Baddies release potent dDos software for Iot.

I didn't say that your sources of information are not to be trusted. I apologize, I didn't mean to assert that. My complaint is that nearly every news source that I see in our country is biased and far from truthful---about anything.
This is only my opinion, and everyone has one.

I am not a fan of Mr Trump and I certainly won't vote for him. However, he is right about a very few subjects. How does the saying go? "Even the blind horse gets a few chestnuts," or something like that.
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I doubt any of us are fans of any of these people.
It's just that Putin is taking lives to gain territory as I type this. From every source that I find creditable, The Russians, Putin has his thumb print on this, Have hacked our Government servers as well as The DNC, Once this things opens up I expect that we will find they've hack quite a few of our Corporate servers as well. I also think that now that We've been hacked many other countries have Russian hacks waiting to be discovered.

My take on the whole hacking thing? Just because I was an innocent or lazy in building my house without locks...Does not mean you can come in and rape my wife

This is without exaggeration, an act of war..

We have to much at stake to not find ways and means of forcefully curbing Putin's attack upon the USA... And oh yeah maybe think about putting a lock on the front door tonight, the worlds more dangerous everyday.":O}
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Absolutely, let's carry on blaming Putin and the Russians for everything that Hillary and company don't like. As far as I can tell the Democratic National Committee's computers have been hacked by Wikileaks. Believe it or not as you wish, Wikileaks is not the Russian government.
"Talking lies to gain territory?" What territory are you talking about? Sorry, I see a different picture.

Mrs Clinton is a warmonger, plain and simple. If you want her to declare war with Russia, that's your opinion.
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According to an article on Slashdot it looks like the Russians have been involved in the south easternmost would be breakaway provinces in Ukraine a lot more than they've admitted to. Donetsk is 75% inhabited by Russian speakers and Luhansk has 69% of its population as speakers of the Russian language.

All of this turmoil in Ukraine was brought about by the removal of the fairly elected president Viktor Yanukovych by an American sponsored coup.
Many Ukrainians saw him as too close to Russia. Instead of removing him from office by Constitutional means 5 billion dollars of American money was used to oust him. Sadly, no peace has come to the troubled country since our meddling began.

Most Ukrainians speak both Ukrainian and Russian. What may well have remained a tempest in a teapot was agitated by the US in support of corporate expansion and power. Carefully examining the history of our meddling in other country's problems reveals a history mostly devoid of care for other people's freedom and well being. That's an ugly truth that isn't taught by the standard curricula in our schools. WWII was an exception and was also the last war we won. We conquered the Empire of Japan. The truth of the matter is that we owe the Soviet Union most of the honor of winning the war in Europe. Compare the amount of soldiers we lost and the scale of our involvement. No comparison.

"War is a Racket" by retired Marine Major-General Smedley Butler reveals the truth about America's concept of war against smaller powers. Google it if you have the time and inclination. It's available for free on line.
Sorry ,It should have read trading lives for territory.
As for the rest, I'm content to l;et this go as no progress seems possible at this time.":O}
You're being awfully accommodating lately. Mellowing in your old age? :D
No doubt that my enthusiasm wanes when I feel that a difference in perspective is more likely to bar mutual understanding than to find common ground..

Added to That, it's my own view that there's not likely a government on Earth that would give 2 cents for it's civilian population;s well being..

There is no peace but inner peace..sadly, that IS the only peace and we must give it to ourselves.

So I'd rather talk about cultivating inner peace. That's all the war I need! LOL
Absolutely, let's carry on blaming Putin and the Russians for everything that Hillary and company don't like. As far as I can tell the Democratic National Committee's computers have been hacked by Wikileaks. Believe it or not as you wish, Wikileaks is not the Russian government.
"Talking lies to gain territory?" What territory are you talking about? Sorry, I see a different picture.

Mrs Clinton is a warmonger, plain and simple. If you want her to declare war with Russia, that's your opinion.
I don't blame Putin for your rash and ill considered approach to me. I'm not your enemy.":O}
I agree that every government is unworthy of support by its citizens, oops, victims. Under the bus we are all thrown with glee by the powers that be. I don't want to be anyone's enemy. Inner peace is too far away from me for my own good. I'll fill out my ballot to the best of my ability and try to forget the subject of politics for life.
Peace is found only in the "Now:."

Lucky for us that's where we live....Right? ":O}

"All thinking that goes beyond the immediate situation...only makes the heart sore"

The Book of Chun
A.K.A. The I-Ching.
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I know it seems slippery at first...but if you think about it...what could be more "Now" than you! ":O}
I try to remember something Ricky Lee Jones sang...

"There is no sorrow that heaven can not heal."

Waiting is most often what I do in the now..

"In advancing and retreating one must go with the time."

My teacher once told me that 99% of a mans life is spent in waiting..And yet the Now still finds time for advancing and retreating! ":O}
Wanting, desire, ambition all trouble the waters.and make waiting a struggle. When we can put aside what we want we lose the urgency that pulls and pushes us away from simply being and observing being.

I can't tell you more as I'm still waiting. for the now to arrive that I can not hide me in or from.

Hexagram 27

."Waiting for nourishment".

. in which it is said:

"nourishment comes in it's own time."

"all beings have need of Nourishment. We can can not make it come. For this we must wait."
"Waiting is."

Waiting is how we greet and enter the now.
Waiting hits upon the right time in which to act.
Waiting delivers us in innocence to the Now

. Innocence, undisturbed by desire, alone can completely embrace and express the Now without losing touch with oneself. or the world..

For innocence has no anterior motives.
The Now is innocent and innocence is always being expressed in and by now.

Well it seems I could tell you a "little" more and did! ":O}
If innocence is Now... little shorter than I'd like in the innocence department. The older I get the more un-good I realize I am. Looks like just desserts don't taste so sweet. Argh.