At which point and how will you begin to bring about your sincere wish for all of us?
"The Year of living dangerously"
The narrator
( a reporter there to witness the human tragedy unfold.)
is confronted with inescapable corruption and overwhelming poverty. In a far Eastern country
The worst living conditions we can force upon one another. Living in sampans floating in their sewage.
He Asks then answers the eternal question of men and women of good will.
"What then must we do?
When millions are suffering, and we are alone and without power,...
what then must we do?
We must take the one God puts in front of us and help that one keep their head above water until they are strong enough to help the one God puts in front of them."
There are those who could spend a lifetime with the oracle and not really befit from it at all.
I'm here to make sure you don't.
I'm here to tell you what the game really is With all the lies and mistaken assumptions surrounding spiritual endeavors...I'm here to tell you the truth.
We are here to curb evil and further the good.
AS that's our collective intended purpose that is what the oracle teaches men how to do. Long before we turn our attention to the outer world we must set to work upon ourselves.
The oracle shapes the man who is open to it's teachings. This isn't about fortune telling. This is self unification
by way of:
"purity of heart is to will one thing." (The Good)
Self transformation by way of sacrifice by way of giving up those things that must lead to human unhappiness. in order to know joy by way of understanding.
"When a man penetrates something he has joy."
So the trick lies in displacement. Every line in the I-Ching is refined, pure. dense in meaning and weighty.
The water that rises from the deep displaces the water at the top, pushing it outwards We are not to fight evil, we are to make energetic progress in the Good.
The I-Ching replaces opinion with knowledge gleaned over the millennium from the experiences of Millions upon millions of minds tunned to this endeavor.
The I-Ching will "tune" you to this endeavor.
I do not stand before you alone. My lineage stretches back into pre history China and reaches forward to the Heavens.
My Linage watches over this worlds
"Out going and returning spirits"
My linage watches over me. It's only because I walk in their purified steps and follow a path that has been walked by billions of feet that I have any confidence in my own journey. My doubts are almost never silenced except when I put foot to path.
Then I swear in my heart I can feel the warmth of the feet walking just ahead of me, keeping the trail clear and the progress clean and without blame.
Make no mistake. You are entering regions where stars born and men follow the sages to enter their light.
Each has it's own solemn grace and majesty.
( Yes that is a bit unclear, it has to be, you figure it out! )
if the road wasn't hard it could not build and unite you. It could not focus you upon your task at hand.
The simple truth is, like the oracle I must wait to be asked. Only then will I know you are receptive to my answer.
I can jaw bone on about this aspect of the journey or really can't hurt you. I enjoy my pontificating, but it really can't help you.
What will help you is to open the book. Empty yourself of what resistance you can and summon your utmost sincerity, ask your question and begin your journey.
Until your on your journey you will not have the questions that bring teacher and student together and blesses both.
But haven't you always been on this journey?
The Answer is no. You've been on your journey.
You stand at the gates of a very different thing.
Something orders of magnitude clearer in it's thinking. drawn from the deepest stratum of human experience.
"The I-Ching will get you to the church on time!"
The more of yourself you place before it's scrutiny, The more deeply you take it's teachings into your self
(The Oracle will tell you how!)
the greater it's impact will be upon your life and the lives around you.
Your amateurs.You have but the experience of a single lifetime.
The insights of but a few minds.
Your about to enter the pros. Generation upon generation of research and experimentation into how best to curb evil and further the good in men.
The I-Ching will instruct the right man upon how this is accomplished. I falls to us to become the right men.
If you wish to, you can enter a multi-dimensional cosmos and learn your own unique per-destined place there in.
The Oracle reproduces the the entire cosmos second by second in exact symbolic representation. Much as Math seeks to do in it's way, but math can also become the world stripped of it's deepest truths. We must all pray that math avoids this pitfall as everything seems to ride upon it now.
This is mystery within mystery! This is man becoming more than man by helping the one God puts before you.
But ya gotta pay the price. Ya gotta walk the path, you must energetically undertake the teachings.
You must commit. If you seek commitment. If you want it's help you must offer your own and the book will tell you how.
Really right now the most help I can be is to tell you I have walked this path for over 50 years. As I reflect upon those years I am put in mind of how the Muslim Sage Malcolm X summarized his life:
"All prise be to Allah
Only the mistakes were my own."
(What a perfect statement of humility!)
This is a true path you can walk where others have walked and see what they have seen.
But if the path wasn't hard it would not be the measure of you. It could not fulfill you.
This way is no easier than any other legitimate path.
Stop and look!
I'm trying to push everyone who comes this way into the lathe of Heaven!
To be carved by the finger of God.
I want them to lay out in the suns light under the hammer of God!
To be burned, hammered until you are the light until you are the reason the light shines.
Are you willing to be carved by the coins just to see what's at the heart of you?
Just to please a God who doesn't even say hello?
Then there might be something here for you.
Start slow take baby steps, it easier for the sages to hit you if your not moving very fast. they are getting a bit old now you see.":O}