we've been friends a long time George, so as yo friend I ask you to re-think this whole thing.
Your allowing emotionalism to cloud your view of life.
Your bitterness is plain and easy to understand. But bitterness on that account can not be allowed to rule over you.
The world is what it is and no one asked your permission or mine to continue to be so.
The world has no need of your or my approval. It could care less about your complaints.
Here's the function of anger and bitterness as to the role they play in our lives. Their only purpose its to rob you of every moment of happiness. They serve no other function, they have no other purpose.
Anger and bitterness are parasites.They contribute nothing to our well being.
When you express anger and bitterness you contribute nothing to our well being.Neither has ever brought about the just resolution of any problem.
You get angry with me because I refuse to except anger and bitter views that are not in accord with my most basic reality.
I encourage you to read for any and every reason. But if what you read is not conducive to a clear view of the world you live in, if it does not elevate your sensibilities and form in you a desire to to gain an unobstructed view of humanity...then what good is it to you?
Your choking George on knowledge you have used to harm your self and your interactions with me....oh! and probably the rest of the world.":O}
What is really of the spirit can never be harmed by what men do. They can partake of that spirit as their natural right. Even in hell men can reach for the light should they wish to do so. But those who are in hell become trapped by a stubborn refusal to see the light everywhere still shining for those who wish to see it.
I have had the pleasure of spending a fiery amount of time in several kinds of hell....but really hell is without distinction...it's always the same. It's hell.
It's been said that hell is the impossibility of reason.I would say it is the track that hell runs upon, but the real train that runs though all hell is the refusal of faulty reason to transcend itself and become love of the other than...
trade reason for a loving understanding of the work of the world.
As I have said before this world has has a direction in which it always moves. It moves toward refinement. In creating and destroying it moves towards refinement.
You do not love this world enough to understand it. I do.
So if we are to grow closer one of us must change. But who needs a bitter unloving Daniel?
Not nobody in this world.
You need to come my way George. You need to leave bitterness behind you. You need your own personal connection to the light. This will never be found in anger, but in a just and moderate view of this world.
You think yourself apart from the corruption in the is world. Your Not! You and I are the source of it's corruption.
It arises from us! It arises every time I place my good over the good of all. Each time we do this we open a fresh new window upon our personal hell.
I have been where you are and can tell you it is as dust. a dry and barren land that kills all satisfaction in life.
But the light remains undiminished by my refusal to see it.
You may take the words of my teacher quite literally when he instructs us with this insight.
All the world is a prayer, whether I pray or no
And the prayer I might have prayed
God heard and knew as tho
---Allan W. Anderson
I bring his words up now as it seems to me you have a choice to make....Or it will be made for you by habit.
Remain concentrated upon the evils of this world, which are in fact many unto unending.
Or look up and within.
Babies are being born this very day,
This very afternoon a nipple is being found
This very evening eyes will open upon this world
for the very first time in the history of light!
This very night soft eyes are closing
upon the darkness and receive mothers kiss.
What was sewn into our beginnings
will see us though that long night
Where a fathers love is made of light
and while we slumber is never out of sight.
Your standing in the shadows
Come by me
Come into the light.