Have you ever noticed something in its absence?

LOL. It's funny but doctors seem to discount much of what you tell them when it's the gospel truth about yourself. That's too bad when it causes extra suffering. C'est la vie.
It's somewhat weird to see six of them at the foot of your bed. I said "bow before me!" but they refused. Oh well, I'd refuse too!
Not unless you paid for a single room. With a single room they should have bowed before you, for sure dude!
Sometimes being a veteran pays off. The VA can cure you or kill you. Fortunately they pretty much saved my life. I have an old friend who suffered from an exploded gall bladder. Holy moly--we never want that to happen to us. He was in a coma for twelve days-and inflated to twice his normal size. His whole body looked like the Michelin man. Dunno how his skin could take the pressure.

I thought my abdomen or stomach hurt too much. I am so lucky that I decided to go the the Seattle VA hospital. I'm recovering OK now--phew!
We seldom know what we have been spared. When we do, gratitude naturally arises.
In gratitude we give our thanks that life can go on.

I give my thanks that your life has be allowed to continue. That we have been allowed to continue towards our completion.

That Heaven has received our prayers that we might receive Heaven's prayer in our hearts and rejoice in George's recovery and continuation in this place and time.

Stay with us George we have yet much to do together. ":O}
I think you have to define terrorist before that question can be answered.

Some so-called terrorists are acting alone, and may be unstable people who always were heading for trouble. They just want to harm people, for whatever twisted reason.

Making out that they're acting in support of some terrorist organisation could be a way of disguising the fact that they're simply mad.

They may be insane and delusional and actually believe that they're some kind of freedom fighter, or whatever it is going on their head.

That kind of person less likely to successfully attack Trump, because they just don't have the resources or know-how to do that. Far easier to just drive a car down the street hitting people at random.
No worries! The planet as we know it will probably be outlasted by human stupidity.
We will be immortalized throughout the Galaxy. We will inter into the legends of peoples not yet born.

As the dolts that allowed a few rich assholes 5to kill our entire world...We will never cease to be talked about.

We will be known as the mad sex devils who invented self genocide.

Then put it into practice.
Because we are unworthy after justice
Mercy and her sister forgiveness alone can make us whole again.