List of Games

I'm currently testing Warhammer 40K: Space Marine in PlayOnLinux. Not having a lot of success, but the guys at PlayOnLinux are going to help me out.
Of course it turns out to be a Steam game. I purchased the retail DVD from Amazon to avoid Steam and what-do-ya-know... its Steam.

I have also tried playing Lost Planet: Extreme Conditions (of course Steam again) and finally got it to launch. It was originally made for Xbox so there are some controller drivers that have some problems in Linux. For now I can launch it but can't do anything with the mouse.
The next game I am going to test is Just Cause 2.
Once again, a Steam game, but I actually loved it!!! so it better run!

Nevermind, just read that Just Cause 2 is a DirectX 10 game only... no DirectX 9 support and Wine doesn't work with DirectX 10 yet. Guess this one goes back on the shelf
Did I post anywhere that Legend of Grimrock is running GREAT!
No problems here in PlayOnLinux!


Darkest of Days

I was able to run Darkest of Days in PlayOnLinux.
Installation was a breeze and I could run it smoothly with:
  • 1440x900 resolution
  • x16 anti-alias
  • x16 anisotrophic
  • Ambient Occlusion on
The game looked beautiful and was pretty darn fun!
It kinda mixes Wolfenstein with Call of Duty



I was also able to run Flatout from the provided script in PlayOnLinux.
Once again installation was smooth and no problems.
I even played it with my Logitech dual action controller!



One more game...

This one is a classic!!!

$6 Arx Fatalis

Action Role Playing first person game... reminds me a lot of Dark Messiah
Arx Fatalis was way before-its-time with features like in-game movable objects, bump mapping and first person RPG elements.
Its not an open world, but there are a lot of dungeons, caverns, castles and swamps...



Played Neverwinter Free MMO this weekend and it runs GREAT in PlayOnLinux.
I created a thread here: Neverwinter
I'd like to see Uncharted Waters (Netmarbles) work on Linux. The only reason I still use Windows at all is because I haven't gotten this game to run via PlayOnLinux. I have the Steam version but, I can figure the Steam part out easily enough after we figure out how to get the game to run.
Netmarbles doesn't work even in Wine I've read on WineHQ
As you can see I got Crysis to finally run and Mirror's Edge.
This weekend I'm going to work on Command & Conqueror 3: Uprising
I really need more Strategy guides....