Which ever way the wind blows

It sounds like you found the very best situation for your trailer and exactly the best place for you to live. I'm happy for you!
Don't know how long this strangely cold winter will make the snow stay frozen around you. Yet you're coping with it very well, we doff our caps in salute.

I thought that wild animals were only found in zoos? I dislike the concept of a zoo. Sure, it's nice that little kids get to see some of the wild world but imprisoning the rapidly diminishing wild doesn't seem right. There's too little of the wild left and too many people are taking over former naturally wild places.

Glad that your plan of moving into a bigger home is coming along nicely!

We will be passing the time of waiting together. There is a 7 person chain reaction upgrade beginning and set in motion when Row and Wess's new trailer arrives. When you think about it that's not a bad upgrade for a park of 14 trailers.all of us will see a direct benefit. The other half will benefit indirectly.

As furniture not needed as well as extra propane tanks, tarps, and many other camp necessities are replaced and the old are given away.

News today of another chain that might be forming as someone else buys a new used trailer and sells what they now have...That may or may not work out. I have been considerably wealthier than I am today.
But I have never been so well off.
Nor have the people that surround me. They are my true source of wealth now.
with out my neighbors we could not sustain ourselves here.

We are becoming a village, we are becoming tribe.
I think I've scoped out what the elk are doing.
(That was probably a bad choice of words.)

Ours is the closest trailer to Green river. we sit roughly parallel to the river. The camp does a figure 8 behind us thus blocking ever ones view of the river side of our trailer. They are hiding out!

Yesterday after a lengthy visit they walked down to the river banks still deep with snow. Then they walked out into the river up to their belly bottoms. They just stood there for over an hour. I think they may have been sheding themselves of parasites, but I'm just guessing.
I once visited the Seattle Zoo I had been many times to the San Diego zoo which is everything people say it is, Vast humane and accessible. I loved going there.
But my last visit to a Zoo was in Seattle.

For some reason the minute I had the gate the gate hit me.
I was no longer visiting a zoo. I was witnessing the imprisonment of all life on earth.
The future was no longer mine.

The bars, motes and glass that separated us,
in separating they imprisoned us all.

"If one of us is in chains..."

Hasn't left me since. We do not have the right. We did not create this world and we do not hold the deed.
We are but one of millions of species all of which can claim as much right to be here as we have.

None of which are actively involved it the destruction of the ecology we use to share with what I would describe as a loving grace.

Early man understood that he walked this world having in no way earned a place here.
They felt the blood debt with every life they took. They sought forgiveness both from the slain animal and the one that created it. They wanted the heavens to know that they did so only out of need and in keeping with all the predators of the Earth.

So I don't go to the zoo anymore. I can't stand the humiliation to be found by imprisoning the innocent to serve our desires. We have lost the right to walk among the animals when we decided they were here solely to serve us rather than the one who created them.

We humans are one piece of work. And we have the unmitigated crust to imagine ourselves as the pinnacle of creation. Insects, which are very important for birds to have to eat among more reasons are dying off at a spectacular rate. Those shields that used to divert the slipstream of a vehicle so that bugs would miss the windshield are no longer a necessity.

When I think of homo sapiens my very first following thought is "kill, kill, kill." Maybe some people don't follow that "rule" but Americans certainly do. We are all about killing, we think of it as a NORMAL activity.
We have people that think and don't follow that golden rule to KILL, but too many of us accept it as part of our daily routine.

There I go again, dumping on America. Well too bad, the truth of the matter is that our country is hated and greatly feared across the entire world. That was even before this latest monstrous thing claimed the White House.
We will be passing the time of waiting together. There is a 7 person chain reaction upgrade beginning and set in motion when Row and Wess's new trailer arrives. When you think about it that's not a bad upgrade for a park of 14 trailers.all of us will see a direct benefit. The other half will benefit indirectly.

As furniture not needed as well as extra propane tanks, tarps, and many other camp necessities are replaced and the old are given away.

News today of another chain that might be forming as someone else buys a new used trailer and sells what they now have...That may or may not work out. I have been considerably wealthier than I am today.
But I have never been so well off.
Nor have the people that surround me. They are my true source of wealth now.
with out my neighbors we could not sustain ourselves here.

We are becoming a village, we are becoming tribe.

It is SO VERY cool to be able to say that you have found the right place to live during your as some say, golden years.
You are a fortunate man mi amigo.
I think I've scoped out what the elk are doing.
(That was probably a bad choice of words.)

Ours is the closest trailer to Green river. we sit roughly parallel to the river. The camp does a figure 8 behind us thus blocking ever ones view of the river side of our trailer. They are hiding out!

Yesterday after a lengthy visit they walked down to the river banks still deep with snow. Then they walked out into the river up to their belly bottoms. They just stood there for over an hour. I think they may have been sheding themselves of parasites, but I'm just guessing.

Assuming that the elk decide to not attack your home I think you deserve a well done. What a great place to live!
A bull and his 15 cows made their way past my trailer, they linger, move a bit and linger some more. 3 were tagged They all look supremely heath and robust.
A bull and his 15 cows made their way past my trailer, they linger, move a bit and linger some more. 3 were tagged They all look supremely heath and robust.

That is one fantastic herd, and it's your very own. Some guys just know where to live, I got's to tell ya.
Wish you could be here.But you seem to have settled in nicely where you are. Let me know if that ever changes.";O}
Thank you Dan, but I think it's the city life for me. I'd probably be a-skeered of them Elks! And there must be bears too. Oh my!
Maybe the next time around....":O}
1/2 of all humanity now lives the city life.
By 2050 that will be 2/3's.

I am so just so very sure Nature will miss us! LOL
Only if we leave it in peace. But Capitalism in its current form DEMANDS the destruction of all nature and this means the destruction of us all. The complete myth that we are the masters of nature is so very ridiculous. Mother Nature has always been large and in charge.
True, but remember that men must live and breathe what an angel only sees.
In other words, humanity is were the rubber meets the road. We are not theoretical creatures.
We are the nexus between spirit and nature and must learn to mediate both.

No easy journey that starts with dropping out of the safety of trees and ends somewhere beyond walking on the moon. Were still in our baby days.

"Just give me many chances
many chances
to learn to crawl."

Ricky Lee Jones
It is SO VERY cool to be able to say that you have found the right place to live during your as some say, golden years.
You are a fortunate man mi amigo.
Considering that poverty rather than wealth brought us here...Very fortunate indeed!!
A friend lived in Nome for two years. He was a member of the Army Reserve and they needed a helicopter mechanic there. He and his wife came back to California none the worse for wear.
Ah Nome.what life must be like in the Big city!! With the press of humanity all about you
How I miss the big city lights! ":O}