Who's heard Little Richard sing "Shake a Hand"?

David Gilmour David Bowie - Comfortably Numb

That's a great version. I like how Richard doubles the vocal under David Bowie's styling of the 'Medic' lines. [3:20] Sounds like a cross between Bowie and Waters, really cool.

Then when David Gilmour comes in with the 'Pink' lines, it's just like the original, he is perfect.
New Rick interview with the legendary Steve Gadd, drummer extraordinaire

When I was a two strip red belt in TKD I met a pro drummer/He ask how much time I spent in training and I told him and asked after his practice time.

i was shocked!
He replied "Never "

I replied
"Then you have a gift."
since then I have often wondered
Are all drummers gifted?
When Van journeyed into
"That unknown but remember place
and knew it for the first time"
T.S. Elliott
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A mystic is one who is unsatisfied by words however well spoken, however well refined and clear

A mystic must find and know of God on his own.

For the poor mystic it's all or nothing and every moment his very soul hangs in the balance.
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This is one of the few that I consider to be perfect in every way. Not really that much of a Billy fan

But this is perfect in every way that I can see and hear it

Hows this for a self contradicting sentence
"God knows I've never been a spiritual man."
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I know i very recently posted this But I neglected to tell you something.
This IS the path to enlightenment which I now in humility place before you. Enjoy our feast it can end every hunger and give service to every need.

We are hard wired to smile when amused or happy.
But did you know that it's bi-directional?

If you smile right now your spirits will be lifted.Its actually physiological. When we are happy we smile
when we smile we grow happier.

I now smile before I pray. We were given a smile to help along the way. This song is many things.
But i encounter it as an acoustic smile of divine origens
as evey smile is.
