Holy horsepoop Batman...

A Very hard question indeed. We have a neighbor that is in genuine distress. This guy has been hit by lighting several times, run over by a truck and numerous a sundry illnesses, bi- polar.

His needs are REAL. he comes by daily. Mostly asking for pot which we supply along with some occasional cash.

For all he has been though, he is a rather sweet Natured man.

His need is such that he comes by every day. He asks for work but there is little to do in a trailer park.
But Patti has been digging up things she would like to have done that she thinks he may be able to handle.

At first I welcomed him. then I found myself a little resentful at having been asked every day to help.
After a bit of soul searching I rectified myself. His needs are as real as my own.

So now we do what we can without harming ourselves and leave, as we must, the rest in God's hands.

I feel we should all do what we can, even give up a bit if we need to in order to help those God has placed before us,

But I also think that to give to much so that we are pulled down into a position that we can no longer help ourselves is a serious mistake,

Two in a hole doesn't get anyone out of the hole. So we circle our friend like a black hole. Throwing him a line, but being careful not to be pulled in.

It's all complicated by the fact that in a trailer park with 12-15 spaces he is one of three bi-polar people all in need of at lest some assistance.

It's all made easier by the fact that we are community. We all pitch in to meet their needs as best we can.

They are feed and warm. So we feel full and comfortable

Row, the trailer park saint has been grabbing up old worn out trailers, fixing them up just a bit so they are livable.. They don't have hook ups as they are occupying a empty place in our park, not a space with water power and sewage. so they must haul water and sewage. .They charge their batteries,( Row, found them batteries). from our power.
We've managed to scrounge up a few good tarps to cover and rain proof their small trailers for winter.

If one looks it becomes very clear that our Bi-polars are what keeps this place happy and content. Their needs and meeting them creates our community.
I'm very happy to learn that you are helping your neighbors who really need it. Sometimes it's easier to avoid folks in need than to deal humanely with them. Well done!

TTBMK, my friend doesn't suffer from any mental illness. Yet she is in a most difficult situation. I voice mailed her yesterday saying I'm willing to help her financially, which means at least two grand to me. I don't know if it's enough but it should help move her essential belongings into safe storage. She says she can't live where she does in the Central Valley any longer.

I don't blame her at all, a few days in that zone makes me want to escape their forever. So far I have, yaay!! But it's only luck that I can live in green country. Time to repeat my offer on her phone mail.
If she is short on cash and likely to remain so...have her look into buying a trailer. I know it's not for everyone, but it does cover nearly everyone who is poor.
All she can count on is her dead husband's monthly check for disability from the VA, plus a SS check that isn't all that. Thank you for the advice, but I'd be very surprised if she would "go mobile."
I can't afford to help her as much as she needs. I insist on leaving a few grand in the bank. Selfish? Probably.
Not selfish. You don't have to give up your life to be generous. Just share it. Sharing means that you must keep some to meet your own needs.

As with all things we must try and be content with what we are able to do. To try to do more than we are able leads directly into disaster.
Inflation is much worse than admitted to by gummint. I actually had five figures in the bank. So much less now. Now that I'm pushing 70 yoa it no longer seems like a ridiculous amount of years to achieve. Old people with no money are in rather severe danger. Thank you very much for helping me to see that I simply can't ruin myself in aid of another!
She doesn't want to leave California. She knows no one in Oregon, but has friends in the golden state. She feels compelled to help her mentally ill son, this keeps her chained to northern California.

I want her to ditch her three bad sons. She says she wishes to but I fear that she can't really make a real break from them.

Some people really have genuine obstacles to handle. We all do, but she's really belabored with hers.
You have done all you can do and everything one would hope for from a friend.
don't continue to beat yourself up once you have done all that was yours to do.

you reached out, You gave assistance, now leave it before it begins to pull you down.

obscurantionts. She will see when the karmic obscurations have spent themselves.
Karmic obscuration. That's a new one for me. I will keep in close touch with her as long as she wants to. And help her financially, but not beyond the level of pain my cash hill, err molehill can stand.