Who's heard Little Richard sing "Shake a Hand"?

It's funny that Joe says he went with Belushi to a Benihana's, and John took over the cooking in a very sloppy fashion. I wonder if that evening was the inspiration for this SNL sketch. Go to 3:50 for Belushi cooking, Benihana style, lolz:

Great blast from the past. Thank you for the trip down Sentimental Main St!
The Foundations Build Me Up Buttercup 1968

Garduated HS in '68. Robin Williams graduated same high school in '69. Another person FAR more talented than yours truly. Wherever he walked around school the four best looking girls in the school accompanied him. Hard to match that.
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Those guys were a complete enigma. It was a love/hate relationship between three very talented guys, who in the end couldn't sustain the relationship. Watch this:

Sometimes a peach falls from the tree into our hand.
But mostly we must grub in the dirt to get a potato.":O}
Possibility the funnest thing I've ever ever seen.How much of an impression did it make on me?
Well I taught my parrot say::
"Oh no it's Mr. Hands!
Let go let go, let go Mr hands!"
So yeah, it made an impression on me!

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a song that has haunted me half my life. lost it for decades and rejoiced to re-find it.
I had several like Joann in my life...and they took a toll.

The Foundations Build Me Up Buttercup 1968

Garduated HS in '68. Robin Williams graduated same high school in '69. Another person FAR more talented than yours truly. Wherever he walked around school the four best looking girls in the school accompanied him. Hard to match that.
Look at it this way. now those 4 chicks will have to choose a corpse over you.

BTW Thanks for the song, never knew who did it.
Possibility the funnest thing I've ever ever seen.How much of an impression did it make on me?
Well I taught my parrot say::
"Oh no it's Mr. Hands!
Let go let go, let go Mr hands!"
So yeah, it made an impression on me!


I liked The Mr Bill Show a lot. Don't think I would today...Sluggo always won.