for some reason I have a very poor memory for computing and computers in general,
Probably Dyslexia related...sigh...
I'm resigned to the world passing me by. At 68 the world better be passing me by or who will take care of me LOL
I'm just trying to slow it's passing long enough for me to know what I've missed! ":O}
You are the man, ThunderRd! Beta testing back when Hector was a pup! I don't know who Hector was, tbh, but I like that old saw.

Didn't The Bill say "no one will ever need more than 64 Kb of RAM" once upon a time? His own products proved him wrong over not much time.
The guy was and is brilliant, I just don't like the shark part of his personality. Which becomes worse every day, imho.
Don't fret Dan~. I stopped smoking interesting stuff more than 25 years ago, but I forgot MUCH more than I remember about PC's. It was learned painfully, too. I used to insist that I knew something about computering to the friend who taught me just about everything I used to know. For instance, HDD's had tiny capacity in them daze. To gain space I once deleted all of the duplicated .dll files-- why would the machine need more than one copy of each? Well, it was Win 3.1 so one copy of each .dll was NOT enough. Crashed to the ground.
Talk about misplaced pride!
Yet Old King Cole was an infinitely patient soul, and I finally admitted that I knew nothing. Yay, much easier that way!
Predictions like the one about 640K being enough memory for all time are usually found wrong within the next 2 or three hours [or so.] Lolz.

In fact, Bill Gates denies that he said that at all.

I'm always interested in exotic, vintage gear like this stuff, that no one ever thought would be possible to mass produce:
hdd_forklift.jpg hdd2.jpg hdd.jpg
On the left, a 5MB hard disk being loaded into a plane with a forklift in 1956.
In the middle, a 250MB hard disk in 1979 in a clean room. At the same cost per MB as photo #3, it would have been worth $85,000
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OK Small Hard drives
My first box was a locally (Seattle) made box modestly titled the "Terminator". (Don't know which came first Arnold or my Box.
It came with a 250 meg. H.D.

Which was plenty of space for what I was doing...which was somewhere between exploration and nothing.
I had no use for a computer. AOL was to expensive and that was the only way I knew how to get on line. I didn't know why I would want to get on-line.

So I bought Norton utilities and defraged my hard drive twice a day.
(Hey who had the time for more! LOL ":O}

I spent a good deal of time trying to put all my files into one folder. It look less messy to me that way.
This is why I could only defefrag twice a day....I had to reinstall windows too! (I think it was 3.0 but I'm not sure at all.

Then STACKER a HD compression program came to me!
I personally believe that Stacker was created to frustrate and drive mad dyslexics everywhere!

So after a year of looking for something interesting, I could do
( A really limiting qualification)
I gave up and sold it. Waited 2-3 years and tried again. This time things were much better and Computing has been driving me crazy and bringing me pleasure every since!

I went on line, for some reason, having noting to do that was constructive , I wanted to do it much much faster!

So I went looking for an Overclocking site and found Overclockers.
There was not to much more out there that I could find.
O/C had a bulletin board that was languishing, Which pissed me off as I wanted them to teach me to O?C!!

So I contacted Joe and got him to let me create O/C forums and for a while life was good.

This computing stuff...It's a world to which I will never really belong. I lack several basic aptitudes.

But I found that I really liked a lot of the people I was meeting and I really like meeting people.

So I've done what I can, health permitting, to join with others and try and keep up as many associations as I can.

So TR...Did you buy one of those 5 meg wonders...or was there only one available? ":O}
You did well, how many posts do you have on AOA?
Daniel~ worked very, very hard for Overclockers (hiss, boo!). He made the site lively and extremely interesting. To acknowledge his great importance to Overclockers the owners kicked him in the head one lovely morning. Booted him from the site without a "how do you do," or even one word of thanks, iirc.
Unfreakin' believable but sadly, true.

Dan~ gives his heart and soul to AOA, aka www.aoaforums.com/forum. He has many, many thousands of posts on AOA. Far, far more than any other Member. I'll let him share that info if he wants to.
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Great post on computer history, thank you ThunderRd! They sure knew how to cram bits and bytes on to hard disks in 1956, not to mention in '79 and that $3398.00 10 Mb HDD was a steal at any price. Mama mia! IIRC, my first HDD was 25 Mb. Mb's were even small in those days of old.
And they are all meaningful posts. What a man, I gotta tell ya! :)
I don't even have half as many after all these years. And many of mine at least border on the not so sensible. :rolleyes:
My first (and only real job) with computers was being put in charge of the room that contained the mainframe at Sonoma State University in northern California. It was in 1975 and yes, it's hard to believe. Of course, I was such a "master" of the beast that I was permitted to type one thing and one thing only into the terminal. I still remember, it was "1rd." Without the "period." Prompted by the three "dings" from an invisible sound source.
Which meant "ready to receive a print job" from Cal State U at Northridge. Wowsa, that large impact printer went like lightning, even inside it's box it was really loud.
People who had jobs for the beast brought in their HDD's--which were multiple stacked disks inside what looked very much like the "cake protectors" found in diners of the era. They'd put in the "cake protector," then remove its shell, leaving the disks in a drive.

I learned about the vacuum column that made it possible for the two the tape reels to spin in opposite directions. I thought that was very cool. Who knew?

My other part time job for that semester (I was taking 16 credits, ouch) was driving the town's only taxi for the graveyard shift. The mainframe job was easy, the taxi was mostly a pain. Ah, memories.

Nineteen years later I received my first PC. Fast schedule, or what?
My first (and only real job) with computers was being put in charge of the room that contained the mainframe at Sonoma State University in northern California. It was in 1975 and yes, it's hard to believe. Of course, I was such a "master" of the beast that I was permitted to type one thing and one thing only into the terminal. I still remember, it was "1rd." Without the "period." Prompted by the three "dings" from an invisible sound source.
Which meant "ready to receive a print job" from Cal State U at Northridge. Wowsa, that large impact printer went like lightning, even inside it's box it was really loud.
People who had jobs for the beast brought in their HDD's--which were multiple stacked disks inside what looked very much like the "cake protectors" found in diners of the era. They'd put in the "cake protector," then remove its shell, leaving the disks in a drive.

I learned about the vacuum column that made it possible for the two the tape reels to spin in opposite directions. I thought that was very cool. Who knew?

My other part time job for that semester (I was taking 16 credits, ouch) was driving the town's only taxi for the graveyard shift. The mainframe job was easy, the taxi was mostly a pain. Ah, memories.

Nineteen years later I received my first PC. Fast schedule, or what?

"Life takes the thoughtful man on a path of many windings," ":O}
I learned about the vacuum column that made it possible for the two the tape reels to spin in opposite directions. I thought that was very cool. Who knew?

My other part time job for that semester (I was taking 16 credits, ouch) was driving the town's only taxi for the graveyard shift. The mainframe job was easy, the taxi was mostly a pain. Ah, memories.

Nineteen years later I received my first PC. Fast schedule, or what?
wow, very cool. I've never touched a database, well then again I was born in 67 :p
so the only task you had was to type three characters and hit Enter? Thats it?
I never messed with a database. I think I was getting Minimum Wage for that work-study "job." There was only a terminal without any screen. I don't recall having to hit "Enter" after the "1rd." "Enter" was probably above my pay grade. An older guy who knew things about computers taught me about the vacuum column, which I thought was super cool. You knew you were watching a cheap sci-fi movie if the tape machine's reels only moved in the same direction. And we played text only games that were pretty sophisticated--but not on the mainframe, iirc.
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nice, text only games... :p I don't think I would have the patience to play them.

I bet the "higher paying" position hit Enter for you.
I don't remember about "Enter," but I don't think it was needed. "Ready to receive print job" was enough, iirc.
The text-only games were well written and interesting. Sure was a long way to the superlative realistic video games of today. 41 years, aii!
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